Sorry Kikuichimonji, but it won't work, your suggestion.I've been to the discover mills mall(Long way :-| .) to go to the lego outlet(And get a bow&arow, which they didn't have the correct one of.), and no Brutaka & Axonn.Where in the stinkin U.S.A could they be?Legoland CA?No, not that I know of.Besides it would be on BZPower by now if that was the case.They're not here.Lego makes us wait to dang long.There's no point in selling the $20 sets if your gonna get the joy in Janurary while America and its sorry butt have to wait til August. *n* I want to have them.I try to sell stuff to you to get these bionicles, but you act just plain like you can't read.Take this not as offenciveness or spam.Just please, spare me some pain.I'm still recovering from being sick.I have one single dang chance of getting Brutaka :-/ on Ebay, and two or three for Axonn. :-) I want them so bad, I cou...BOOM!(6),could blow up.Litterally.Please take this post serious.Post with happy smiles and good attitudes.BOOM!(7)