Everything posted by Brickthing
EB SW Xmas raffle 2012
A last minute entry, but Merry Christmas everyone!
A little help....
Here's an old photo of a MOC that I've been working on periodically for many months. In the picture I've used Stringer 3.0's mask around the waist area, but recently I acquired one of those wonderful MEK's, and let me tell you this; the Movie Edition Kraahkan works perfectly as Batman's crotch. Will this usage prove it's miraculous worth to everybody? Your mileage may vary.
3D program for posing minifigures?
HJMediaStudios, the guy behind the Space Marines project on CUUSOO, released his Blender minfig model here. I haven't tried it myself since I have my own version, but it looks like it should suit what you're looking for perfectly.
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
Tax should only hit you if the package is worth over $400, although this includes the value of postage as well. I've bought sets from them a few times before, although the cost of shipping usually removes most of the savings you're making. It can help to request that the boxes and instructions be removed, since it saves on space and a fair amount of weight. Thanks to Legonz's tip I've just made an order there as well. 2 London Escapes and 4 Mills cut down from $600 to a very respectable $240.
Hero Factory 2013
There's no problem with speculation, but in the interest of making actual 2013 information easier to find when it is released, I've renamed this topic to better suggest its purpose.
MOC: Portal Sets
Yup, after giving it a closer look the Cuusoo team decided to approve our project, so now we're ready to reel in supporters! A huge thanks to Si-MOCs and Tim Courtney for being incredible making this possible. I've updated the first post to reflect the new supportable status of the project, which you can find here!
MOC: Portal Sets
Yep - both use this piece, which make a sturdy but easily swap-able ball-socket connection to this piece on the body. That project was created before Cuusoo's pre-screening process, although I'm surprised it hasn't been removed yet. Hopefully if that project gains enough supporters, Cuusoo might reconsider their decision on Portal's IP status, for better or worse.
MOC: Portal Sets
Thanks to the awesome staff at Cuusoo who gave Portal a second look, this project is now on Cuusoo and 100% suportalable! If you'd like to see Portal LEGO sets become a reality, support it now at the Cuusoo project page! Over the past few months, Team Jigsaw (A MOCathalon team consisting of Lego Junkie, 55555, Arkov and myself) had been working on a LEGO Portal project for Cuusoo. Sadly Cuusoo considers Portal an innappropriate license for unspecified reasons, and although we tried numerous forms of contact we were unable to appeal this decision. We didn't know this until we tried to submit the project, so we're left with a polished piece of work even though it's not possible to get supporters for it. So here are the results of our work, which we still want to share for the LEGO community to enjoy! Lego Junkie designed and built the Glados set, while I designed the modular test chamber, minifigs and produced the 3D rendered final images. 55555 was responsible for designing the Portal Puzzle game, which we've added in celebration of the project launch! GLaDOS' Chamber Chell is trapped in the Aperture Science complex! Lead through test after test by GLaDOS, Chell has finally found the psychotic robot's lair! Will she succeed in destroying her nemesis? The final battle and the fate of Aperture lies in your hands! Includes three minifigures, Chell, Wheatley, and the famous potato. Features battle platform, portal gun, and GLaDOS GLaDOS can swing a full 360 degrees and is able to rotate her head in all directions Perform a core transfer with Wheatley and GLaDOS! Battle platform is over 5" (15cm) long GLaDOS is over 9" (22cm) wide, and over 12" (30cm) high Parts count: 499+ "I hope you brought something stronger than a portal gun this time. Otherwise, I'm afraid you're about to become the immediate past president of the Being Alive Club, haha." Modular Testing Chamber Make your very own Test Chamber out of LEGO, in any way that you want! First build the modular frame to the dimensions you choose, and then fill the walls and floor with tiles, platforms, buttons and more! Finally, add accessories such as turrets, cubes, small buttons, signs, cameras and most importantly, test subjects! Includes four minifigures, Chell and 3 Aperture Science Sentry Turrets. Completely modular design allows you to redesign the chamber for different tests. Solve button puzzles with the Weighted Storage Cube, or dodge the laser sights of an array of turrets! Use the 4 different pattern tiles to create any 2 digit number for the level sign. Discover a hidden Ratman den behind the testing chamber walls. Standard Testing Chamber arrangement is over 10" (25cm) long, 5" (12cm) deep and 6" (15cm) tall! Combine multiple Modular Testing Chamber sets and your own module designs for unlimited variations. The possibilities are endless! Parts Count: ??? Contents: Frame: • 3 Corner columns • 8 8L beams • 4 4L beams Modules: • 1 8x8 Big Button • 1 8x8 Exposed Mesh with Platform • 2 8x8 Non-Portalable • 6 8x8 Standard • 8 4x4 Non-Portalable (2 Raised) • 2 4x4 Stairs • 4 4x4 Toxic Water • 1 4x4 Orange Corner L • 1 4x4 Orange Straight • 1 4x4 Orange Tick • 1 4x4 Blue Corner L • 1 4x4 Blue Straight • 1 4x4 Blue Cross • 16 4x4 Standard Accessories: • 3 Aperture Science Sentry Turrets • 1 Small button • 1 Weighted Storage Cube • 2 Aperture Science Handheld Portal Devices • 2 Portal tiles • 1 Customizable Level Sign • Bonus Ratman