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Everything posted by Tinn-man

  1. Just a friendly reminder for anyone interested: The series finale of Kill la Kill is tomorrow (or later today, depending on your timezone)! This show has been one of my favorites in recent memory, and I highly recommend it to any and everyone. Hopefully you'll be able to look past (or - I dunno - enjoy?) the excessive fan service and see the heart in this special little show. It's got great characters, amazing action, some pretty funny moments, and a story that is - for lack of a better word - absolutely nuts. Its made by a good number of people who worked on Gurren Lagann, so if you know that show, you should have a pretty good idea of just how crazy Kill la Kill gets.
  2. I haven't signed on here in a long time, but I had to say that this thread is one of the funniest things I've read in a long time.
  3. Tinn-man replied to Klaus-Dieter's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    I think that it is. The teaser from comic con supposedly showed the duo looking out over a giant rail-yard or something like that. I'm not sure where I heard it, but it seems like the whole plot might be based around that. They did cut a lot of scenes, but I remember them bragging about how they were able to keep all of the train scenes in tact. There was one infamous axed scene dealing with supernatural, glowing werewolves... Ya, go figure.
  4. Tinn-man replied to Klaus-Dieter's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    I'm pretty excited about this, mainly because most reports I've read about the movie have said that it will, "feature one of the biggest locomotive train setpieces ever to be put on film." Hopefully, that translates into a few LEGO train sets. I honestly wouldn't doubt if that ends up being the 'flagship' set of the wave, actually. Can't wait to see what comes out of this.
  5. Wow, apparently this is a pony thread now. Gotta say, I got sucked into the show a while back, and it's pretty dang good. Being a person interested in pursuing animation as a career, I first checked it out because I heard that the animation was top notch. I'm amazed that they make it look so good using flash. By the time I had seen the animation, I got involved in the characters and story, and just hung along for the ride. Can't believe that I'm an 18 year old male and I love a show about colorful, friendship ponies. But, I mean, last week's episode when I do make a point to stay away from the super obsessive fan communities though. I don't read fan-fiction. At all. For anything. And after seeing some of the more... questionable... fanart, I really try to stay away from all of that as well. A little off topic, but has anyone seen any good pony mocs? I've seen one pretty good Rainbow Dash sculpture, but that's about it. Any ideas for making minifig scale Mane 6?
  6. Tinn-man replied to Tinn-man's post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    Sorry for the bump, but THIS was just announced today. (LEGO is the last store on the list) So it looks like Nashville is getting a LEGO store, and only twenty minutes away from me, too. Pretty good, considering the second closest one is four hours away . Spring 2012 can't get here fast enough!
  7. Personally, I agree with you. BUT, not every movie made these days is bad. I would suggest looking here. They may look like kids films, but they are some of the best in the world. They have great character development and interesting plots with overarching themes. If you don't enjoy UP or tear up at the end of Toy Story 3, then you have no soul.
  8. Just saw the new episode, and the wheels are in motion. I believe that this episode marks the beginning of the end for Ashoka. It all starts with her new love interest, the son of whats-her-name who's a friend of Padme. I could see this attraction growing as the series progresses, with maybe a few of those forbidden love/'a jedi can never get married' plot lines, but the interesting part is that he's a separatist. I liked how they showed that the separatist have a valid point for starting the war, and I think that the lines between good and evil are starting to blur within the series. Like Ashoka says, "It's not all black and white anymore." I also thought it was interesting to see Palpy's reaction to hearing about a possibility of a negotiation, and cringed a little bit when he found out who proposed the idea. The rest is just my speculation, but I think that they are laying the seeds for the end of Ashoka. Now that Palpy knows that there is someone in the CIA that wants to end the war, he is going to do whatever it takes to silence them before others follow suit. I believe that he'll probably end up ordering a republic attack on Raxxus (maybe even led by Anakin to sweeten the pot), and have Padme's friend and her son as the target, having them killed in battle/executed by clones or jedi. Of course, Ashoka won't be too happy about this, seeing her new boyfriend killed by the hands of the republic. I think that she would start to question who is really the good guy of the battle, the separatists or the republic. And, of course, this death leads her on her way to betraying Anakin and joining the dark side. She's already starting to go behind his back a little bit more, and pushes the boundaries a little further every time. Of course, this is all just speculation from one episode, but Ashoka is starting to understand the side of the separatists, and question the choices of the republic. So will she trade in her green lightsabers for red? Only time will tell, but I say yes, especially since Dooku will want a new apprentice after Asajj escapes/is killed and Opress is done (I really can't see him staying longer than a one of story arc. I think he'll be gone by the end of this season or beginning of the next.). And that's all I got. Not a bad episode, a little tedious at the beginning, but one that is meant to start off the chain of events.
  9. Does anyone know whatever happened to this set? CLICK I haven't seen any pictures or heard about it for a while. I hope that LEGO didn't get rid of it. It was one of my favorites.
  10. Tinn-man replied to muell's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    Why don't you just label the instructions as Pere Marquette 1225? But seriously, I really do love that train. It's one of my all time favorites. I've been wanting to make a steam engine myself for a little while, Christmas might be the perfect excuse to do it.
  11. Wow, I love that Bounty Hunter ship!!! But the T-6.... why wouldn't lego use one of these for the cockpit? I think it would look much better, and you could take the number of pieces taken out of cockpit construction and put it towards bulking up the wings.
