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Eurobricks Citizen
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  1. Thank you for the side view. I guess it's the hardest part to scuplture and you managed it very well. Two thumbs up.
  2. Awesome creation. You are really master of sculpture. I wonder with this kind of massive size, how can you transport this masterpiece? And can you share the inside structure view? Is there any side view of the model?
  3. djo

    Apartment block

    nice apartment design. the color scheme also great. just one comment, the entrance looks like the back door. is it common to see apartment entrance like that in your city? sorry if any unpleasant words. regards, djo.
  4. modular building sets always made me excited and amazed. but this 10218 is a little bit disappointed. the design looks like CC and GG in half size. and the box art designer forgot to put the building name on it.
  5. i don't know how much discount they have there. but if they're discounted 50% off or greater, i'll pick them for the needed parts, and sell the unusable parts. just my two cents.
  6. now i have to unbright my monitor display due to eye sore for today. thanks God it's only today.
  7. is it just me not seeing the pink theme?
  8. nice review. very informative pictures. that sticker is really big and disappointing. i like the van and car design, minus the doors. love that ponytail hair, is it new mold?
  9. awesome, i'm very excited and can't wait until this program really launched. the advanced rendering looks very interesting. any date of launch?
  10. i like all but 6399 is the best in term of playability, color scheme and design.
  11. great MOC you've made. the MOC itself really represent official LEGO design style. simple and playful. awesome work.
  12. nice idea indeed. maybe usage of plastic material will make the skirts have the LEGO feeling. but i'm sure they're difficult to made compare to paper. i hope LEGO will hear us and make the skirt mould.
  13. funny. thanks to knight bus too.
  14. interesting SNOT. maybe a pair of doors will make it nicer. do you have any reference picture for this MOC or you just made from your imagination? nice truck anyway.
  15. too bad, the online copy still not come up yet. looks like we've to wait for now.
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