Everything posted by halomaster96
The LEGO Batman Movie Set/CMF Rumors & Discussion
I know its been a while since SDCC, but I was at the WB panel (where the Lego Batman trailer was shown). Before the trailer they had a line-up of all the heroes and villains from the film. I regret not taking any pictures (as I thought it'd be put up online), but the most memorable of all of them, to me, was a perfect Jim Gordon figure. It looked similar to the one from Batman Arkham Knight with bvs Superman's hair in grey. I also remember that I thought the Two-Face figure looked good, even though it was based on the Billy Dee Williams version and I'm pretty sure he had a new hairpiece. Edit: Oh yeah I also took some pics of the two sets they had on display if anyone is interested.
DC Superheroes 2017 - Set Discussion
It takes place in WWI actually, so they should have no issue really with having to get around any particular symbol. Plus they could always do something with maybe Steve Trevor's plane on Themyscira with some Greek architecture. I'd love any set from this movie only for it to have more merchandise on the market (and for some amazon figures ).
LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
I don't particularly want to echo everyone else's disappointment, but I am happy I won't have to shell out a ton of cash on ucs sets since I've got the original. It's too bad cause I've really wanted to get a ucs model type set since I got the TDK Tumbler last year. Hopefully with the looming release of Ep. VIII we will get a re-release of 10179 that is mostly the same but probably with both/the new radar dish and the sequel trilogy heroes in new outfits. Back to the DS though, how come the only part of it that looks significantly different is the Tie Advanced and it looks terrible? Couldn't they have gotten whoever made the great one in 75150 to make a smaller one? Also, if the DS had the outer shell and maybe some mini x-wings, y-wings, and Ties then it might have been worth a buy and the upped price.
Future Star Wars Sets
Given that there's new designs for these in the Lego TFA game I'd say a new tie bomber and interceptor are likely to be coming soon. Same with the finalized but I don't think we'll see that till ep. 8. Unrelated but I would like a new ucs millenium falcon since I missed the fist one. A ucs republic gunship would be amazing but is very unlikely. Also, I still NEED a 501st battlepack.
SDCC Superheroes Exclusive Minifigures Guessing Game 2016
Sounds good for exclusives. I'm honestly shocked it isn't knightmare batman. Hopefully they have enough for everyone this year. They're 50/50 chance thing is really stupid. I hope they've got enough so I could maybe get more than one of each this time (still need Shazam, bizarro, and Phoenix). That ultra agents helmet would be perfect and I'd prefer that to just the regular head.
SDCC Superheroes Exclusive Minifigures Guessing Game 2016
DC: Rebirth Wally West Zoom (CW) Marvel: Zemo (comics or movie) Spider-Gwen Whatever they end up being I hope they're not too difficult to get this time since I'm going.
LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
I actually like the set. The design of the door and trench are very good as well as the ion cannon. My only complaints are I would've wanted a larger shield generator, Leia and the general would've been good additions since I missed out on that other set with him. Seriously though did we really need another Hoth Han? I feel like that has moved past variant outfit and has ascended to most iconic Han Solo outfit for Lego. The price kills this set for me since I'd much rather get the Ghostbuster's HQ and the '66 batcave (even though that's also overpriced). Also, I can't wait to see some clear pics of Rex's At-te and the new tfa sets.
- LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
- DC Superheroes 2016 - Rumors and Discussion
- Star Wars Battle Pack Contest Voting Thread
Future Star Wars Sets
I don't care if it's Clone wars for the battle pack since the 212th one was great (but the Geonosis one is worthless to me) I'd like ROTS designs or, if possible, Battlefront since I'm hoping that is still the clone faction one can play as in the new game. Whether or not the game will be good or terrible wouldn't matter if I got a 501st battle pack out of it. Why couldn't they make more clone wars sets anyway? It's only been like a year since the netflix season was released so it's still fresh in people's minds. I'll give you that the Clone Wars figure designs were pretty awful at times but I'm not getting any movie versions of Fives, Rex, and the others now am I?
Future Star Wars Sets
I don't think Lego understands how much money I'd give them if they released a 501st clone trooper battle pack! Seriously, as long as it had at least 2 or 3 regular 501st clones and a jet-pack trooper and an officer or something it would be the best set I've ever bought 20 or more of since the original clone bp. I'd prefer regular blasters as opposed to the stud launchers but I mainly just need to build an army of 501st clones so idc. I'd also like to see more sets with named clones (Fives, Cody, Waxer, Boil, Echo, etc.) especially before it gets completely overshadowed by the new movies.I don't know what kind of sets they'd be in, maybe an Umbaran fighter, but an updated Cody should definitely have been in Grievous' wheelbike from last year.
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
My Superboy set (with others) arrived early! I'm very relieved that the printing is perfect. I'm kinda dissapointed that it's clearly made in China but I'll take what I can get.
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham (Video Game Discussion)
Do you see the orange pipe behind the thing? Follow it and there should be some stuff to break to build a lever that'll open it. Hope that helps!
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
If we do actually get Arrow's tv show appearance than I hope we also get Flash's since they probably won't give him boots anyway.
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
Wow, these sets look incredible even for prelim! Glad it's Green Arrow in the Javelin instead of Agent Grayson, I hope he has that hair in blonde, I don't care what version we get the hair will go on my sdcc Green Arrow. Disappointed in scuba Robin instead of Red Hood, but one worthless figure is irrelevant with this many new characters (Should've had Mera though ). Looking forward to getting these and can't wait to see the Age of Ultron sets as well!
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
I'd much rather have Red Hood than Robin in a diving suit though. Also, in the New 52 he hasn't been much of an enemy to Batman, he's actually teamed up with him on multiple occasions.
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
About Captain Cold: New 52 or not we're getting him and that's awesome, if you really hate him with a hood over a parka then switch it out or don't buy the set (if that's what we're getting cause we really can't know which one until actual set pics). About the Flash: First of all the one in the Riddler Chase is not New 52, I would like to see that version though for variety's sake, but what we could all agree on is that he definitely needs leg printing. I'll take what I can get, though, as this wave is by far better than the past few waves of Batman and friends.
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
What makes us think the pilot can't fly? Wonder Woman can fly and she flys a plane. Flash is the fastest man alive and he drives a van.
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
Agent Grayson is a very new series. I'm pretty sure it's only on its second maybe third issue. I really hope that isn't the fig we're getting I'd much rather have Shazam.
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
Maybe it's billy batson. He has that hair in the game. And maybe shazam is also in that set but isn't shown because billy is or he's in the brainiac set Or he's in that set for all those people with sdcc shazam? (God I hope it isn't the last one)
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
Thanks again for the info Hulk_Smash! Captain Cold being in a set is fantastic! Any chance of there being another fig in the Black Manta set like Mera or Aqualad? Maybe hiding/captured in Manta's sub? Also is there any chance of robin being Red Hood/Jason Todd?
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
Was the Mech similar in size to Lex Luthor's mech, Groot, or the sentinel? Also what did Hawkman look like? Did he look like in Lego Batman 3 or did he have a stand-in figure like how Darkseid was the Hulk?
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
Thanks for all the info Hulk_Smash! Do you remember if the Batman mech looked anything like this: But ya know made of Lego?
- Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
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