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Everything posted by gusmoore17

  1. gusmoore17 replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    wOow!! This is the first forum in which i see people complaining about this new wave for Castle...yes, it looks indeed like a mix between KK and Castle, but at least for me it's very appealing, although this set in particular i won't be buying due to its similarity to other castles i already own, the Dragon tower one, along with the forest and the chariot ones, are a must due to their design/color scheme which complements with KK, Castle and even Kingdoms... This set in particular is not that outstanding, however many had applaused its similarity with the very first castle made by TLC, again, not considering it because it's way too similar to others. Now, if this is the reason why we are not having any Minas Tirith set for LOTR theme, then I would have preferred the White City sets instead of this re-visiting, all along it depends on the way you see it. Hahaha, i totally agree with you! as i just said before, it's a mix from Knight's Kingdom 2004-05, Castle 07-08 and Kingdoms 2011...as if we were talking about Police HQ from City, hahaha! Where are you Minas Tirith?!
  2. also agreeing with the Legonater's opinion and seeing no point in TLC buying license for such a big theme to be over after just two waves...don't compare it with Pirates of the Caribbean, one can still find all the sets at any retailer's store and that's quite disappointing...
  3. Yes yes, indeed my only complain will be the so few sets to be released this year!! There are lots of scenarios and battles still to be made in Lego version, don't know what to make out of this decision TLG is making...in Mexico you can't find any Lotr or Hobbit sets, they sold pretty well!! Was hoping to buy uruk-hai at discount prices but any was left!! Can't wait to see Orthanc's images and a larger LOTR wave!
  4. just seen the Prelim images...they look good, i'm not a fan of whole black-pieced sets but, this is LOTR!! Hoping to see more than just 4 sets, i mean, we waited 10 years for this for TLG to cutting off the theme =S also seen the Prelim for the 3rd Casle wave of sets, a really unexpected theme, which lets me to logically think that it would be a failure for TLG to release any Minas Tirith sets this year when it's releasing some-like sets feat in the Castle wave...such a shame!! At least, that gives me hopes for a 2014 Minas Tirith wave
  5. finally received my app form today!! =D
  6. could some moderator try to contact KimT?? don't want to be annoying but i really want to submit my idea
  7. did he send you the application format or did you just followed the instructions shown as an example at the beginning of this topic?? because if the second is the case, i am sending my entry like right now..!
  8. Is the open brief still on?? yesterday morning i sent an e-mail to KimT and hasn't given me back the format so i can submit my idea...and he's like 8 hours or so ahead from my current time =(
  9. Also for the moderators: Yesterday I made a new topic on licensed themes and asked to be removed to the right forum. All you did was shutting down the topic, saying that the discussion was taking place over the historic forum. Why didn't you just moved it here?? Instead, you took my very own premise and made one of your own, then you just cited another guy without even mentioning him just until another member of the community asked for reliability on his post about the rumored sets. What's going on? I mean...i've been a member since 2005 and this is the first time in 7 years that these kinds of almost nonsense edits & things are taking place here!! even other websites copied what these eurobricks' forums used to be and work very well, respecting TLC's policies and all. Just I had to say it because i'm very fond of this website and know it's kind of getting down, so just be careful... Now on topic: I can't wait for official or more info about LOTR sets, I'm definitively on the Orthanc set but to be honest, everyone's looking for Minas Tirith sets!! That's all, regards from Mexico =)
  10. YEAH!! I was already wondering if they will make new sets or not, specially when it seems to be selling really really good!! Was wondering if it was as a failure as Pirates of the Caribbean =S But no, they'll be making more sets for 2013 and hopefully we'll see this line releasing waves through years to come...we need a descent Minas Tirith wave!! D=
  11. gusmoore17 posted a post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    I was wondering...are there any LOTR sets coming out next year?? There's been a lot of speculation around other licensed like SuperHeroes and the Lone Ranger, and the Hobbit ones are must to be available worldwide between the end of this year and the beginning of the next one...but what about LOTR?? I haven't found any information nor here nor any other website, and if this is currently under discussion in other topic, please let me know! =D
  12. A little bit off topic: Hey! weren't there some very strict criteria about what a preliminary image is?? I accept TLG asking for them to be removed but the one's I posted didn't have any water mark on it...the size doesn't matter!! What happened to eurobricks? o.O Please note, i've been a member since 2005...and have brought reliable info before to these forums...
