Everything posted by prateek
My LEGO Advent Calendar Display "MOC"
woah, talk about recycling! *y*
E-mail poll from Lego
i just did it it took soo long! :-|
New creator from 2007
yay october! Mets all the way!!! :-P
Can anyone tell me why Takeshi only use Supernova once?)
uhh... he wanted to use the GT, pretty obvious *gives dumb look*
Wii Release Details
in canada it is nov. 19. im gonna beg my parents for it. it also plays NGC games, which is a good thing considering i have 8 NGCGs
i saw it during Cars too. I might watch this, but not Flushed Away :-/
A Story
*y* that is one heck of a suspensful story! A+! is there a Part II? dun dun duh.....
Masterpiece Starscream Review
that is sickly sick (cool) X-D
How do you pronounce your username?
pr-ahhhhhh-t ee k
Pick a Brick in Shop@Home confirmed
lol gasp omg!!! that's just plain silly *wacko*
V-wing on S@H
i agree.... for some reason
New 2007 city sets
NICE!!!!!!!! *y* *y*
New Exo-Force online comic up
yo thx! *y*
The User Picture Thread
u look like that Mr. Bean guy on tv Yea, they are identical! :-| Ouch that hurts |-/ Prateek, no insults please, G me ressembling Rowan Atkinson ? are you mental or something ? :-| At least LV saw the ressemblance :-D :-P And Jinzo, I added one view to your pic :-P *yoda* that wasn't an insult :'-( 8-| >:-( |-/ :-(
Which EXF Mech's cockpit...
if u look at the side profile he could be sniped easily. the super nova or the silent strike on the other hand, they are almost completely protected X-D I just looked at the Bridge Walker review and its true 8-
First Aqua Raiders Site!
It sounds better when you say you have 50 % of the total forum posts... no one needs to know it's 7 out of 14... Heh, that just made my day :-D that's a good way to put it :-D
Sugegasa redesigned Thunder Fury...
same here, but i dunno why not *wacko*
Propaganda for the TIE Army perhaps?
*jawdrop* *y* X-O
First Aqua Raiders Site!
i joined and now i have the most posts!! *y*
The User Picture Thread
u look like that Mr. Bean guy on tv
Which EXF Mech's cockpit...
if u look at the side profile he could be sniped easily. the super nova or the silent strike on the other hand, they are almost completely protected X-D
7713 White Lightning vs. Bridge Walker review
if i get this set, i would remove the disc launcher and put in wings for the WL but the BW is a definate *y*
Apo the Toystore worker
nice job Mr. Toystore X-D
Those "Blocko" Bionicle bootlegs, finally on eBay.
lol u almost got them! :-D
It wouldn't be stealing, would it?
lol! i would do the same too ;-)
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