Everything posted by Laureano
REVIEW: 10210 Imperial Flagship
very nice review Svelte, thank you! congratulation for your new set! After the foto, I will need to upgrade my brickbeard, before by this amazing set, to have a fair fight regards Rodrigo
Petition for Western returning
Signed ! Klaus-Dieter very good iniciative, congratulations!
Jungle Adventure in Brazil
The photo over Rio it very good, this sight is amazing, it's my hometown the others using adventures set, gives me motivation to rebiuld them! very good too !!! Here in Brazil we have a lot of other kinds off cenarios, you got to came back for exmple to: Cataratas do Iguaçu falls, Pantanal, Chapada Diamantina and of course the island that i live now Florianópols ( 42 beachs ) , don´t forget to let my know ! regards Rodrigo
Thanks, I agree with you about the tires, but they were so closse in the momant of the assembly, they mach so well with the mudguard, and with the contest of the agents lego that a leave this big sice. It's not definitly. I know that feeling thanks
Legoville's layout
Very nice collection, congratulations, I enjow your mod fire station, great. don't forget to plat with your dog too, it's seems a litlle booring, seeing you with your Legos
wen a by the agents turbo car chase,the 12 stud sport car fits huge in the rest of my colection. so i rebiuld with a chassis of 6 stud, using this amazings colors, i only need to add one piece, but a several have leaft for another moc the small car its a sucess, X-racer order his welow version:
thanks Control toweri it's a very good idea wen i disembly the truck meabe peace and thanks thanks, coming from Lego afols it realy means a lot for me. thanks, coming from afols it realy means a lot for me. unfortunly Teen titans its a cartoon that didnt´has been comercialized in Brazil, not even in dvd. I biuld first the control room them i try options to put it in a hight position, more tree options of assembly were posssible, but at the end, this one have the best design.
At Agents base the new Lego heros team plan another mission. From the left to the right: Agent Pin, the rokie B.B. and the playful Wolf. Agent big head, technologies and informatics specialist: Cozy meeting room: Small arcenal used in personal defense of the group: The new vehicle MX7 arriving at the base:
MOC: Lego Store
congratulations, exelent moc. the small boxes, the ultramini moc, colors, the ideia, Very nice work thanks for sharing regards I'm posting your creation in our brazilian afols comunity
Republic R-Wing
congratulations, very nice work, the constrution and the colours are great,
MOC: Police Headquarter
thanks, coming from Lego experts, like all of us, it's realy means a lot for me. I'm adding other fotos of the second floor
MOC: FDNY ladder truck
amazing truck... congratulations for your work great moc, thanks for sharing
7674 - V19 Torrent Starfighter Review.
nice review, thanks congratulations for your new set. it's a great ship to dock in the SW main hangar
MOC: Minifig Scale Cool Convertible
Exelent work, every thing is very well reproduced... The converteble moc is awesome,,, congratulations
Review - 8017 Darth Vader´s TIE Fighter!
great review, thanks for sharing... I realy enjow the rear aerodynamics... The gray is much better welcome than the regular blue
Chrome Darth Vader
Congratulations for your new Lego... Great minifig
MOC: Police Headquarter
thanks, it"s realy means a lot for me You won"t beleive want k-9 dogs are doing here in Brazil, anti-kidnapping, narcotics, protection and the traditional crowd control. Well sometimes, wen a have vacations a made some huge Lego battles , and honor those heroic minifigs is a obligation BA is obrigatory in my troops, it"s a perfect product Thanks The Brazilians also love the auditorium, me too, my inspiration comes from the film "the kingdom" with Chris Cooper and Jamie Fox, the FBI have a auditorium just like that. I have a dificult to take good fotos, I'm woorking on that, I will present others moc. Thanks for the complements, it's realy means o lot for me, It's a replica of a French building thanks, coming from Lego experts, like all of us, it's realy means a lot for me. thanks, coming from Lego experts, like all of us, it's realy means a lot for me. thanks, coming from Lego experts, like all of us, it's realy means a lot for me. thanks, coming from Lego experts, like all of us, it's realy means a lot for me. Great work at the classic town, congratulations thanks, coming from Lego experts, like all of us, it's realy means a lot for me. The Brazilians also love the auditorium, me too, my inspiration comes from the film "the kingdom" with Chris Cooper and Jamie Fox, the FBI have a auditorium just like that. thanks, coming from Lego experts, like all of us, it's realy means a lot for me. thanks, coming from Lego experts, like all of us, it's realy means a lot for me. thanks, coming from Lego experts, like all of us, it's realy means a lot for me. It's a replica of a Frech building
Review : 7683 - Fight on the Flying Wing
congratulations for your new set Thanks for the review... This is a fiction aircraft from Lucas film creations, but with this aerodynamics it’s possible to fly, It is also a great design. Great set, Indiana Jones is always a got choise
Hi from Brazil...
Thanks evebody....
MOC: Police Headquarter
In the style of the sets corner cafe, Green Grocer and Market Street created a police headquarters for my city. At the Right side cames a square. In the left the corner café. I don´t have yet parts to make the sidewalk, sorry... Following the citizen: Garage, dining room of testimony K-9 operations first flour view: second flour, briefing auditorium After a investigation office and the corridor. meeting room: Another investigation office and the guncage: Rescue training: The square that honer a war hero: Police special forces:
Hi from Brazil...
the Tutorial Index
Hi from Brazil...
well i know at least one, brazilian Lego ambassador, Ildefonso Zaneti Kim T thanks for the tips...
Hi from Brazil...
My name is Rodrigo Laureano I was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In 1977 I won my first Lego set. Now, I’m 36 years old and my days have only 23 hours because I spend at least one hour a day building, modifying, customizing or just playing with my collection. It has been tree years now that I go to Eurobricks Forum webpage every day, to get to kwon what is going on at Lego world. This year I started to interact with other AFOLSs and it has been an excellent opportunity to learn new things and make new friends. In September, I went to Denmark for the Lego Fan Weekend with other tree Brazilian AFOLS. We were warmly welcomed by all the AFOLS and lugs and here I have the opportunity to keep in touch with all those new friends and AFOLS... And of course I made other new friends.... There is not one specific Lego Line that I enjoy most, but I could not live without Star Wars, City, Adventures classic space. It has been ten year now that I'm in the military phase, no matter the technology. Aircrafts, space crafts, vehicles, infantry, bases, motherships and aircraft carriers. And I always have a city display built. See you soon Best regards Rodrigo Biulding the DEATH STAR in the LEGO FAN WEEKEND. I'm the first from right to the left
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