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Everything posted by halomaster96

  1. Do these sets include any or all of the following: Nightwing, Alfred, Batgirl, Ra's Al Ghul, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, and/or Cyborg? If any of these are included I'd love to know!
  2. I'd say if you could find it cheap then you should buy it as I had it while and I thought it looked really good especially with the printed legs, but I wish it had side leg printing as it just looked kind of weird without that, so I was still ready to trade it for Green Arrow at the first chance I got (which I did ), but it still looked a thousand times better than the USM figure. I wish I could have kept it but I have much more use for Green Arrow.On topic: When do you all think we'll see pics of the new sets or at least a set list, because I really want a Green Lantern figure and I don't want to make/buy a custom if they're putting one in a set.
  3. I have no doubt that we will get Winter Soldier sets as that seems to be Marvel's biggest movie next year. Its Guardians of the Galaxy that I'm worried about, as I'd like sets on it I don't they would sell well so I don't think Lego will take that risk. I think we might get one set for Thor 2 if any, and if they have the licence then they'll definitely make ASM 2 sets. Although when I was at Comic-Con a TT games rep said that for some of the character models in the game they saw sets from GotG, ASM 2, and CA:TWS.
  4. I have some more sets I'd like to see: $20-Attack on Oa: Green Lantern main power battery with GL John Stewart, Ganthet and Sinestro. $40-Red Hood's getaway: Batcopter, getaway car and two motorcycles, including Batman, Red Hood, Nightwing and Batgirl. $50-The Interceptor: GLTAS Interceptor with Hal Jordan, Kilowog, Razer, Aya, and Atrocitus. $60-Flashpoint: The battle for Earth: The climax of the Flashpoint storyline with destructible buildings and terrain, including The Flash, Reverse Flash, Batman (Thomas Wayne), Aquaman, Wonder Woman and Captain thunder. $70-Brainiac's invasion: Large scale mech for Brainiac with some attack probes, including Superman, Brainiac, Martian Manhunter, Supergirl, Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen. $130-Wayne Manor invasion: modular mansion with a nice car and a helicopter, including Batman (maskless), Robin (Damian Wayne), Red Robin (Tim Drake), Nightwing (new 52), Alfred, Ra's Al Ghul, Talia Al Ghul, Deathstroke.
  5. Well the game demo I played had the Mark 1 suit I really liked how he used fire unlike the other suits and only flew up a couple feet before falling on the ground. But I'd personally love to see a set based on the end of the movie in the harbor, but other than that I can't wait to see the Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy sets!
  6. I can tell you three: Thanos, Falcon, and the Winter Soldier. Edit:400th Post
  7. I was told by a TT games rep at sdcc all of the characters in one of the dlc packs and USM Green Goblin wasn't one of them.
  8. He told me that they only saw the winter wave and not the next waves after that. I'll post the game info in that thread when I have some time as I've got another day of sdcc to go through. Also I saw all of the new sets they showed here so far and I've got to say that I think the flash looked really good in person, despite not getting the best look at him.
  9. I talked with a Tt games representative today at sdcc and he told me that he's seen the winter wave marvel sets, so I asked if he would give me a hint as to what to expect, he paused a moment and told me along the lines of "you may or may not see some sets based on amazing Spider-Man 2 and guardians of the galaxy" in that real vague way that makes you know that's what we're getting, an he said on set contains an awesome figure he'd never think would be in a set, and at this point I'm assuming that's Stan Lee. He also told me a bunch of awesome new info about the actual game and its preorder dlc if anyone's interested.
  10. I'm currently at sdcc and after getting screwed over for the Spider-Man figure I finally found the guy who gave out azog and he said that it was an exclusive that won't be in a set and then he said he only gave them to children so this one is going to be even harder to find because of that.
  11. I specifically asked about if they were going to show the figures like they did in past years and he said that set is the only superhero related thing they're showing besides the new marvel game which they had a playable demo of. Sorry I'm pretty dissapointed, but I did get the bttf set!
