Everything posted by Legoman
For Trade: Sealed 10179 Millennium Falcon (Box not mint)
Hey folks, I have a sealed 10179 Millennium Falcon I'm keep to trade for some newer sets. Unfortunately the box is a bit hurt from serious shelf-wear in one corner, and minor water damage in the corner. Box was opened to check condition and everything inside is mint. It's just the exterior box that is damaged. Pictures available to interested persons I'm particularly interested in bulk polybags, but am potentially open to a huge range of sets (including multiples). However I'm only really interested in new (sealed) sets. Could be open to bricklink store credit if you have lots of sets. My guess is that this is worth ~$4000 US, so am looking for roughly this kind of value in exchange. Strictly no sales at this stage. Might consider selling later in the year if I can't trade. Happy to deal internationally. Look forward to discussing options!
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
That's a bargain! I'd give him $410 ;)
(US-> WW) WANTED: Uruk Hai and Rohan Soldier/Eomer Minifigures
For some reason I'm unable to PM you. How many are you after, and what price range are you looking at? I have a total of 24 figures, all basically new (from 4 copies of 9471). Let me know what's of interest. I'm based in NZ but accept paypal.
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
Man, I was referring to the sale a couple of days ago but the sale yesterday/this morning was/is even better. However half the sets were sold out by the time I got online. I really need to keep a closer eye of that site :)
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
Man, did anyone see/grab any of the deals on the Warehouse Red alert site on Thursday? Quite gutted I missed a few of those, some really good deals! Would have loved a few of those Lion Temple sets (Which were 70% off!).
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
Do you recall if they had any other Exclusives on sale? Thats a decent price for both those sets MISB, if you want them sealed.
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
It was a shame that Toyco disallowed giftcards to be used during the sale - I still have a couple that I'm waiting to use on sets on sale. None the less, I caved in and bought the new Volvo front end loader at 20% off. It's going to be a reward for when I finish exams.. if I can hold out that long! I had to open the box just to see inside - mate, the wheels and bucket are huge! Very exciting. That X-wing was a very good deal! I'm surprised they seem to be going on sale so frequently, I would have expected it to be a popular set, but perhaps not so much.
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
Indeed, that comp is part of the lead up to the CHCH brick show this weekend! Would love to see any other EBers if you're going.
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
$6k? Interesting, I would have to assume that toyworld must have allowed multiple uses of vouchers then? Good on them.
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
I'd go with the Simpsons house - Orthanc has been around a little while now and I don't get the impression it has been a huge seller, so I'm sure it will stick around on sale. Simpsons houses seem to be selling out fast though! At 30% off, its a pretty well priced (That said, they both actually have quite reasonable $pp ratios as of todays standard). And then if you change your mind, I'll happily grab it off you! :P
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
Went to Toyworld today, the whole thing was a bit silly really - They 'didn't have' Simpsons house nor the MKII Crane (Or several other newer larger sets, noticeably - which they did have just a couple of days earlier). Somewhat typical of the toyworlds here in CHCH. It'll be interesting to see if they're back on the shelves after the sale. I picked up 4 Simpsons figures and left it at that - a little unfortunate. Back to internet shopping then, I guess.
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
Heh, It'll be interesting to see how/if he responds to that. He doesn't seem to like people telling him that they're not worth that much :P I considered making a comment but figured I didn't want to get flamed either. I'll just think positively that he seriously doesn't want to sell them In other news, next weekend is toyworld's big 'you choose the discount' promo. I'm planning to grab the Simpsons house if I can! Plus maybe the Technic crane..
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
Has anyone else looked at that Star Wars UCS collection on Trademe? Sheesh. The guy is asking a mint for them. Not a bad collection, but I'll be very surprised if he gets a local buyer at that price.
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
Hmmm, not so keen at 30% off, thanks for mentioning it though. .. I had the opportunity of loads at 50% off, but turned that down hoping they'd get lower (Decided I'd get 2 at anything under $50, and several more if much lower). Now that they're lower, they're gone! I only wanted them for parts anyway, so I'm not too upset, but would be keen to grab a couple. I guess the next place to watch is Toyco - they cleared POTC at 60% off, hopefully they'll do the same with LR.
