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About keetongu

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    85 Shelly Lane Sharpsburg G.A U.S.A
  • Interests
    Bionicle, weather, science, volcanoes, earthquakes, ghosts, ghost investigation, pac-man, kirby, Danny Phantom, Spongebob, dragon investigation, dragons, and Spyro-the-dragon.


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  1. Thank you Starwars4J, that was nice.But then again I think you know what I'm going to type, but I 'll type it anyways X-D .We need to be on topic.Is anybody willing to full fill my simple request?I may be 10 but I still have the Easter bunny.I mean my brother was visited by the Easter bunny when he was 12, of course then May 22 he turned 13.Hopefull the Easter bunny gives me both.If not at least Brutaka, that icludes you to EB members.The giving me both or Brutaka part I mean. Remark deleted by jonfett
  2. I saw it in the Lego mag.I suggest cuuting it(The sticker.)in half correctly if you want to make the combiner.That's your simple answer :-) .
  3. Poor members, who live in Denmark.I know!You could trade with somebody.Not me though, I can't ship across to the U.K :-( .
  4. You put that green stuff that comes from your nose called snot on your mocs?!?*Faints*
  5. Could you stay on topic for once?I simply want them.
  6. That's odd *wacko* .I would contact lego about this.Or not apply the stickers.I still have no clue why lego made it that way.
  7. I like the show alot too.Though on one episode there was an Axonn like character.
  8. My spam meter says overload.I ain't no way waiting for July, no can do. *n* Must I use Ebay?The evil bafoons who overcharge.Everthing...*Cough*going black*Cough*...please let me have them*Wheeze*.*Drops dead*I don't understand why any of you members haven't given them to me.I've tried acting normal, even humor and none of it has worked.I'm going to have to use force this time...I guess.F.Y.I this is my last humous post.I will use force next time. :-/ |-/
  9. I'm afraid Lego2000 that Brutaka & Axonn aren't available on the American S&H.That's why I want it from the U.K early.It's hopeless :'-( .*Bangs head on keyboard*Will I ever get them in the month of April?*Faints*I merely want to have them.I personaly think it would be fun to have Brutaka stab Tahu in the butt then sit on him :-D .Please just take the burden of this topic off my shoulders.I don't me by closing it, I mean somebody giving them to me, me giving my stuff to them and then closing this.*Faints*
  10. How did you get a blue LED light?Still I agree wth Kahgarak.Can I have a blue LED? *sweet* X-D
  11. High prices, eh?But they're only fifteen Euros.And twenty American Dollars.I think thirty Canadian Dollars.So much for high prices.I don't just want them...I need them.O.K I know I sound greedy after my mom has just ordered Irnakk(Who will kick Piraka butt!Not the Matoran.).But I want Somebody to kick Nuva & Matoran butt(Other than Piraka.).I want two titans to kick each others butts.*Titans butts fly in the air.*This will hopefully be pursuasive enough. :'-)
  12. One time when I was doing...something I dropped something on my toe, thus causing the whole nail to fall right off.I was four when this happened.Then when I was five I busted my head open.Sadly it hit the part where the memory part of my brain was.It didn't touch my brain, just cracked the skull.That's why some of my memories are gone.How did I manage to bust my head, you may ask?Well it's quite simple,I had had a nightmare and was scared so I went to my mom.Then I was going to my room, but I nver could quite run strait, I seemed to turn.I apparrently had been watching my brother and his friend play Spyro too much so I thought that my head was as hard as Spyro's and that I could charge straitly like Spyro.I tried and...WHAM!, I end up with a busted head.I still have the scar today.
  13. Sorry Kikuichimonji, but it won't work, your suggestion.I've been to the discover mills mall(Long way :-| .) to go to the lego outlet(And get a bow&arow, which they didn't have the correct one of.), and no Brutaka & Axonn.Where in the stinkin U.S.A could they be?Legoland CA?No, not that I know of.Besides it would be on BZPower by now if that was the case.They're not here.Lego makes us wait to dang long.There's no point in selling the $20 sets if your gonna get the joy in Janurary while America and its sorry butt have to wait til August. *n* I want to have them.I try to sell stuff to you to get these bionicles, but you act just plain like you can't read.Take this not as offenciveness or spam.Just please, spare me some pain.I'm still recovering from being sick.I have one single dang chance of getting Brutaka :-/ on Ebay, and two or three for Axonn. :-) I want them so bad, I cou...BOOM!(6),could blow up.Litterally.Please take this post serious.Post with happy smiles and good attitudes.BOOM!(7)
  14. No, my to...BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!(Man, not a 5th time!), topic is going off track!*Topic crashes into ravine.*Tilius, I don't take offence when you post.If you yould read, I'm sick and now may be very offensive(Especially towards that evil place called Varsity :-X .)fof the next few days bu...BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!(Another froggin time!6 is enough!),but I'm not that way to much.Some of that offensiveness will be from not having Brutaka & Axonn, or just Brutaka.*EuroBricks member start throwing stink bombs.*No, the stench!Still I want Brutaka & Axonn so froggin much.I hope this post and my second and first post are pursuasive enough.
  15. Yes Axonn is better(I don't even have him.), but I get my least favorite(Which happens to be Brutaka, whom I don't have, which is killing me.)first, so once some-body trades me Brutaka or he appears on Ebay again, I won't have him for a while*sniff* :'-( .Look at my WANTED:Brutaka & Axonn,wanted for not being available in the U.S topic if you have an extra of both or just Brutaka(I mean it.).If you only have an extra Brutaka, I'll just use Ebay to get Axonn(Hopefully.).
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