Everything posted by Tinn-man
Tournament of Retribution
Here we go... A redcoat soldier ties a bluecoat to a ball and chain, and drops him into the water. Of course, that's not nearly violent enough, so the redcoat adds a box of angry redcoat snakes to attack the bluecoat. If that isn't painful, I don't know what is .
Disney and Lego Join Forces
I thought the hats and head were all one mold, that's why I hate them. Moulding head, hair, and hats in one piece is like...megablocks *shudder*. Everything else is cool and fine with me.
Disney and Lego Join Forces
Hey everybody, a minifigure CAN ride on the ostrich!!! Link Also, whatever set the army men come in, I'm buying three. Oh, and using the tall legs for a basket ball player! Oh, and making a rocker minifig with the prince of persia's new hair. I'm keep thinking of uses for these new pieces. They're so exciting. (but I still don't like woody ). Oh, one more thing. From this picture, it does look like Buzz's jetpack will close. Link
Disney and Lego Join Forces
I don't know about these yet. To tell you the truth, the toy-story minifigs look too detailed. The bodies and Woody's tall legos look ok, but the head are... They're just not very versatile. EDIT: I do like the Persia figs though. I think they would be great for some Indiana Jones mocs, especially a Cairo dig site. Actually those new head wraps would look great on the sword guy.
Can Indy and Prince of Persia coexist?
I've read that Disney doesn't like to stay with one company for very long at a time, and usually make products with other companies for only 1-2 years. Lucasarts is the other way around, as we have had Star Wars for ten years, and Indy for two. I think Indy will be around for 1-2 more years, and LEGO using Prince of Persia as a sort of transition between disney and Indy, and ultimately will serve as a replacement, or at least a transition to a replacement, in the long term, but Indy should still be able to thrive in the long term. Especially with talks of Indy 5 in the works. Actually for now, I see lego using some of these pieces to transition over into the Indiana Jones theme, such as the head wrap for a Map Room scene or even maybe one of the camels of Sallah. Indiana Jones FTW.
The 1st Annual Redcoat vs. Bluecoat Tournament of Retribution
Hopefully I'm not too late to enlist. If I am that's ok. If not, here's my info: Username: Tinn-man Side: Red-coats (but can go over to blue coats to even out the sides). Team Captain: No. Is it ok to use fake/decaled blue coats, seeing as I don't have any ( )?
Product Recall of 8879 PF IR Speed Remote Control
Man, I got mine the first day. Even though I haven't have time to use it that much, I'm still pretty bummed. Oh well, that's what happens when you rush something to the market.
Disney and Lego Join Forces
I agree with you there, but I would go to bricklink for the figs. I could never actually walk out of the store carrying a hannah montana set. It would just be too weird. Oh, and it said on the Comic Con flyer that the figs were going to be unveiled at 6:00 tonight? I wish that LEGO would do it in the morning, I hate waiting that long ( ).
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Well, it's bigger than I thought (that's what she said ). It actually looks pretty cool, and now I'm really want one. I think the other picture looked so bad just because of the camera angle. And it does have minifigures. Who called it? EDIT: Did anybody else realize that Captain Antilles has a new face? He's smiling Of course, he won't be smiling when Darth Vader is choking him
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
I know, I know... I'm just saying that I think that people are getting psyched up for hoth battle packs and are going to be disappointed if they don't get them. I would love for them to be Hoth, but I'm cautiously optimistic. All I'm saying is that, after seeing those new pictures, I'm starting to question if those are Hoth battlepacks. I just didn't want to come out and say "I DON'T THINK THAT THE BATTLEPACKS ARE HOTH," not wanting to be flamed by others. All I'm trying to say is let's step back and not assume that the battlepacks are Hoth.
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Well, if you knew what was in the set, it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it . I'm not completely sold on the battlepacks yet. I think that people are getting ahead of themselves and assuming things. I know IT WOULD MAKE SENSE for the battlepacks to be Hoth themed, but LEGO has done a lot of things that don't make sense. The one on the right looks like a group of snow troopers, but there is some kind of new mold, which most people are assuming is a wampa. Plus, the one on the left doesn't look like rebels at all. The minifigures are way to dark, and people are assuming that the orange figure is a rebel pilot. We don't even know for sure that this is Hoth themed. People just assumed that it was, because the background was white. But, I have know idea what they are, so I have nothing else to throw in as a possible solution. The only other idea that I have is if the battlepacks tie in with the second season of the clone wars, the other new star wars t.v. show, or even some kind of E.U. thing. Huh, and this post started out as a joke messing with KimT.
Indiana Jones 5
If you even read the article, then you would see that both Lucas and Speilberg are NOT interested in making Mutt the main character of the next movie, it's not going to happen. I'd be excited to see a 5th Indiana Jones, seeing as the even numbered films are bad, and the odd numbered films are good ( ). I read somewhere that Lucas and Speilberg have always had a contract to make 5 Indy movies, but everybody just assumed that The Last Crusade was the last movie, because of the title and the length of time that it took to make Crystal Skull. Plus, I think that Lucas, Speilberg, and Ford want Indy to go out with a good adventure, and not be known as the "perfect film franchise that went too far". EDIT: Plus, you never know, we might hear an official announcement about it this week .
Disney and Lego Join Forces
I think he was referring to the fact that those are toys licensed by other companies, and LEGO might not have the LEGAL ability to make them, not the physical ability to make them.
