That has happened to me 2 times, once when I bought the Rough Shadow, and I thought I lost vaders helmet, It was under the windscreen piece, it was after I ordered it from Lego customer service, I found it. The second time was today when I bought the Imperial Dropship I thought I lost a black head piece, I found it in the bag, just before I threw it out.
Very sad, I feel very sorry for the family. I know Lego brings joy and happiness to the world, I just never heard of it taking a life before. I just hope it wasn't the Death Star, or Millennium Falcon.
Well I call them sets, and kits are models you build looking at the messed up instructions, and if you are building a car, you end up with an airplane, now Lego sets you can (sometimes) build without instructions.
The magnet set looks great, I just have to wait until it becomes available in the US. Also with the MF, I hope it comes with Lando, Han, Luke, Chewie, Leia, R2, and 3PO.
Could someone in England order it for me, then I can pay you back.
Well, if they do drop the license in 2009, I would like to see dome minifigure packs, like the ones from 2000, but this time with 5 per package, and make enough packages for every figure, and make one special with like 30 jedi. The price would be I don't know, $5.00-$10.00, and $30.00 for the jedi pack.