Everything posted by Legoman
LEGO Store Grab Bags
Different stores do Grab bags differently, Some use leftovers from the PAB wall, some use Returned sets, others use ex-display models. One thing's for sure, They're the best way to get mixed parts for a very good price. There's a topic all about it here
Buying LEGO from other countries on-line stores
Perhaps Austrailia has recently changed its personal importing tax laws? Even back in the height of it all with Amazon.FR, They were wanting to charge this duty/tax if my order was over $400 NZ (Our Legal import max before we have to pay GST and Customs charges), but only if I got it posted with 'Flash'. Now 'Flash' is the only option (I'm guessing because sets were getting beaten up in the cheap postage), and so this Import tax collection is now always included also. Yes, it is a bit more expencive now, But I'm not sure what they've done is a huge deal.. When they have sets cheap, It'll still be a good saving. I've just got to keep my orders under $400NZ
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Man, I'm absolutely stoked Lego is doing LOTR... I had always thought it was a write-off, But no! Looking forward to seeing final sets.. I'm sure they can't help but have brilliant parts. I just hope they manage to keep at least some sets based at AFOL's. <insert that tiresome argument>/pathetic LOTR sets would make me cry Very exciting
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
They always included it in everything Woah, Bargain! Good stuff man,
What did you buy today?
Today I saw a box of Lego at a local Market which is Rather unusual, with 5 more sealed bags for fairly basic sets beside it. Picked up the lot, just for the sake of it
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
Righto, Yeah, thats definately pretty steep. I showed Bunnings that the Warehouse had them for $20 (They beat anywhere by 15%) so I ended up buying 10 sets of 4 at $17 each at Bunnings. They're completely modular, and the drawers are removeable. Here's a picture: I also used some Foam Board I found to seperate out the drawers like this: Which was much easier than finding containers that fit inside and such. They're availible in Grey (What I decided to use), White, and Dark Blue. And best of all they're all NZ made It's win-win for everyone To make things easier for the customer? Funny you ask that Fatteh, now that I actually think about it, I'm not sure.. But I know they always used to. Perhaps to make it easy and simple for the customer as VMLN8R said, or mabye for they're own accounts- As Lego NZ has their own offices in Auckland and should be Tax and GST Registered. Will be intresting to see what responce Harmacy gets
LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
I'm really looking forward to a few of Next years sets, they look like they've got some potential. Jabba's Palace is probably what I'm most looking forward to, but lets just say I sincerely hope they do a lot of work on the prelims of The pic's we have Haven't ( ) seen.. Not so intrested in many of second wave, But I'll wait for the official pictures. I'm now just egerly awaiting the release of the TIE and Endor BP locally, a few of each of those won't go a miss The Y-wing looks good too.. But I had actually quite liked the last one, so we'll see. Hopefully it goes on a decent sale, Along with Ani's Interceptor and those Planet sets
Storage and Sorting LEGO
I'm currently 'restructuring' my storage method, going from Icecream containers to drawers. I can't quite decide which base colour I prefer, But I'm leaning towards Grey. Once I deside which colour, and they Go on sale, I'll be buying up heaps to go around, and partially under my desk (No idea where's I'll put the ISD and DS.. And I still need to buy the SSD too You can see the Containers under the desk.. Argh, I can't wait to have properly sorted drawers
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
Is that you with your collection? Imperessive! Is the $40 for a set of 3 or set of 4? The ones I'm getting are almost exactly the same exept they're NZ made, and Cheaper (hopefully they're still good quality...). $19.99 at the Warehouse or $20.44 at Bunnings. Bunnings will beat the Warehouse by 15% making them $17ish, Which is good. But I'm not sure if I should wait for them to go 20% off or something at the Warehouse, so I could get them down to $13.60 at Bunnings I bought one Grey and one white just to see how they look (they also have Dark blue availible), here's a pic: You can see the old way of parts storage below: Icecream containers. This should be much better when finished I'm still not sure which colour I prefer, But I'm leaning towards the Grey (Luckily it doesn't clash with Lego Greys). So that's my holiday project On the other note, Surely Lego S@H Must still be including GST? Otherwise thats absolutely criminal.
What did you buy today?