gear - A box, water, an empty milk carton! Beans! Here are all of the characters that feature across the two sets - turrets, test subjects, cubes and cores! In the spirit of an actual LEGO set, we aimed to use as few new parts as possible. The turrets are made using 4 new pieces, which are also used for the Portal gun. Update! Portal Puzzle Board Game "Now you're thinking with Portals." Like the Portal games, this is an enthralling battle of wits! Build baffling chambers using the instructions in the included Puzzle Booklet, and solve them with your Portal Device and innate cunning! If you beat all of the included chamber designs, get a friend to design a new one, or find additional fan made puzzles online. This is an indispensable 3D board game for any Portal fan! Parts Count: 178 Nobody but John is quite sure how to play the game yet, but he assures me that the game would be very fun to puzzle through,and it is indeed completely customizable for making your own puzzle chambers. Here are the microfigs and chamber details that would be included the set. Thanks to the Minecraft microfigs that came from Cuusoo, hopefully the printing required for the companion cube should be possible! The test subject microfig could be made like normal microfigs without the hairpiece, but proper hairpieces is something that I'd personally love to see in future LEGO board games. It's disappointing that we won't be able to see this project become a reality via Cuusoo, but we had a great time designing the sets and will possibly look into bringing the custom minifigs to life if there's enough interest. Comments and questions are most welcome! Thanks to the awesome staff at Cuusoo who gave Portal a second look, this project is now on Cuusoo and 100% suportalable! If you'd like to see Portal LEGO sets become a reality, support it now at the Cuusoo project page! As of updating this post, the project has only been live for less than a day, but we already have over 650 supporters! I'd like to extend a massive thanks for everybody who has supported our project so far - it means the moon to us!
Hero Back Armor
I've split this sub-topic from the 2012 set discussion topic to give it the breathing space that it deserves.
Superheroes 2012
Great images, but they belong in the Culture & Multimedia Batman 2 Discussion thread.
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
Conversely, I don't think they'll do multiple droids for orders more than double the droid value, so to get the most droids you'll need to split up your orders into as many "droid values" as you can.
Galidor Vs. Bionicle
I've added a poll, so let's see how this goes! As far as I know, Galidor sets never reached New Zealand, so I've never seen Galidor pieces in person. Galidor does seem to be an excellent theme if you want to challenge your ability to find creative uses for restricted-purpose pieces. And just a note to Saberwing, please watch your capitalization in your posts. Thanks!
ART/MOC: Concept HF Themes
That's fantastic! I'm honoured to be the recipient of fanart for my fanart. Although it would need to be scaled down a little bit, I could see that rear wheel being a Thornatus wheel - do you mind if I attempt to turn your vehicle into a set version? I'll be making some more colourful figures as well, to justify the more subdued tones of this one. I figure that this is one of the few possibilities that would allow Brown and Tan shells to be produced, because cowboys would look worse in the normal bright colours of Hero Factory.
BZPower's dead?
The administration of BZPower is handling the situation, and they've said that they'll have the forums back online once the issue is resolved. I can't see too much to discuss in this topic with it staying kind and on topic, so I'm closing this topic now. I'm sure BZP will be back online again, but there's not much to do for everyone else except wait it out.
ART/MOC: Concept HF Themes
I had a different famous bounty hunter in mind when I created this character, but I realize that there are a lot of similarities. I even chose a blue head for this Hero. I'm working on a horse and rider for one of the next characters, and I agree that horses aren't easy! But because this would be a Hero Factory horse, I've decided that my solution won't be entirely horse, just as none of the other Hero Factory animals are entirely one specific creature. Here I have the advantage of being able to create custom parts, so I may invest in designing a new bone type or two to make the horse more achievable. Most of the bones are dark bley, while the hands and forearms are (meant to be) light bley. I'm fairly sure I had the RGB values right for that colour, so I think I need to tweak some other specular properties of that material to make it look correct in the renders. The barrel is a 1x1 cylinder brick with added indents, which would make a great architectural brick like the modified 2x2 round bricks used in the Temple of Atlantis. I'd love to see future Hero Factory sets use new System bricks before they appear in System sets. The boot pieces are spurs, although they aren't in the right position to be functional. I'm stuck on alternate uses for that piece though, with my only idea being decorative belt details. The hat does indeed have a rod-connection point. I included it intending to for it to be used for a Sheriff's star piece or Barraki eye, but a small skull could also fit well! The pistols were my favourite part to work on as well, although I think I got carried away with adding connection points - even the trigger could have a clip piece connected to it. I don't have much of a story worked out, but I do have a logo for the theme!
