Everything posted by prateek
REVIEW: 30161 Batmobile
A really nice little set, but considering the Batman Jetski set came out along with this, I'd rather have that.
3D Model: Batman's Tumbler
Cool. I like how this model is buildable on LDD, whereas most other Tumbler MOCs include many illegal techniques. I also like how realistic the POV Ray looks. I might have to download it.
- MOC: Lamborghini Countach LP500S
[MOC] Transformer
Very nice. Very nice indeed. Now only if the yellow parts were red and the head was blue. Do you mind building this on LDD and sharing the file?
REVIEW 3185 Summer Riding Camp
Great. It's sets like this that make me sad that Lego decided to make special minidolls for the Friends line. I mean, just imagine how amazingly awesome this set would be if we had regular minifigures!
Happy Birthday Ricecracker!
Happy birthday smart megablocks
Deep Space Striker
Very nice. Green-white is a very rare colour combination when it comes to Sci-Fi theme. The shape is very cool as well
- [KEY TOPIC] Official LEGO Sets made in LDD
The Unofficial LEGO Collectors Guide RAFFLE
I want 10184 Town Plan. Just so iconic, and such a great playset.
Pickup and Camper
Quite nice if I do say so myself. My favourite part has to be that you actually made a proper interior for it
Modular Madness - Voting: Category 3: Classic Modular
35. DarthNick - 1 27. Myko - 1 21. domino39 - 1 12. danthaman11 - 1 4. gotoAndLego - 1 This is the most I've ever thought about who to vote for in an EB contest. Good luck
Modular Madness - Voting: Category 2: Parks and Rec
11. mObby - 1 18. L@go - 1 10. LegoJalex - 1 7. Sebeus I - 1 24. Bernd - 1 There were way to many awesome entries in this category. It was hard narrowing it down to five!
Modular Madness - Voting: Category 1: Mini Addition
1. George G. - 1 7. Kit Fisto - 1 13. Inconspicuous - 1 9. FliXFantatier - 1 16. kciR - 1
SoF : Mia's Monster Truck
Considering Mia is the environmentalist of the group, I don't think this would be very plausible, but that doesn't matter, does it? It's awesome nevertheless. I like the crazy rotor thingy on the back
Lego 80th Anniversary and Cake Polybag Promo
Haha that's a cool little novelty. Nothing special, but it is a nice gesture Better than nothing.
Modular Madness: Hospital
Very nice. The best part is definitely the window trimmings. The only thing I can say against this is that I'm wondering why that guy is afraid of the MRI machine
10229 Winter Village Cottage
This is awesome. It seems that Lego has done the snowy roof awesomely. The vehicle is great, as is the igloo. One of the best sets of the series
- Which set should I buy?
2012 LEGO Architecture News & Discussion
Thanks man!
SDCC Lego Bizarro face print issue?
If the seller doesn't budge, call Lego and show them this picture. Maybe they have extra heads and will send you one.
A Platypus?
HAHAHAHAHA!! This looks minifig scale! Now all you need is a triangle head piece for Phineas and a box head piece for Ferb
2012 LEGO Architecture News & Discussion
This is definitely the best of the Architecture series by far. I really want a high-res shot of the back of the box to see what's that stuff on the roof.
[MOC] NNN Newsmobile
Kewl. It reminds me of the Magic School Bus! It seems that this news team always gets the news first.
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
Some stores already have it on their shelves.
deathtakeslast's Custom Fig's
As others have said, the head is great, but so is the shoulder pauldron and the sword, although he should have a lightsaber instead
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