LEGO Labyrinth (AKA Minotaurus x4)
Dimensions: 50''x50''
Pieces: Approx 20,000
Build Time: 2 months
Playable Factions: Peasants, Forestmen, Wolfpack, Crusaders
Ages: 8+
Players: 2-4
Object of game: To successfully navigate your three figures from the outside of the labyrinth to the inside.
Playing: On each players turn roll both die (ACTION and MOVEMENT). Perform the ACTION die first and then move your character the number of spaces shown on the MOVEMENT die (NO diagonal movement).
Black: Move the Fright Knight Lord 8 spaces. If the Night Lord touches any player, they must return to their starting position and the Night Lord returns to the center of the Labyrinth.
Light Grey: Rotate one of the walls 360 degrees. Any moveable walls and figures touched by the rotating wall must be returned to their original position.
Dark Grey: Take any dark grey moveable wall and place it anywhere in the maze. Great for blocking paths and stopping the walls from rotating.
Red: Use one of two catapults to try and hit your opponent with a giant boulder. Any moveable walls or figures hit must be returned to their original starting position.
Dark Brown: If you can move one of your figures to a dark brown doorway, you may place your figure on top of the labyrinth on the designated pedestal. Your figure will be safe from all attacks on top of the maze and can stay in the safe zone for as many turns as desired.
x2 Tile: Move your figure twice the number of spaces as shown on the MOVEMENT die. (Ex: Roll a "6" with x2, move 12 spaces)
Brickshelf (when public):
Mark Bauer