No Lego for christmas, But I picked up a secound NXT set along with plenty of other technic sets for quite a nice price Also, I got a couple of plastic Drawer units yesterday with Christmas money, to try out better sorting. They seem pretty good, so I'm hopefully going to be getting a pile more of those when they get to a good price I did actually get one Lego set for Christmas... Set 30027 Reindeer in the mail, from Lego New Zealand
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
I didn't end up finding anything good enough to buy over the last couple of days, Though some of the K-mart clearances (Heaps of Cars, Ninjago and POTC, some HP, SW, and City too ) were rather tempting. May have to head back at some stage. But I just did a random Trademe Check and picked up this which was quite nice, I've been looking for a secound NXT for a good price for a while, so at that price including a couple of extra decent sets, I'm very happy. Right place right time
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
Hey all, I'm back from India. Got back just in time (Literally within 2 hours of getting home) for Fridays Quake.. Yay for being a Cantab Hasn't been a very Lego-y Christmas this year, But I'm hoping to head out soon to have a look at some plastic drawers for parts storage (Layers of Ice-cream containers is getting a bit annoying with a growing collection ) I'm just planning to have a look, But has anyone here got any experience with such sorting, and ha any advise? I'm currently just looking at plastic drawers to go either on, or under my desk. Hopefully I'll find something useful at a good price Hope you've all had good Christmas'
I'm Leaving! I'm Coming Back! Do it all HERE.
Well goodbye all, I'm Off to Kolkata, India for 3 weeks as part of a missions trip. I hope all is well and you don't miss me too much (Even though I haven't been posting much recently anyway) I'll be sure to be back online once I get home
Buying LEGO from other countries on-line stores
I have no idea how that works? They sold it at a price you bought at.. why would they just give away profits? I'd be keen to try it just to save some money on a few MMV's, but it just feels wrong to me
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
Farmers has a cradholders-only (Very easy to sign up - Would take you 2 minutes at the door) day today, Including at least 30% off toys. One of the better deals to see in shops these days The Warehouse also has 25% off All Lego Online (Which has a better selection than in-store) which may be worth checking out - Namely the Imperial Flagship, not bad for $225
Buying LEGO from other countries on-line stores
Not a fan of Amazon.FR dropping the price of the MMV again. Totalled over 35% off NZ Retail - Had already been one of best value sets availible in a long time at NZ RRP! I couldn't resist. Again.
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
Woah good stuff man! Thats a flippin good price for the CC, I'm sure you won't regret that one.. Add it to the pile
Buying LEGO from other countries on-line stores
I beleive that deal was in-store only?
Buying LEGO from other countries on-line stores
7! Far out.. I'm impressed Only $2200? Thats not actually too bad
Buying LEGO from other countries on-line stores
What's that, 6 now? I do not want to know how much you've spent with these guys, haha. I'm starting to get told I need to hold off a bit myself, and a call from NZ customs telling me my last package is going to cost me $150 GST+Taxes, I'm a bit hesitant for a bit now ..Until I see another steal
OT sets cheaper than PT and CW?
Very intresting point you've raised.. I had never really thought about it, But I can kinda see where it's coming from. Perhaps it's due to the new molds and printing Lego feels it needs in the PT/CW sets to Sell at their target audience? I'm in no way sure, and this may all be total gargbage But it could be possible? Good question though. I might go compare some PPP ratios
New Zealand: "Where to find Lego"
I got the dreaded call today.. Apparently I've got GST payable of $150 Thats a bit lame Just thinking, Is anyone here intrested in half an MMV? I've got one full set, and would like a second (or even third), but not so keen to double up on the blue building. Would anyone be keen on just the blue building? Feel free to make an offer. If you're wanting more than one and your price is fair, I'd happily part out a couple more too
Buying LEGO from other countries on-line stores
Thought I might as well share this link: For those of you intrested in supporting our local community
Amazon Links - Now for everyone
Perfect! Cheers mate, will be sure to use that Edit: Argh, I'm an idiot I see what was wrong.. Sorry Kim. All good now
Amazon Links - Now for everyone
My only ask would be for all Toys (AKA All Lego themes ) from Amazon.FR to be included. I've bought Heaps of lego from them recently, and am about to place another ~$800 order, so if you're able to set that up, that'd be fantastic
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