Everything posted by prateek
i agree. it looks more like a undead thing then a mechanical thingy
Sweet Brickshelf find
oooooo *wub* i wouldn't want that though
- New Skin
Super Nova custom alternate models
seeker instuctions? (please) :-)
What's in a name ???
prateek is my name sorta thing thingy thing... 8-|
Wild West: Ghost Town Images "leaked" (UPDATED #3)
lolz :-D i like that sc head *y*
First Aqua Raiders and City pics on
they should change it to alpha raiders :-D
Visorak Rex and General Grievous
i like the legs on VR *y* but grevious is too skinny *sad*
Thunder Fury custom alt models
you should be called "the alternator"(listen up ADMINS!!!) *y*
Summer of 2006 wrap-up
nutin :'-( |-/ >:-( *n* *n*
a theory on Kardas
your other one got closed so wat makes u think this will stay open? :-|
Whoo Hoo
STOP IT!!! seriously nice review/thinythingthing :-/ *y*
- Lego Batman Quiz
are we falling into a dark age again?
same here
The battle of the images
Bridge Walker Box Art
I have NO idea since its not yet available in shops (my Lego catalog says october) ;-) I took those pics in the "Vault" in Billund. I saw it and thought of you Exo fans and did some pics for you ;-) The box is HUGE !! That models looks fanttastic and I might buy it actually ;-) *yoda* k thx :-$
Who is this?
lolz :-D
Something I have been working on.....
:-D lolz
A Burning Escape
holy awesomeness! that's awesome!! *y* i tried doing that but the legs got messed up
Bridge Walker Box Art
how much was it?
The battle of the images
good luck! i entered a FLL comp here in Toronto and we sucked really bad... *sad*
10177 - Boeing DreamLiner has arrived
oooooooo lots of 1x1 clear slopes *y*
Brickshelf finds 2004-2006
yoda would love this
A collection of speederbikes.
those are very nice *y*
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