Everything posted by Brickthing
Choking Hazard's Lego Anatomy Skeleton
That's an impressive skeleton, although I'd like to see a organ-less version to properly appreciate it. Those eyes are scary! At least on the head, I can see there are quite a few non-purist methods to attach the pieces in the ways they are. "Choking Hazard" probably won't be be taking this display model apart, but I sure there would be an alternative build that doesn't hurt any pieces.
MOC: Tavm, Revamped
Nice build - especially those Pakari shins and the solid chest. I think you need to make the building style of the limbs more consistent though, you're mixing small TECHNIC built thighs with Bionicle-built shins, and with much simpler arms. As you did with the shins, if you have one major "armour" piece per section then it would be clearer which pieces are meant to be details and which pieces can be ignored as construction pieces to make the model work (such as those half bushings on the thighs I think?). The staff is nice as well, but the grey double socket piece looks out of place - you could try to find an alternative using silver/light grey pieces, even if it requires simplifying the staff structure a bit. On a general and excusable note, if can avoid using blue pins it would make the colour schemes of your MOCs much stronger. That's difficult to do if you don't have many sets from earlier years, but it will make a big difference, even if you need to sink some money into a Bricklink order for a sizable number of black (and white ) friction pins. Please keep on building your figures though - I enjoy seeing that at least you are still building BIONICLE characters after it has ended. That's something I think I should get back into doing.
Hero Factory 2011
The official date is most likely July 1st, but I think it will be released slightly early. It's impossible to put a date on a non-official early release date though. I think it's natural to overestimate set sizes when the pictures try their best to make everything look bigger. I know the size of Hero torso armour quite well, so I use that to get a better understanding of the summer set sizes (Raw-Jaw seems tiny for a Villain set), although I'm fairly sure that I'm overestimating the size of Witch Doctor's head. The pieces that I've certainly overestimated were the Glatorian helmets, and the 1.0 Hero helmets to an extent. I never suspected the Ignika would be as small as it is.
Hero Factory 2011
July seems to be the official release date, but most Summer themes have been released already, so Hero Factory may be released early. On the other hand though, the winter wave was surprisingly held back a lot closer to the actual release date, so these might be as well. I'm looking forward to Waspix as well, especially for the trans-yellow and printed armour pieces. While he has lots of useful bones, it's a shame that only one of them is a special bone (the new extra-shoulder-piece). @ Witch Doctor height - not counting the spikes, I don't think the set will be as big as Toa Mata Nui. While Witch Doctor's legs are quite long, his torso looks dis-proportionally short.
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
I went around the Auckland Toyworlds this weekend and they all seemed to have regular prices. There were plenty of PotC sets as well, so they must have simply sold out already at your Toyworld. I only had trouble finding the Captain's Cabin set, which had sold out on the North Shore, but I managed to pick up 4 at the Onehunga Toyworld for an averaged 31.25% off.
Hero Factory 2011
Thread merged. I think it's important that the bow is a different colour to the wings, because they'd be made of a different metals to each serve their function - light weight and strong material for the wings, and a denser non-conductive material for the bow, to contain whatever technology the bow operates with. Furno probably could've afforded to have more recoloured/new pieces, but Furno's design is already relying on character appeal and playability rather than pieces by having less armour, so it might not have been worth producing a new piece when the Villian blades work so well.
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
Did you order over $110 in Star Wars LEGO, or just general LEGO? If it's the former then it could've been accidentally not included...
Official 2.0 Hero Thread
The torso armour keeps the tubing in place, while a Hero shield attaches to the two friction pins to tidy up the back.
Official 2.0 Hero Thread
With the new 2.0 building system, it's remarkably easy to make and customize good looking action figures. I've noticed that the majority of the MOCs that follow the standard 2.0 build each have one or two unique details/techniques, but these are often forgotten because a there isn't much to discuss about every new standard 2.0 build. So in order to gather these techniques into the a "library" of sorts and to keep the forum tidier, I've created this thread for sharing and discussing our 2.0 Hero MOCs/tablescraps. LDD Heroes and photos of Recon Team Heroes are welcome as well, but no CG Recon Team heroes please. As a photo heavy thread, please try keep the resolution of photos at around 500x375. To start things off, here's a recent Hero that I made, to test out Toa_of_Justice's Atlantis trident details in real life. It works quite well, provided that the beam hole where the trident is attached isn't above a ball or socket.
Hero Factory 2011
I've added descriptions of the Heroes and villains to the first post, not sure if they're new or not, but they also included the final piece counts. Unfortunately they don't confirm Rocka's gender, but it mentions "lion power" rather than "lioness power". As much as I'd like Rocka to be an Amazonian jungle queen, I think Rocka is probably a him.
Hero Factory 2011
Wow, that's interesting news. I've heard about them resizing the box of Plo Koon's starfighter, but $13 sets the size of canisters is tiny, and will mean that the boxes are (finally) crammed full of pieces. Hopefully a restock of sets in a nearby shop will give me the chance to see/buy one of these smaller boxes, just out of curiosity.
MOC: Meta Ridley
Seeing as you posted this a while ago, are you still interested in criticism for it? I must say though that this is a fantastic MOC, both as a recreation of an existing character and in its own right.