Lego 2010 sets download
I was going to sign up, but there is a monthly fee, so.... Oh, by the way, we all are looking at this, right? Just making sure
Disney and Lego Join Forces
I have no idea how LEGO is going to make toy story minifigures, and I'm excited to see. Based off of this picture, I would assume that LEGO would use either short legs for Buzz or new, taller legs for Woody. Obviously we are going to see new torso prints, hopefully arm printing for woody. I also think Woody needs a new head mold. I mean, look at how big his head is!!! His nose is pretty big, but LEGO usually stays away from noses, so it will be interesting to see how they handle that. I also would like to see a 'giant' figure to represent Andy. As for Prince of Persia, as long as it doesn't replace Indy, I don't care what LEGO does with it, because it doesn't really interest me much at all.
Lego 2010 sets download
I don't know, I think Hinckley is looking at the wrong thing. It's the download at the top of the page, not the bottom. I don't have an account, and I'm extremely paranoid about viruses, so I'm not signing up. Or maybe Hinckley did download it and has already seen it, in which case disregard this post.
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Or maybe there is another huge surprise set, and the RBR was just a distraction the whole time . But seriously... Maybe the will show us the battlepacks, seeing as their are very near completion (or complete enough to have a box lining the wall in the designer's studio). Anyway, I'm actually more excited to see the Toy Story minifigures. Does anyone else remember when they revealed the Indiana Jones minifigure before the line started a couple of years ago? That was amazing. Hopefully these will be just as amazing. And now I've wandered off topic....
What next for Pick-a-brick
More colors like dark tan and dark red, and more minifigures/minifigure accessories. More things like indy fedoras or nazi torsos, and some pirate minifigures. Maybe even a pirate ship hull. Oh, and blank torsos in different colors are always good, too.
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Wait. So if the minifig-scale MF is actually midi-scale, what is the midi-scaled MF, or even the mini MF ( ).
Chrome gold C-3PO minifig Pen?
I was at a LEGO store last week, and they had pearl gold C-3PO pens, but no chrome ones. OFF TOPIC: They also had a watch that came with Obi-Wan from the Death Star, but it was $20 .
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
I think he means ' why didn't LEGO just make the window black instead of clear. '
Sgt. Muscles and his Amazing Band of Super Heroes!
Here's my entry for the MCW contest, and it's a super hero theme! Considering that LEGO can't hold down a super hero license for very long (ahem, Batman and Spiderman), it's about time that they made up their own original theme. That theme being... SGT. MUSCLES AND HIS AMAZING BAND OF SUPER HEROES!!! First up is Sgt. Muscles himself, as he is the main leader of his team, as well as the flagship character of this theme. You can tell that his favorite colors are blue and red, and he's been working out at the gym recently. Front Side Back As you can see from this view, Sgt. Muscles, as well as the rest of the team, wear a small emblem with the initials S.M. Up next is Sgt. Muscles faithful side-kick, The Indecent Archer: If you couldn't tell by the name and the picture, The Indecent Archer isn't one who likes clothes too much, and wears the bear minimum to appear in a LEGO set, or even be able to walk out on the streets. Our final hero in this super theme is the Janitorial Jet: The Janitorial Jet is armed with his super broom and is ready to clean up the city and dispose of crime. Back View Without Flames Well that's it for the characters. Lets move onto possible sets. The Archers Motorbike: A small set that features a brick-built motorcycle for The Indecent Archer to ride, comes with archer and a fleeing criminal. The Janitorial Chopper: A medium sized helicopter full of cleaning supplies, brooms, and flick-fire missiles. Comes with Janitorial Jet, Rusty (J.J.'s super dog), and a small plane car with two criminals. Sgt. Muscles Attack Car: A medium-large sized car filled with control panels and flick-fire missiles ( ). Flames come out of the back, and has a working ejector seat. Comes with Stg. Muscles and Three criminals in a getaway car. Sgt. Muscles Super Hideout: A large sized hideout, featuring a docking bay for all of the vehicles, a large command center, weapons rack, a frozen villain, and a secret room. Comes with the three heroes, two attacking henchmen, and Dr. Evil, their arch nemesis. And that's all I have for now. I might think of some better sets later, but at least I got something into the contest. I can upload the decals, too, if there is a request for them. Comments and (constructive) criticism is welcome.
Power Miners: New Sets for 2009
I don't know if this has been posted yet (because I hardly ever come to the power miners area ) but has anyone seen this? I'm pretty sure it's fake, but it is kind of funny.
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
The RBR definitely has minifigs. Why, you ask? Well, first, check the cockpit. Why would lego go to the trouble of printing a curved piece that large just to have a small clear window in the middle of the cockpit? If you look at picture of the RBR, that section isn't even clear, but black. So why would LEGO print that entire piece in order to get a small window, which isn't even movie accurate, when they could have just made that section black, and saved tons of effort, but had the same effect? The answer is simple. They wanted to include a section for minifigures to 'see' out of. Its just a playability feature. Like the oversized turrets. Playability feature. There also is the issue of the clasps on the side of the ship. Certain people who like to do detailed and humorous reviews of sets ( ) have said that these clasps were just structural. I thought that too, for a while. But look at the bottom wing of the ship. It looks like it would be held up the same way as the top, right? Well, if LEGO intended to use the clasps for structural reasons, they would run into a problem here. Those clasps are not nearly strong enough to hold up an entire wing of a ship. The bottom wing would just fall down. And nothing is connected to it from the other side. So LEGO used a different mechanism to connect the bottom wing than they did to connect the top wing. Why wouldn't they just design the ship so that the top and the bottom connect the same way? There would less variety of parts, and it would be more cost effective for LEGO. Once again, LEGO wants the clasps on the top, because they wings are designed to open. For the purpose of PLAYABILITY. So why would LEGO go to these great lengths to include playability, and not include any minifigures? They wouldn't. It's just common sense. I rest my case.
Ideas for new Disney licensed sets?
You know that narnia is owned by FOX now, right? So LEGO couldn't make sets if they wanted to. They would have to get a separate liscense.
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