  13. very small pic, but a pic without the confidencial water mark on it...oh yes, four sets and those crystall things...still wanting to see more to make a more clear statement on this sets
  14. oops! mea culpa...well, i've already expressed my thoughts on this new theme, let's wait to see the final sets on the coming Toy Fairs =)
  15. Don't know if this has been posted already http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcfFMUKyfSs prelim pics, as the ones that are up for TLOTR sets, feel free to remove my post if i'm kind of breaking eurobricks' rules... So far...i'm disliking very much the ghostly-like vehicles, the rest have some adventure-like design and accesories, which i'm loving!! The minifigs look great and that Dracula's Castle is becoming a must-buy!
  16. Hoping to see an historic background on this theme, some Victorian-like stuff of whichever time those modern legends were produced/written. Basing this on brickset information which I've always considered and is always kind of official: http://brickset.com/browse/themes/?theme=Monster%20Fighters
  17. gusmoore17 replied to madoka's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    OMG!! now that HP sets are likely to be finished...comes this really exciting news!! Two thumbs up for TLC, i'm sure sets are gonna be awesome, and if not, there are always some good minifig-heroes...Super Heroes theme on!
  18. Hey Moderators!! In the frontpage section the gallery that's linked only shows Star Wars sets, there are no images of the rest of this year's products at the NY Toy Fair ... Really lovely new Star Wars sets, nevertheless not interested in the new Millenium Falcon, i think the 2004 version was far detailed, although I must accept that the blasters and landing craft at the bottom of this year's is quite awesome...
  19. Since I don't know, 2003 or 2004 FBTB has given us one of the web's best reports on covering the NY Toy Fair, plenty of really good images and descriptions of each and every Lego Theme that's displayed in this fair. I urge to check out previous years' reports.
  20. Lucius' minifig is not a generic Death Eater!! Please, I urge you to check out the Death Eater that you get in the Order of the Phoenix Hogwarts' Castle set...that's a generic one! And you'll find Lucius in Dobby's Release and Diagon Alley sets...
  21. I've also noticed that @The Builder!! Because the tower in which Lupin is standing has that spheral-thing that appeared in the "Astronomy Tower" for Half Blood Prince... And also I totally dislike the fact that we're getting another Lucius...come on, if it was a normal Death Eater like the one that came with the 3rd Hogwarts Castle (the one from Order of the Phoenix)it would make a better army-builder...now I'll have 3 Lucius!! (last year's Dobby's Release, Diagon Alley one and this one) total fail
  22. As many have already stated, i am nearly not interested in this NinjaGo sets, except for that dojo which is like a trainning spot or something...but after seeing the Temple's design and its playing feature, all I can say is that this year my wallet will ache a lot!! Woooow!! very very surprised with that feature and already planning on expand my ninja display from the end of the 90's!! Gorgeous work there TLC!
  23. OMG!!! Why isn't this in the Frontpage of eurobricks?!?! this is exclusive news!! already a must buy for me, nothing else to point out, really great set TLC
  24. Farewell fellow AFOL! I know you're more than happy by now wherever it is you are respects from Mexico to one of the founders of this great global web comunity!
  25. Very very nice review ...so far...the vehicles and minifigs, even the "typical" police figure with new face is awesome! and the motorbike and the collector car...wow! can't wait 4 the building review, also until then I suppose this will be in the frontpage, right? keep on reviewing!!
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