2008 Picture thread
I found this on Wikipedia Arrest of Palpitine 8097 Palpitine, Anakin, Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, 2 Royal Guards if this is true, AWESOME!!!!!
2009 Prices?
I Need Advice
What I do to keep my figs in good condition is I just don't play too rough
New 2009 sets(all)
Space????????? is that Mars Mission or Power Minors?
2009 Prices?
Does anybody know what the prices are for the 2009 Star Wars and Indiana Jones sets are?
A good Lineup...
2008 Picture thread
Out of those set's rumored with out pics, these are the ones I want 7749 - Echo Base - 155 Pieces 7778 - Millennium Falcon Mid Scale 8038 - Star Wars Endor Battle Playset - 887 Pieces
Batman theme in 2009
I would like to see a set where Harvy Dent Becomes Two-Face, But I highly doubt that there is going to be any Batman set's for 09
Ideas for Future Indiana Jones Sets
okay, But as you probly know, I just joined yesturday, and I don't know much about where to put stuff, but thanks for the tips
Ideas for Future Indiana Jones Sets
Tank Chase, $49.99 Includes Tank, German truck, horse, Indy, Henry Jones, Vogel, and 2 German minifigs. Doom Town, $59.99 Includes House, Car, Russan Car, Trees, 4 Manakins, 4 Russan soldiers, and Indy.
Indy 2009 Discussion Thread
MORE SETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7195 Indiana Jones Ambush In Cairo/Egyptian Bazaar 7196 Indiana Jones Chauchilla Cemetery Battle/Mutt Chase 7197 Indiana Jones Venice Canal Chase/Venice Race 7198 Indiana Jones Fighter Plane Attack/Plane Race 7199 Indiana Jones The Temple Of Doom but when did this happen? 7198 Indiana Jones Fighter Plane Attack/Plane Race Sounds cool but what movie is it from?????????
Agents 2009
Finally some new sets! I'm not too fond of the gold tooth set with only having 68 peices, but I will be getting the 4-wheeler set if these rumors are true!
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