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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Signed up in order to support! Great design, I agree with your view of the Probe Droid. I saw a moving and blinking model at Celebration today, that's two Probe Droid guaranteed sales in 12 hours!
  2. Thank you. It was a lot of fun keeping the creative process going post-build and post-mod. Might do some fun shoots with other sets too.
  3. Thanks Han and Lobot! In the spirit of proper crediting, my 7-year-old daughter helped me build, modify, pose, and photograph the ship. We did two shoots, one at dusk and one at dawn on our roof to get the lighting right. My wife did some color correction to move us from Earth to Bespin. I would love a Lego Cloud City! Or a decent Master Replicas style one (if such heresy is permitted on a Lego forum).
  4. I got mine and modded it slightly. It seemed the designer had gone to great lengths to get 75% of the hull to look movie-accurate, but left the flanks and some other parts with Lego studs visible. I covered them all in flats. IMG_8127 by jmoledina, on Flickr
  5. Thanks Rollermonkey, I'll try to occupy myself with other things. :-)
  6. Thank you Kodan. It's quite a good feeling to bring to life such a gorgeous ship. Especially since so very few toy versions were ever made, and none at this scale.
  7. Hello, I'm relative new here, but I love certain Star Wars ships, and Slave 1 is one of them. I ordered mine on Jan 13, and it was backordered. Do any of you know how quickly backorders get fulfilled? Thanks, Jamil
  8. Mortesv, thank you for your kind feedback and encouragement. It's been nearly two years since I set out asking questions about this, but work and family matters intervened. I had this weekend to myself, and decided to finally do this project. I used Georc's LDD file, thank you for making that. I did find that I had to modify the design to improve its stability, and add some 1x2 flats to the four middle cantilever points to anchor them firmly to the internal frame. I also went off script customizing the aesthetics a bit, which was the most fun, once I had the bottom hull looking right. I got rid of the bridge too, it was falling out anyway from having removed much of the flat bottom. Anyway, here are some pictures of my work for reference. Thanks, Jamil
  9. Thanks Brickdoctor, that list is very helpful. And Robin, we're on the same wavelength regarding shiny new pieces fast, but PAB doesn't seem to stock the key decorative and specialty pieces in Morten's list, while Bricklist vendors do have them. Maybe I'll get some from each resource to see for myself. Now that I know it's the same color!
  10. Thanks Robin! Great to be here. And thanks for the Lego PAB link. They only seem to have Medium Stone Grey as a color (viewing from the US region). Would I be correct in assuming that this MSG color is the same as LBG? So if I do end up buying some from BrickLink and some from PAB, they'll look identical? It does seem however that PAB doesn't have nearly the selection of BrickLink, it doesn't have any of the special parts Morten lists out above. So I'm not sure it's a good one-stop shop for me. The hinges don't seem to exist in LBG, but since they're hidden, I think I'll be okay with standard light grey for them. Jamil
  11. Hello, I'm a dad who returned to the world of Lego when my daughter asked for a set for Christmas. Last week, as a birthday treat for myself, I bought this Super Star Destroyer. Holy moly, what an experience. Not the simple models I remembered as a boy. It was an incredible feeling, I felt the designer was teaching me what could be done with the bricks I had taken for granted for decades. I wasn't sure I had the stamina or ability to even get through the instructions, let alone consider a mod. But here I am, feeling like I've built half the ship I remembered. While I may be a decades-lapsed bricklayer, I have these three films memorized. What a joy to open Google, and find you wonderful people, who not only saw the same almost-there issue, and Morten, you actually solved it. Truly amazing! My first challenge was fixing the flaring nose, which I did by reseating the black square pieces that hold the gray rods down. Next is dealing with the flat base. I have my SSD displayed on top of an Ikea Expedit bookcase, which I believe you Georg have done. So I see the bottom easily. I really must fix it! But before I go off following your modding pictures and buying parts on BrickLink (or is it better to buy parts by the pound on eBay and see what's missing?), I have the world's most basic question. In part due to the fact that I'm fairly color blind. But is light bluish gray the same as light gray? Which color should I be trying to match to the SSD? Also, Morten, in your parts list above, does that include the pieces found in the existing flat bottom, or are those additional pieces I will need? Thank you so much! Jamil (first post)
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