ART/MOC: Concept HF Themes
I've had ideas and concepts for Hero Factory themes sitting around on paper and in my head for a long time, but two weeks ago I was able to start making them a little bit more real. As part of the Engineering degree I'm currently working on, I needed to use CAD software to recreate a 6-10 yr child's toy or household tool. I figured this was a rare opportunity to combine my hobby with my studies, so I chose to create a Hero Factory figure, custom of course. It was a lot of work to reverse engineer all of the Hero Factory pieces, but I hope to do more in the future, which should go a little faster as I build up my digital piece library. Hero Factory Outlaws: Figure 1 - View 1 View 2 New Pieces Combined with the recoloured parts in this figure, I think there are roughly around the right number of new molds for the set. The hat and gun were designed with the idea of being used in multiple sets, as well as the odd looking connector piece, which attaches the hat to the head and provides connection points for spikes, masks or other details. Concept Art Breaking the endless and motionless dusk, a bright capsule tears its path across the skies of Planet Torengul. As it arcs down towards the cracked, barren earth, rusted robots stir from their lonely slumber to watch the rare spectacle. For the first time in one thous0and years since the Quaza Rush ended and the miners left with their spoils, something new is about to happen here. A bounty hunter and an outlaw cross paths while stranded on a remote moon in the Kepler-11 system. While the sun sets on the barren landscape and planets shift to obscure the star filled sky, the two foes reach for their ray-guns. Tensions are high, and only the fastest draw will escape this encounter. I'll keep this topic updated as an ongoing project, and I'd also love to hear your thoughts, criticisms and suggestions.
Hero Factory 2012
Depending on how devious you want to view the marketers as, assigning the more important roles to the larger sets also helps the kids get more for what they (their parents) paid for. When you pay more you expect higher quality, so I suppose the higher roleplaying value helps iron out discrepancies that can arise in set design quality.
New York Toy Fair Coverage!
Courtesy of BIONICLEsector01, HEROsector01 and our Eurobricks Toyfair correspondents Chols and Aanchir, Eurobricks is pleased to present to you three more articles covering the 2012 LEGO sets that were on show at the New York Toy Fair! Read on to find the coverage for the DC and Marvel Superhero sets, upcoming Friends sets and new Creator sets. Part Five: Super Heroes Part Six: Friends Part Seven: Creator, Racers, & Games
Hero Factory 2012
Hi Fabioman, I appreciate that English possibly isn't your first language, but please remember to use proper punctuation and keep your post language a bit more (but not too) formal. It just keeps the topics tidier and easier to read. Glad to see this topic put itself back on track again.
New York Toy Fair Coverage!
Courtesy of BIONICLEsector01, HEROsector01 and our other Eurobricks Toyfair correspondent Chols, Eurobricks is pleased to present to you the fourth article covering the 2012 LEGO sets on show at the New York Toy Fair! In this article Chols braves the scales, claws and teeth found in both the Dino theme and upcoming Monster Fighter theme, and chronicles the heroic teams of minifigs that keep the creatures at bay. Whether you like your action with a taste of Sci-fi or witchcraft, the LEGO Action themes this year have got it covered! Find and discuss the 2012 Dino and Monster Fighter coverage here, in the Action Forum!
Looking for MOCing tips for building HF weapons
There's nothing wrong with reviving a question topic like this one, because it keeps the same type of information in the same place. I've merged this topic with the previous weapon thread.
forums help
Problem solved? In that case I'll close this topic now, but if you have questions like these in the future, please use the Website & Forums forum to ask these questions, or PM a staff member to see if they can assist you.
Hero Factory 2012
With the way the Heroes went on about the importance of their Hero Cores, and how if it was drained and replaced, they'd be a different person, that's probably VN's actual spirit, however he has one. I suppose that makes him more evil if he can be killed in an energy storm, come back as a ghost and then possess a clone of himself to resume his master plan of taking over the universe.
New York Toy Fair Coverage!
Courtesy of BIONICLEsector01, HEROsector01 and Eurobricks Toyfair correspondent Aanchir, Eurobricks is proud to present to you a third article covering the 2012 LEGO sets on show at the New York Toy Fair! Today Aanchir takes us to LEGO City, where we find ambulances, forest rangers, motorists, a new Advent Calender, and more importantly, Power Miners! See this all and more in the Town discussion forum! Find and discuss the 2012 City coverage here!
Witch Doctor, Scorpio or Black Phantom?
It should do, but as generally members ignore Action Figure themes, you'll often get a better answer here instead.
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