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Everything posted by halomaster96

  1. At least it's just a variant of a fig we can easily get in a set and not a new character like the Winter Soldier or something like that. I hope that this is the only exclusive as it will mean I won't have to waste time with those raffles again.
  2. While I don't think a range of sets for Cap 2 would work I think that a Death Star style helicarrier set could've worked with different areas with stuff from The Avengers as well as Cap 2. That way we could have all of the stuff missing from both movies like Nick Fury, The Winter Soldier, Maria Hill, some SHIELD agents, The Falcon, new Black Widow, new Captain America, etc. Also, I think that the Guardians sets look fantastic and, while unlikely, I hope we can get more that are comic based as I think Marvel Now Starlord looks way better than in the movie, we could also get a green Drax.
  3. Well, I also bought the Hulk lab, the Penguin set, two Utapau troopers bps and the Melting Room.
  4. And then he'll come back to life just to get revenge! Also, I just got two Martian Manhunters and its such a great figure. I got it with the steamroller set and Damian and Batgirl are also fantastic! Now I just need Red Robin and the aforementioned Jason Todd.
  5. Actually its his new 52 outfit and not the tv show, and I got mine for free. I can't wait to get Martian Manhunter! He'll bring my Justice League to eight members.
  6. Wow I actually like most of these sets! Although there are a few things: I really wish Thor had his helmet, I wish that it was the yellow and green comic Electro, The build in the Hulk set is mediocre, and I don't like that Green Goblin. I do really like that Doc Ock set and I'm really glad to see its based on the game, same with the Captain America set. I also like all of the new figs (besides Electro) especially Doc Ock, Red Skull, Taskmaster, Luke Cage and M.O.D.O.K.
  7. Oh my God! It is Damian Wayne! I'm so happy! I don't care for the short legs though but I can easily change that. Other than that and Batgirl, the Steamroller set is one of the worst I've ever seen. Come on Lego I know you can do much better than that! All the other sets are great though imo, besides Nightwing's glider, or as I call it: spare parts!
  8. These sets are way more amazing than I anticipated! I was hoping they wouldn't be that good but now I have to buy all of them (That Utapau bp alone is going to bankrupt me with how many I'll get)! The only way it could get better is if there was a 501st bp (I don't think I could go on if that happened), thanks so much for these, it really brightened my otherwise crappy day.
  9. That seems pretty accurate, but I think ASM 2 Spider-man is hoping too much. In addition to that I think the X-men set(s) might have Professor Xavier, Mystique, Jean Grey and maybe Beast in addition to Cyclops. Also, I'm hoping the Cap set has his First Avenger outfit since he is fighting the Red Skull and the set seems to be a belated CA:TFA set.
  10. I think if they showed gotg sets at New York Toy Fair, someone would have said something in the almost 9 months since the event happened. Plus, I remember that we barely even got info on the not yet released Man of Steel and Iron Man 3 sets from the Toy Fair and those only came out 2-3 months later.
  11. Never have I seen people so confused over an old lego piece that I'm sure everyone has seen a million times before. Its pretty ridiculous and has almost nothing to do with the set itself.
  12. If there are more dc sets the summer wave that I have some predictions: More Batman, at least one more Joker for absolutely no reason, maybe Red Robin and/or Red Hood, and possibly Green Lantern. I still hope we see pics of the final steamroller because I really want to know if that Robin is Damian Wayne, and although Nightwing's glider looks like crap but I like how they tried to emulate his symbol.
  13. Thanks for the prelim pictures! Sadly I kinda want that junior batcave set since it has a different batsuit and classic Robin/maybe Damian. Wait....could that be Damian in the steamroller!?! Must have definitely! All of the other sets minus the Junior Spiderman set are definite buys as well for me. I wonder why they didn't put White Tiger in one of the USM sets? That probably means there'll be more sets for that terrible show in 2015. I hope that the new Doc Ock looks like the one from the game, that one looks perfect, but I don't mind if they used the regular arms since I have no idea how they'd get the arms from the game to work irl. Lastly why no sets for Thor: The Dark World or Captain America: The Winter Soldier? Maybe its a good thing since they'd probably be crap like the Iron Man 3 sets. Back to the Batman sets, if that is Damian in either set then all I'll need now is a Red Robin and Red Hood, then they can make whatever batman set they want after that, because those are all I need!
