Hello everyone this new pirate sets have me so excited that I registered! I don't collect legos anymore - but with these pirates that has changed now! I think I'm going to start with the ship and work my way down. I was always thankful that I had the chance to play with real legos (space, pirates, castle, and later on cowboys and ninjas) when I was young, now it looks like the good stuff is coming back!
Like what others said this set would go wonderful with the castle village to make a port city, my only beef with this set in particular is that it could use a little more for $50, like maybe instead of a rowboat a large boat/small ship to go with it like a couple of the older port sets had. But it's new PIRATES, who's complaining?!
Anyways has anyone else noticed that the new soldiers have blue piping with their red jackets, and the officers blue jackets with some red? I think the lego admiralty dicieded to cut costs and combine the old blues and reds into one service ;)