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
Pretty crazy deal. I got 2 when they were $50 but had to buy another at $40 (73% off!). I also picked up the smaller Teepee set, down to $20.. Dare I say it, even at $20, I didn't feel it was a bargain. That set was horrendously overpriced. They also have some of the space aliens on clearance. I'm really keen to buy a pile of the LR 'City showdown' set, but haven't been able to find any in CHCH Warehouses. I don't even know how much they are, but I'm sure they'd be cheap. If anyone's warehouse still has a couple (or heaps) left, feel free to let me know!
[MOC] Urban City Train Platform
Hi all, I have decided to share one of my more recent projects, of an Urban city train platform. It's a quite simply a train platform in a modern cityscape. I was quite happy with how it turned out, and would love some thoughts. It's the first City/Train MOC I've done before so I'm hoping I was at least somewhat original It's the first model I designed before building, so the architecture of the station isn't completely random. Without further adu, here are some pictures: Train Station 2 by LegomanNZ, on Flickr Train Station 3 by LegomanNZ, on Flickr Train Station 5 by LegomanNZ, on Flickr Train Station 7 by LegomanNZ, on Flickr And here is a link to the full flickr album Opinions, comments and criticism are all welcome. Sam
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
In all fairness, NZ having a 100% markup from the states isn't all that uncommon. It has dropped a little over the last couple of years, but I'm not overly surprised. At over 2500 parts, It's still a little less than the typical 20c/part of other licensed sets in NZ. None the less, good savings to be had online for this one! Looks like a fantastic build and set.
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
Hmmm, I assume they're getting here eventually, but it would be pretty common for them to get here a month or 3 late.. Seems there have been a few deals around the place recently. I'll be keeping an eye on the Warehouse clearances to see if they do any crazy deals to move stock - they often do. Wouldn't mind some of the Lone Ranger sets if they get really cheap. Question, I don't suppose anyone here has the PotC Queen Anne's Revenge ship do they? I regret not buying one for myself back in the day - would be keen to buy or trade for one (I have a gold C-3PO burning a hole in my pocket..)
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
Oh man, disappointing I missed out on that, The UCS X-wing was a great deal! Good find
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
I don't have any particular purpose for mine, I'll flick you a message. We do tend to get free polybags each year at Christmas - not sure that's a legit reason, but they don't get them in the states (where membership is free) and that does eventually largely offset your $20. It is all round a completely different system really.
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
Indeed, Plus 35% off architecture, 60% off games, 40% off lone ranger and ninja turtles, up to 50% off galaxy squad... Lots of really good deals!
Statue of Liberty on Custom Pedestal
Sorry LO 21, I just noticed your question! Shocking! I estimate probably around 7000 bricks It was a good fun design and build though, even if it took me far too long to finish
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
It seems IQ toys have got some shipments of Lego in and the majority is at about 20% off - including a nice range of exclusives. They have several Modulars, the UCS X-wing, Arkham, and the Sydney Opera house at 20% off. I have reason to believe that toyworld is having 20% off storewide this weekend so think I'll be getting my Opera house there, unless they bump the price up or take it off the shelf, in which case IQ toys it will be! It seems Toyco doesn't include their exclusives in their sales so much anymore so they've lost my business on this one (A real shame they didn't have them in stock when it was 25 or 30% off!). Is anyone here interested in the Architecture range? One of my customers asked me to bring in the Imperial Hotel and I brought in 2 (Planning one for myself) but I'm having a hard time justifying opening it. If anyone is interested (Buying or potentially trade) give me a yell. Still new and sealed. You can't get this one in NZ (Or at least I've never seen it here if it is)
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
Can't say I've ever used Youshop - would postage be much? Toyworld could be having 20% off this weekend, which would bring it down to $320 up front. Exclusives are usually a bit harder to get at a good discount, at least in the first year.
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
It's worth noting that Warehouse sales compound with their clearances, making some good deals sometimes. I don't suppose anyone has seen the Opera House here yet?
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