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Everything posted by legouh

  1. Hey I'm wondering what are people's thoughts on this set? I can't find very reviews on the internet. http://lego.wikia.com/wiki/75018_Jek-14%27s_Stealth_Starfighter It's $90 CAD and so I'm wondering what makes this set more expensive than usual? Even the more iconic 9493 X-Wing is only $75 CAD.
  2. Oh UCS X-Wing is online only huh...hmm...I may consider the cheaper X-Wing then. As for Malevolence, we don't have it in stock.
  3. Hmm I think I will get the Striker Starfighter b/c after looking at the pics between the 9493 and the 10240....the 9493 looks like..."childish"...too spoiled by the UCS version.
  4. Ah for me it's mostly shelf display but also being fun to build. I haven't bought Lego since...a decade ago or so? I have however always wanted some sort of starship and back in my childhood I did admire the X-Wing. I honestly don't have any particular favourite scenes since most of my SW experience has been from books. And yes I do see lots of people loving the TIE Fighter but for some reason...I find it...plain...? Just doesn't seem to appeal to me, maybe I'd have to watch the movies more...I guess...I like sleek looking ships? The only TIE craft I like would be the 7181 TIE Interceptor. So I guess after the longest time w/o Lego, I guess I want my first purchase to be impressive...and if this is the case...should I wait for the release of the 10240 Red Five X-Wing Starfighter?
  5. Hmm..personally I don't seem to like the Tie Fighter or Sith Fury...don't hate on me...I just don't think they look as nice as the others... Also what is TOR BP I take it TOR is The Old Republic. I like SW but I'm not like a huge fan, so in my eyes something like the Desert Skiff seems unattractive...? Unless there's some other underlying reason for its popularity which I'm just in the dark about. But thoughts on X-Wing vs Striker Starfighter?
  6. Hi, I haven't purchased any lego sets for the longest time but after seeing all the LSW at my work place...I kinda want to buy a set or 2. At my workplace in Canada, we've got a decent number of the 2012 SW sets and I'm wondering which would be some good sets to start off with. Although I do hear good things about the Desert Skiff...I don't really see while it's so appealing...? In my eyes the 9497 Republic Striker Starfighter and 9493 X-Wing look like the best sets? I suppose part of this is that I've never owned a Lego starship before. But yes, I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions for the 2012 SW sets and why. As for price wise...not really a problem since I've got 30% discount. However I will say this now, but I've no plans to buy the Millenium Falcon. Thanks!
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