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  1. I hope that Indy gets the same treatment as Star Wars.I would like to see a cartoon series about Indy that would show what happened betwen Indy 3 and 4. Then LEGO could make a couple of sets from the cartoon series and a couple from the original films. Gamer.
  2. Two days ago,while I was reading my local news paper,I saw an article where it said that the movie will be filmed in London and Los Angeles,and that two actresses have been chosen for the movie(Jessica Biel and Gemma Arterton). Gamer.
  3. Two DUPLO CARS sets are available at LEGO.com in the part of the site titled Shop,in by themes.The names of the sets are: Macks Road Trip and Lightning McQueen. Gamer.
  4. I really like the bank set and the car chase one.So how many versions of the police car do we have? I count three,the other car in the car chase set looks like something betwen a Mustang and a viper. Gamer.
  5. The Yoda clock looks good but Anakin really looks creepy.Anyone notice the Cars set under the clock?
  6. I am really impresed with these sets. You are right, look at the place where the giant scorpion is standing,and look at the closest baseplate part,and you will see a little smooth place. I cant wait for these sets to come out. Gamer.
  7. Atlantis is just getting better and better by the year.I really like these sets,much better than this years ones. Gamer.
  8. I think they look to futuristic,which was probably their goal.I like the dojo set and the archery one,I better liked the former ninja sets. I might buy some of these sets,either for parts or if I like some them. Gamer.
  9. This looks awsome,reall shame I cant find them. Gamer.
  10. I really like these new sets,but I dont like the new dog peace. Gamer.
  11. It seems interesting,but I am suprised Noch usualy makes model train layouts. Gamer.
  12. What will the rest of the promotional sets be? Gamer.
  13. Wow, 10.000 members,thats a lot.Congratulations to Euro Bricks,and may ther be even more thousands members soon. Gamer.
  14. Hi all ,this is my entry. Sam Sinisters goods from far away lands. Gamer.
  15. Three days ago I watched Iron Man 2.Its an amazing movie,I am not going to reveal much about the movie,just going to say that Tony Stark is ill. One really funny thing in the movie is in the scenes in Moscow when you see a Yugo parked in front of the villains house. Iron Man 2 is really interesting and you should watch it. Gamer.
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