MOC: Scrofadillo
The lack of holes is mostly due to the angle I took the photos - the legs are filly with gaps and the entire body is just about a hollow shell. You can see right through the back in this photo. I rushed finishing this MOC for the recent Hero Factory contest on BZP so I rushed the legs and didn't get time to fill in the body - these are things I'll probably try again at before I pull the MOC apart (many valuable 2.0 parts are in there...) Thanks for the criticism on the head though - the head design changed a lot while I was building the rest of the MOC, and was originally intended to be a rhino head. The head looks very different without the horns and/or the black flippers, but it also looked too small for the body without them, so I stuck with those extras rather than rebuilding the head entirely. I'll try to work out something different for the head, but I've worked myself into quite a corner with the body design - the spine/neck cannot articulate any higher to accommodate a head that isn't looking almost straight down.
Hero Factory 2011
They're only available on the Torso armour, which also prevents you from having a Hero chest plate (a Hero Core does go on top though). So you can choose between no shoulder armour and a decent looking Hero or one shoulder armour piece on the torso and your Hero looking ridiculous. If you're planning on using a Hero as a parts pack, I think it will almost always work out cheaper using Pick-A-Brick instead, unless you want the exclusive Chestpiece.
MOC: Warriors
Your folder isn't public yet, so nobody else can view the photos (they will in a few hours once it is approved by the Brickshelf moderators). You can deeplink pictures by clicking on the Brickshelf photo until the web URL ends in ".jpg" (I presume), and you then copy that URL. In the post editor next to the hyperlink button is a picture of a tree, which you click and paste the URL of the picture into.
Bionicle Text Adventure: Jolly Rogers
>Use your Pakari to rip up the tree and place it as a ramp to get onto the boat.
Hero Factory 2011
I'm disappointed it's a flame piece (as I've got plenty from the villains), but we couldn't have expected it to be an exclusive or highly valuable piece when it's merely an apology for a slight delay.
Bionicle Text Adventure: Jolly Rogers
> Check the inside of your mask for a name inscription.
Bionicle Text Adventure: Jolly Rogers
This seems like an interesting project, one which I think I'll follow along on. I like your art style, although it would be good if you could smooth out the jagged edges. > Put on the pirate hat that is on the ground
Hero Factory 2011
Currently there isn't too much known, just information from mostly preliminary product descriptions. The theme is referred to as Savage Planet, and is set on the jungle planet Quatros. In that jungle, the evil Witch Doctor is controlling the local wildlife for evil purposes (terrorizing villagers I think ), so the Heroes adopt Jungle-style gear to stop him.
MOC: Dark Factory
Those are some great poses, and the MOC uses Breez's headgear well. Would it suit Dweller to add a tail? As a presentation tip, you should take the screenshots from the last step of the building guide mode, to get a background less distracting than the desert. There's probably a better way as well, but I'm not very LDD savvy.
Hero Factory 2011
Hero Factory isn't like other themes because it's following on from BIONICLE which had a 10 year run. I don't think it will last for nearly that long, but the episodic style of HF sets itself up possibly better than BIONICLE for lasting many waves, until they run out of original themes to base Heroes on. It would be a shame to end it so soon after spending so much effort in establishing the concept, and to make that decision when it's at its best so far. However on the flip side, most of the 2.0 parts (bones and shells) are clearly designed to be non-HF specific, to allow the building system to be used for other action figure themes as well. That strongly suggests that there will be a different action figure theme within the next couple of years, although that doesn't mean it will permanently replace Hero Factory (or at all - who would object to more than one action figure theme at a time? ).
MOC: Hero Factory Experiments
By using Lego Digital Designer. The longer limbs that you've used is a great idea, because of the extra detail you can add at the new scale. You should investigate extending the torso as well though (using Fire Lord's torso?), because the torsos are now disproportionally short. I love the colour scheme of Neptune, and it makes me wish Teal was still being produced - it would be a perfect armour colour for an aquatic Hero. For both Heroes you should be bolder in your colour choices though - don't stick too hard to the "3 colour limit rule" when it means that bone and weapon pieces are the same colour. Have you tried making all the bone pieces of the Heroes black? It shouldn't disrupt the colour scheme and it would make the fit in better with existing Heroes (as black is the only bone option). The fins on the back of Neptune's legs seem positioned strangely, but I like all of the other details you've added on by MOCs. Particularly on Oceana however, I think both Heroes could benefit from removing a couple of the details, because they are slightly crowded with them. I'm not sure what your intention was for this experiment, but I think it's a success at using the LDD Hero Factory pieces to create Heroes with a particular theme.
Hero Factory 2011
My prediction is that the numbering system won't stay around for too much longer (6.0 at the most), simply because at a rate of 2 increments per year, very soon will kids of the target age not know about 1.0/2.0 sets, so they'll be little point in referencing them via the continuous number series. Rocka XL is already a deviation from the number system, and the canister sets will probably do it soon as well. DX is a possible replacement - it worked for NinjaGo (and Galidor ).
MOC: Scrofadillo
Scrofadillo When venturing through the dangerous dark jungles of Quatros, explorers must be wary of many beasts and monsters. One of such beasts is the giant Scrofadillo, who stands at almost twice the height of a Hero. The Scrofadillo was named for it's appearance being a mix of boar and armadillo features, although it is far more savage than either of those tiny Earth animals. This particular Scrofadillo has a corrupted Quaza spike on it's head, so is under the control of the evil Witch Doctor. Heroes beware!
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