Everything posted by halomaster96
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
After this polybag, I really don't think we need Tim Drake robin anymore, I would love it if they made Jason Todd/Red Hood and/or Damian Wayne. Also, I think a Wayne Manor set would be good, only if they make it to be able to go over the batcave and includes at least Alfred, Ra's Al Ghul, Batgirl and Nightwing or the other robins that we don't have yet. But, while I would like to see this, I'd much rather they made a Watchtower first with at least 7 or 8 members of the JLA with Darkseid or Sinestro or some other villain. Although since we did get Arkham Asylum this year, next year we'll probably get a big Marvel set like the Helicarrier or the X-mansion.
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
I'm hoping that if they do have exclusive figs (which I'm sure they will ) that I'll be able to get one or more before they'll all out since I'm sure I'll see tons of other awesome things to buy, but I'm kind of wish that they will just be giving out the previous exclusives so I can get that Shazam, TDKR Batman, and Green Lantern (If they won't put him in a set, which I would incredibly hate). I'll be sure to take some pictures of anything new even though I'm sure others will post pics with way better quality than an Iphone.
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
Maybe we can get a JLA watchtower, I know I'd buy it! I'm going to Comic-Con this year so I'm really hoping that they'll show next year's superheroes figs like we have in the past two years. But, even though I'm going I'm really hoping that they don't have ridiculously rare figs of characters we want like the Flash like last year with Shazam and Bizarro.
BrickWarriors - Tons of new items!
I love your Mass Effect parts! I would love if you'd make some N7 armor. I also really liked your Gears of War parts, but nonetheless I can't wait to see what you make next!
- Xbox One
Xbox One
I liked it at the announcement, I don't mind the used game fee too much, but the thing that killed it for me is the fact that they said if you don't log in for two days straight, then the system will lock you out, you'll lose all of your stuff and all you'll have left is a very expensive paper weight.
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
Oh it's only $50? I thought it was $60 and $80 with Black Zero Escape. I guess I'll get Smallville with the Council of Elrond set.
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
Thanks for that because I was just about to get the battle of smallville but now I'll wait until June!
Batman: Arkham Origins
Can't wait for this game! Any chance we might get a lego set(s) for it? At least one with Batman, Deathstroke and Black Mask? No? Okay.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
Today at the Lego store, I went to get the Iron Man mansion set, and as usual I asked when the new LOTR sets are coming out. I expected the usual "I don't know," but he went into the back room and when he came out, he immediately said October. Not as soon as I hoped but at least I got an answer! Make of that what you will.
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
Although I would like an Iron Patriot (just like everybody) I kinda hope the exclusive fig will be Bruce Banner, since he is in the game and if we don't get him here we will have to wait until at least Avengers 2.
Post about Cartoons and Anime you like
Well, the Green Lantern finale was definitely one of the best endings to a tv show that I've seen. Although I wish it could continue as I would have loved to see the Sinestro Corps war, Blackest Night, etc. I'm still hoping we can save these shows, but I know that chance is slim at best. I still don't know how anyone could not like this show!
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
You know what that means though? Comic Con exclusive! As for the Iron Man 3 sets, the only one I really don't want is the "Ultimate" Showdown. Although, I will probably wait until after I see the movie to get any of them.
Batman Films Discussion
Well, I was laughing at how stupid they were because they didn't take him seriously. But, occasionally the Joker can make me laugh, you know, when he isn't violently beating someone or doing some other insane thing.
Batman Films Discussion
I for one loved the Dark Knight Returns Part 2! The fight scenes were very well done as well as the great voice actors (especially Batman and Joker), the final battle was action-packed and incredibly intense. My favorite part though was when the Joker was on the talk show, it was pretty funny but had a very expected ending. Lastly, I can't wait for the Flashpoint movie as I haven't (Just as I have read this book) and I hope it is a good alternative to reading the comic.
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
That's interesting. I hope that next wave we'll get Nightwing and Batgirl, along with Green Lantern and the Flash! As for the Man of steel sets, I really just want to see if General Zod's ship is any good, and if the smallville set is actually the Kent farm. Although I don't care for Superman I'm still excited for the movie and the sets!
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
Let's see, where to begin? Minifigs: Mandarin: ; all the rest: Sets: "Ultimate Showdown"- Other than Iron Man's armor, . Extremis Seaport- Great, but I was hoping for a part of a dock for, you know, A SEA PORT. Malibu Mansion- Great starting point for a MOC I was going to start!
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
Post about Cartoons and Anime you like
I don't know what influenced their powers in universe, but I do know that they are all based on characters from the Superfriends (even Virgil, who is obviously Static Shock). So it seems that Lex Luthor is forming his own superfriends!
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
Post about Cartoons and Anime you like
I too thought that the runaways were great. I think Asami was my favorite since she just had no clue what was going on most of the time!
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 5 Discussion
The new episode was amazing! It totally made up for the rest of this season.
- Assassin's Creed Altair, Ezio, Connor and AC Brotherhood
Post about Cartoons and Anime you like
As YJ and GLTAS are definitely my favorite shows currently on tv, I feel like I don't feel bad enough that they are being canceled. I felt that it was inevitable because of the constant, random hiatuses with hardly any advertising. It seems as though Cartoon Network finally got what they've been working towards since 2010. Good job CN! You've successfully canceled 2 more fantastic shows! Great work. You've just lost one viewer, and I know I'm not the only one.
Which Comic Do You Read?
Anyone else here reading the Death of the Family arc? I can't wait for the conclusion in Batman #17! I also wonder whats for dinner?
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