Hello, I'm a dad who returned to the world of Lego when my daughter asked for a set for Christmas. Last week, as a birthday treat for myself, I bought this Super Star Destroyer. Holy moly, what an experience. Not the simple models I remembered as a boy. It was an incredible feeling, I felt the designer was teaching me what could be done with the bricks I had taken for granted for decades. I wasn't sure I had the stamina or ability to even get through the instructions, let alone consider a mod. But here I am, feeling like I've built half the ship I remembered. While I may be a decades-lapsed bricklayer, I have these three films memorized.
What a joy to open Google, and find you wonderful people, who not only saw the same almost-there issue, and Morten, you actually solved it. Truly amazing! My first challenge was fixing the flaring nose, which I did by reseating the black square pieces that hold the gray rods down. Next is dealing with the flat base. I have my SSD displayed on top of an Ikea Expedit bookcase, which I believe you Georg have done. So I see the bottom easily. I really must fix it!
But before I go off following your modding pictures and buying parts on BrickLink (or is it better to buy parts by the pound on eBay and see what's missing?), I have the world's most basic question. In part due to the fact that I'm fairly color blind. But is light bluish gray the same as light gray? Which color should I be trying to match to the SSD? Also, Morten, in your parts list above, does that include the pieces found in the existing flat bottom, or are those additional pieces I will need?
Thank you so much!
(first post)