  12. I asked someone at the lego booth and he said the flash set is the ONLY superhero reveal.
  13. no I've seen all the schedules since I'm at there now. Thursday is a Star Wars set, Friday is dc, Saturday is a hobbit set, and Sunday is a lego movie set.
  14. They're all probably playing MarioKart irl, Riddler got the banana and the Flash is just so fast he doesn't need a car!
  15. Well, he could......maybe, um.....get a helicopter or something?!?! I don't know I just want him way more than another Riddler.
  16. Sorry, I haven't watched the show yet, but my point was that they used the Riddler instead of any of the obscure villains from the, also this was probably our only chance to get Ra's Al Ghul unless they make Wayne Manor. On another note, while I'm happy we're getting him, they kind of dropped the ball on The Flash. They didn't give him any leg printing, the helmet/mask doesn't cover his entire head like in the game therefore they they had to print his head on a red head instead of flesh so now we can't give him hair, but at this point I'll take what I can get with dc heroes. (1 down, GL and Martian Manhunter to go!)
  17. This set seems to be a loose tie-in for the show as it looks like the batmobile from the show: What's wierd though is why it has the Riddler instead of Professor Pig (who I'm pretty sure is the main villain of the show), but I'm not going to question the Flash since that is the only reason I will buy the set. That's a good thing to hope for, but since it is a chase set I think that he is going to use the banana to try to make the batmobile crash as it would in MarioKart.
  18. If that is true, then I'm super excited for the Flash, but I really don't want anything else in that set to be a thing. EDIT: It's true, but other than Batman's vehicle it looks completely fake and since they bothered to use the Riddler again they should have at least given him his staff instead of a banana. Really disappointed Lego!
  19. I'm still hoping we see at least green lantern and the flash and possibly Martian manhunter. While I would like to see the teen titans, you have to remember how cartoony that show is and how the minifigs will be so out of place next to the other superheroes from comics and live action movies.
  20. Well, I'm glad we get to see them so soon so I can know what to look for when I go next week, but really they aren't as good as the ones last year. The only one that I really care about is Green Arrow, but I really think they should have went with the version from the Arrow TV show instead of the one from the New 52 but maybe they'll go the other way around and have a set based on the show, which could the exclusive figure sort of a precursor to what a set will be like last year with black suit spiderman leading to Venom. I couldn't care less about spiderwoman and I don't even think they made her look very good anyway. AS spiderman looks good and I'll try to get it if I can and black suit Superman is of no use to me, but really in my opinion the spiderman and Superman are what Con exclusive figs should be, decent variations that should just be something extra to give to attendees and not new characters that everyone wants and are therefore sold on eBay for ridiculous prices that no one can afford.
  21. While I'm sure the Catching Fire movie will be good, it was my least favorite in the series. Personally I can't wait until the Mockingjay movie(s), that's the only book that I think should be split into two movies as the book itself felt as if it had two major acts, but while I thought that the first movie didn't live up to the hype, the trailer for Catching Fire has my hopes up again and I can't wait to see more!
  22. I'd rather wait for them to make him in a set with Skeets and Blue Beetle in a small set in a few years than have only him made for me too stare at on ebay for over $300. I'm still angry that they did that to one of my favorite superheroes last year (Shazam)!
  23. I don't understand why Lego thought it would be a good idea in the first place to give out such fan favorite characters at an event that not many people are able to go to and in limited numbers. I mean, I'm going this year and I hope they don't have any exclusive figures.
  24. As I recall Lego wasn't the exclusive list last year and we had four exclusives that everyone wants. So if I'm there and I see an exclusive Flash or Martian Manhunter I will be so angry, unless they're shown as figs for next year.
  25. Nice small MOC, I'm not a fan of the size but you seem to be proficient in this size, so I can't wait to see the rest of your story! If I'd have to guess the character on top is Clock King or a new version of the Riddler.
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