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Eurobricks Vassals
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About II5hyena

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  1. I agree. I think you should elongate the hood on the first design. That would make it look great.
  2. I actually wanted the exo-suit the most out of all the sets reviewed. It just seems like a perfect opportunity to get a challenging build without spending a lot of money. On another note, it looks like google isn't the only company with a slide in it's headquarters.
  3. Definitely the lego batmobile It's way better than the newer one, but it's a shame it's so expensive nowadays.
  4. You could make Nestor, Castafiore, or Rastapopoulos, who seems to be the main villain behind the whole series.
  5. When building large sets I would often run into this problem , and I only started sorting after realizing stuff like that wouldn't happen if I sorted in the first place.
  6. Must have been this one: ho
  7. I like Haddock the best also.
  8. For me it seems like technic/bionicle/hero factory sets take longer to build than system sets take.
  9. I'm not sure what lego capes are made of, but the standard cape comes in these colors: White, Light bley, Dark bley, Black, Dark red, Red, Sand red, Reddish brown, Brown, Dark brown, Tan, Orange, Bright light orange, Yellow, Dark green, Green, Sand green, Dark blue, Sand blue, Blue-violet, Violet, Dark purple, Purple, and Light purple. There are also other capes that have designs printed on them, like the amazon cape from the adventurers, and also some capes are vampire style.
  10. Ouch. Sounds like you had fun.
  11. These look good. I'm hoping the heads in the picture aren't going to be the official heads. If they made the figures taller like in toy story sets, it might look better. But they just look awkward being that big.
  12. Which set took you the longest to build? Mine would probably be Muaka & Kane-Ra from bionicle. It took me a long time and it gave me the worst case of "Technic Hand" I've ever had.
  13. Also, most Official Lego sets have at least one play feature included with them, so if you want to build MOC's like Official sets, then including play features would be a good challenge.
  14. Wow that's really good! I can't wait for the Tie Bomber!
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