Everything posted by Bricklanta
Modern SW vs. Traditional SW
My favorite era was from 2004-2007. I think the 2006 was the best line because TLG really focused on the OT.
Invisible Hand v2
This is one of the greatest MOC's I have ever seen! It's perfect. I wish Lego would give us one.
Repairing turret...
I love Star Wars Battlefront. I remember Droidekas being too powerful in the first one and then being weak in the second one.
Viva La Empire!
Very entertaining read! :D
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
I hate how Star Wars Lego is starting to get repetitive and expensive. Well it has been for awhile now anyway.
REVIEW: 7595 Army Men on Patrol
The army men and thier helmets seems like the only good reason to buy this set.
Review: 7593 Buzz's Star Command Spaceship
I don't like this set at all. I don't think a small spaceship is worth paying $30 for. Again it seems like Lego is charging mostly because of the brand new mini figs. The only reason i can see buying this set is for the colorful parts.
REVIEW: 8086 Droid Tri-Fighter
I saw this set at Toysrus, but it was $30. I don't think it's worth that much even if you get a "rare" commander droid. I may end up waiting for a sale to get it if I do get it at all.
Where to get a good custom Ki-Ai Mundi?
The Quinlan Vos custom is the best in my opinion. I bet they're really expensive though.
REVIEW: 8087 TIE Defender
I saw this set and the Freeco Speeder at Toysrus last week, but I was hesitant to buy it because it cost about $54 USD. I don't think that's worth it for a 300 piece set.
Chasing through the skies of Coruscant
Those are some pretty good-looking ships.
Lego Echo Base mistake
Good eyes! I never noticed that and I've seen that page a couple of times.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
Hopefully the new sets come out before Christmas in the U.S. like they did last year.
Review: Atlantis 8057: Wreck Raider
Two new mini-figs in a $10 set is a pretty good deal. This will probably be the only Atlantis set I buy.
By The Fans, For The Fans: The Great Spirit Set
I would buy two of this set if it did come out, one to open and one to keep in the box. It's so sad that Bionicle is ending . I remember when it first came out when I was still in middle school. My first one was from a Mcdonald's toy.
REVIEW: 10210 Imperial Flagship
Very nice set and great review! I can't wait to buy this set and put it on display.
Mos Eisley WIP
Looks pretty cool! You're going to need a lot of tan bricks.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
Maybe the Wampa will be similar to the Crystal King from Power Miners.
[MOC] Vignette: Jedi School #1
Great MOC! Not having any fancy details kind of shows the simplicity of the jedi in my opinion.
7679 Review: Republic Fighter Tank
Great Review! I had to decide betwen this set and the Venator, but ended up getting the venator.
Review: 6206 Tie Interceptor
Great review! This is still one of my favorite sets.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
I'm glad Lego decided to include Kit Fisto in the Arc-170 Starfighter, I missed out on him last time .
Review: Tantive IV, 10198
Thanks for the review! I can't wait to get this set next month when I have spending money again!
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
I'm going to comic-con on Sunday, I can't wait to see all the new Star Wars sets they have.
[Review] 7748 Corporate Alliance Tank Droid
Pretty cool! I would buy it just for the jetpacks though.
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