  14. Yes!! He has a double sided head I knew it! Now he won't have to be perpetually angry. I like the Nightwing figure, but I wish he had red arms but that can be easily changed. Now to just get Red Robin and Damian and then I'll be content.
  15. If Nightwing is in one of the sets do you think that he'll be New 52 based considering how Batgirl is designed? I'd like that just so I'll be able to have both versions (blue and red). Personally I like the red version better and would like to see it portrayed in lego, that or the Young Justice version which I highly doubt.
  16. I too wish Batgirl had boots, but what I'm really hoping for, that no knows about atm, is if she'll have a dual colored cape (either black/purple or black/gold)? Really I'm just glad to get her with a new cowl, now it shouldn't be too hard to make Stephanie Brown!
  17. Thanks, that's why I wanted to know. If they only gave him one face it should be either serious or a smirk, and not angry. Just because he's red, that doesn't mean he is a red lantern.
  18. I've been wondering, does anyone know if the new Flash figure has a double sided face? I can't find a picture that lets me know know one way or the other. thanks
  19. Since there are regular figs in the juniors sets, any chance the robin might be Damian Wayne? No? I didn't think so.
  20. He's not on the list now because he never was. In the game comic Green Goblin turns into USM Green Goblin just as Bruce Banner turns into the Hulk! Also, I hope that list is incomplete, even though I'm happy we're getting more Marvel sets, where's my DC love? A bunch of Batman sets and the Flash with no Rogues isn't going to cut it! We need a JLA set now, there's almost double the amount of Marvel heroes!
  21. Maybe if they did a superhero cmf series, then they can have the figs in the sets be in the series so then we can actually get good builds like the first and not another golf cart with a flamethrower. They could do that or they can have completely different figs in the cmf series and if they have overlap with the sets then they can be more detailed in one or the other, or the overlap would just be figs everyone has like Batman, the Joker, Spiderman, etc.
  22. I get wanting Alfred, and Nightwing, but why does everyone seem to want Killer Croc so much? Is it only to get everyone from the original line? Personally I'd rather get a Ra's Al Ghul than Killer Croc, and that's not because I already have him, I just don't really care about that villain.
  23. Is there any info on the Utapau BP? Cause I'm hoping it has Cody and a couple of 212th troops. That will hold me over until we get a 501st BP.
  24. I haven't been up to date on Lego Star Wars too much but here are my thoughts on the sets: Vulture Droid: Looks a bit too big, but I've needed some cis vulture droids since I missed out on Ahsoka's starfighter and nice to get a new character with it! Anakin's Starfighter: I like how it is consistent with the one from this year and I like the new Anakin. V-wing: Nice new version of one of my favorite ships! Hated the imperial version so I hope this one is better. Grievous' wheelbike: It's pretty good but I hate the current mold of Grievous and I wish they could have improved it to be more poseable and so that the extra arms don't attach to the normal arms! Unless that's different I have no interest in this set. Deathstar battlepack: That has to be the best battlepack build I've seen! Although I'm glad we get Death Star gunners but I think it should have only had one gunner, one royal guard, a Death Star trooper and either an officer or a stormtrooper. Kashyyyk battlepack: These figures look amazing. But, I'd much rather have had a 501st battlepack instead. At-pt: I still have the old one so I'm not sure I'd want to spend $70 on this one even since I saw it in person at SDCC, but I may have to get that Commander Gree. Droid Gunship: Again, I have the old one so I'd have to think about this one, but hopefully that new Chewbacca will be in another set. Battle of Saleucami: Yes, this set pleases me. I will get multiple of this! As for the recruitment sets, does anyone know the price of these? Because if it is about $5 then I will have to get a few of that CTT with the generic clone if he isn't in any other sets. I can't wait to see the exclusive sets and the superheroes sets (but that's completely unrelated ).
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