  12. It doesn't just magically work by itself, you have to do some of the work too! The toothpaste acts as an abrasive, so when you apply it, you need to scrub it with a paper towel or small cloth. After the printing comes off, just run some water over the head and dry it off with a paper towel. If there is still printing on the head, just repeat the process. I used this method to get a "shaved" Indy head, and it works great. They only negative is that it might take a while. Have Fun! Edited for grammar.
  13. Tinn-man replied to Klaus-Dieter's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    I'm excited about the new prison van! I missed out on the last one. Some more police cars never hurt, too. I'm SUPER excited for the space theme. I'm glad that we're finally getting a return to the realistic space theme instead of the sci-fi realm (although I did enjoy the space police sets, too). Oh, and Klaus, did you see anything in any of the sets that looked like this? I've been wanting a minifig scaled moon lander for a while.
  14. Whoops, didn't see that there were prices! I'm still predicting a remake of this: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?S=7121-1
  15. For anyone wondering what a T-6 shuttle is: LINK. Considering I'm mainly an OT guy, nothing on this list really excites me that much. Naboo sounds interesting, though. It'll probably be in the swamp setting like the last one, maybe with a tan ATT, Jar Jar, Obi-wan, Qui-gon, and a few droids. And why an imperial V-wing? Oh well, it could be cool. It might tie in with The Force Unleashed II, which I know one member here would be very excited about... *cough*(Darth Sion) *cough* Other than that, meh...
  16. Tinn-man replied to Tinn-man's post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    Oops, sorry about that. I see what you mean. I think that the parent just saw where they were building a toy store that had a LEGO logo on the sign for advertisement of their products and just called it a LEGO store because it will sell LEGO. However,Opry Mills, a mall in Nashville that was severely damaged in the floods a few months ago, is campaigning to get new tenants to fill the shops at the mall as they rebuild. They specifically mentioned LEGO by name, and because Nashville is a fair sized city, a LEGO store could be a possibility. Of course, just because they want a store doesn't mean they'll get one, as it's ultimately LEGO's decision, and there are still other countries that don't have any LEGO stores. But at least if shows LEGO that there is a market and a demand in this area. I might send LEGO customer service and e-mail tonight or tomorrow to ask about the situation, just to clear up any lingering rumors, but mainly for my own piece of mind.
  17. Tinn-man posted a post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    So, during my perfect summer job working as a helper at a LEGO camp, one of the parents started talking about where to buy LEGO sets. He mentioned that he lived in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and listed the usual TRU and targets, but said that it would get better soon because a LEGO store in the area was being built. Obviously, this has me excited, because the closest lego store to me is about 5 hours away, and now it would only be about 50 min. However, I could not find any news about this online, and started to questioned the validity of this parent. As he is not a die hard LEGO fan, he may have just seen a poster for a new toy store that would sell LEGO sets and had a LEGO brand picture. Anyway, to make a long story short, I just wanted to know if anyone could back up the the rumor of a LEGO store opening in Murfreesboro. If an ambassador could ask LEGO directly, it would be greatly appreciated, but it's not necessary. Thanks for the help!
  18. Really? I think it's at least 4x4 studs. Oh, is it one of those larger spaceship domes? A printed one of those wouldn't be as bad, I just thought it was one giant, sculpted, megablox-esque piece. Oh well, we'll know tomorrow.
  19. Not that interested in the starfighter. Did anyone else notice the massive astro-droid head? I was expecting brick built, not one giant piece. Looks like a pass to me.
  20. Personally, I count UCS and S@H exclusive sets as the same thing. They both have the 10*** number, so they're both the same to me. I bet it will come with a hyperdrive ring, and be in the same category as the Falcon and Shuttle: Big with figs.
  21. But we had 2 UCS sets last year. The AT-OT/Dropship and Tantive IV. I think that this is either an UCS set or a set for 2011, because we have plenty of sets for the rest of the year. I mean, we know of the TRU, Target, and Walmart exclusives, and I don't think that they would announce another main stream set this late in the year. I wouldn't doubt if it's an early look at 2011, because they showed the POP and Toy Story figures last year, so why not a whole set?
  22. Don't worry, he's not giving anything away. It's just a little background cameo appearance, and doesn't effect the story at all. I don't think he even says anything. Having seen the new movie, I really want to buy a set for the figures, I'm just not sure which one to get yet. I like trains, so maybe the western on. And that Pizza Planet Truck is a must have... Man, I hope this theme doesn't die. I would love to see more sets.
  23. I'm super excited for Skyward Sword, but even more excited for this: http://www.joystiq.com/2010/06/15/the-legend-of-zelda-ocarina-of-time-3d-coming-to-nintendo-3ds/ That's right, an Ocarina remake for the 3DS. Could this be 2 Zelda games in 2011? I say yes, and I'm EXTREMELY excited!
  24. Tinn-man replied to Zarkan's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    I have about 77 stars right now, going for all 240 *(120 in the main game, then 120 bonus/hidden stars after that). I hate that chimp, though. Those challenges are so tough. The comets are pretty hard too. The more I play this game, however, I get more worried about how Nintendo's going to top it with the next mario game. I mean, this game is pretty much perfect. It's one of the best games that I've played in a very long time.
  25. That was terrible. They completely ruined Boba's character and messed up the entire continuity, seeing how Aurra runs into Han later and Boba repaints and uses his dad's armor and ship. The only way this series could get worse would be if Han Solo came in as a ten-year-old kid and played with Boba and Jarjar on Naboo... Also for season 3: Ziro the Hutt? Again? REALLY? Boy, I'm disappointed...
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