Everything posted by prateek
If you're interested in aerospace, definitely check out the Kennedy Space Centre!
Review: 21103 Back To The Future Time Machine
This set is fantabulous! I didn't have high hopes for this set, but as a automobile aficionado, the final shape of the Delorean turned out great. Also, I had no idea they included different parts for each movie in the trilogy! Great touch. I really want this set now, even though I haven't watched the films! ( )
- Car Talk
MOC: Toronto CN Tower
Looks good! I am from Toronto, and it is very rare to see someone make a MOC of the tower. The tower could be taller, as it looks out of proportion, but that's understandable as it would be too tall to stand. Also, the buildings are grey, but they do look nice in tan. Great job with the lights and the observation deck. They look great
- [LDD MOC] City cars
Hawks win!
Thanks Chicago! -Toronto
- Car Talk
- MOC: DC Superheroes Racers
- [KEY TOPIC] Official LEGO Sets made in LDD
- Official Lego Movie
- LEGO Architecture 2013 Discusion
A Toronto Affair
Wow! The whole thing looks awesome, but the real star of this is the streetcar! It's so true to it's real life counterpart. The subway is really nice too, but uncharacteristically clean ( ) BTW, are the buildings based on actual structures in Toronto, or are they made up? They look really nice!
- Quiz: Which Chima tribe would you fit into?
So me and my friend Kyle have been build these things called Zoids. He
Wow! These are awesome! I really wish Zoid model kits were still available in North America, but these are very good substitutes!
- Lego Creator Expert 10234 Sydney Opera House
MOC: Tow Truck (5stud)
Awesome job! This really goes well with your sports car. Just add some goofy eyes, and you get Tow Mater!
What're your favorite and least favorite Star Wars sets? Topic already here
- Classic Space Restoration Project
What's the one set that really pains you for NOT buying it?
While I was not in a position financially to be able to buy them when they were out, I am sad I missed out on 10184 Town Plan and 10231 Shuttle Expedition
City Bridge
Cool! I'm surprised I don't see this technique used more often. It looks so nice!
- [MOC] LL-924 and Variants
NHL playoffs or hockey in general
Mine was even worse
- REVIEW: 75017 Duel on Geonosis
Talking about your city's special food
I don't know what Toronto is known for in terms of cuisine by non-residents, but we sure do have a crap-ton of these:
NHL playoffs or hockey in general
Leafs fan here. Yesterday was total BS. Every 2nd round series is gonna be fun though! Now I'm rooting for the Hawks, followed by the wings.
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