Everything posted by L-space
[TC23] Great Ball Contraption Contest - Voting Topic
L-space replied to Milan's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale Modeling1:10 4:6 6:4 5:3 3:2 2:1
[MOC] Organ music of the battle
Beautiful work. All the work after the build really pays off.
[MOC] Small God's Cemetery
An updated version of the Small God's Cemetery just in time for the 25th of May, a special day to most Terry Pratchett/ Discworld fans around the globe. Each year on the 25th of may a small commemoration takes place at the Small God's Cemetery honoring the casualties of the Glorious Revolution wearing lilac and occasionaly a hard-boiled egg. Commander Vimes, Sgt Colon, Cpl Nobby Nobbs and C.M.O.T. Dibbler stand in front of the entrance. Reg Shoe just wakes up from his yearly nap in his grave and at the back we find Lord Vetinari not admitting to anything let alone sentiment. "Truth, Justice, Freedom, Reasonably Prices Love, and a Hard-Boiled Egg" Small Gods Cemetery 01 by L-space, on Flickr Small Gods Cemetery 06 by L-space, on Flickr Small Gods Cemetery 07 by L-space, on Flickr more in the flickr album
Harvest scene (featuring a Castle Wagon and a Cart)
Great little builds. Love the hay cart.
[MOC] City Wall - Dimensions
In my City Wall project I have missed some stuff showing here. not to faal too far behind I give you the City Wall - Dimensions section. In a fantasy era wonderous gates to new realms are reality. You just might find yourself somewhere in Ankh-Morpork. This is just a simple module but was a lot of fun designing and building. CW_Dimensions-01 by L-space, on Flickr CW_Dimensions-04 by L-space, on Flickr CW_Dimensions-08 by L-space, on Flickr a few more pictures in the flickr album
[MOC] Brainiac's Ship
Every super villain needs a spaceship! Built from the cartoon: Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League - Cosmic Clash (imdb) Brainiac-s Ship_01 by L-space, on Flickr more on flickr
City Gate
After having build the Lekpoort (Gate to the river Lek) for an exibition in Vianen (NLD) I took apart the landscape but deciided to keep the gate building itself. I liked it a lot and thought it would work well in a new modular project. It is now part of the old citywall of Ankh-Morpork. To preserve its heritage I kept the twon flag. Also the small top tower has been added to keep up with the current looks of the building. the wall is expendable according to the MILS standards. i created my own standard for the wall to make it easier to connect other modules and keep them in line. LPV_AM-City Gate-01 by L-space, on Flickr LPV_AM-City Gate-05 by L-space, on Flickr LPV_AM-City Gate-06 by L-space, on Flickr more on flickr
On the Discworld news travels faster then light over the Clackstowers: Clackstower-01 by L-space, on Flickr Clackstower-05 by L-space, on Flickr Clackstower-06 by L-space, on Flickr "GNU Terry Pratchett END" Manned by Goblins and made great again by the notorious Moist von Lipwig: 08-Moist von Lipwig by L-space, on Flickr album Clackstower album Discworld Characters
LDD, Unable to open file; parsing error
Thank you very very much. You saved his vacation. The file worked before breakfest but failed the second time. Luckily I had him save it to my computer too and that still works. He's breaking it up in several creations now to keep it managable.
LDD, Unable to open file; parsing error
Thanks for the try, We'll give it a go tomorrow.
LDD, Unable to open file; parsing error
Hi guys, my son has been working for a week in LDD on his MOC and suddenly the file won't open "parsing error". I have tried this: But it doesn't do the job for us. Can somebody please lend a hand, thanks. file;
- Index: Discworld MOC's and Characters
EB Xmas Raffle 2016 - Your ideal Snow entry thread
TIF_Ice Queen-01 by L-space, on Flickr Tiffany and the Ice Queen, the coming of the Ice Queen bringing winter and the Nac Mac Feegles join Tiffany in herding the sheep. Of course attempting to run of with at least one.
[MOC] Chapel of Helsdingen
For an exposition in the Vianen City Museum I build the Chapel of Helsdingen in the early days, sometime before 1756 at least. Shortly after completion of the chapel it was used as a farmhouse for the nearby monestary. Helsdingen-01 by L-space, on Flickr Helsdingen-04 by L-space, on Flickr Helsdingen-07 by L-space, on Flickr Helsdingen-09 by L-space, on Flickr more on flickr
- [MOC] Mos Eisley Cantina
Amazing work. Love the use of the Chima minifigs. They really look like they belong.
- [MOC] A dangerous journey
Index: Discworld MOC's and Characters
How could I have missed the lovely creations by @Pate-keetongu? Large Figures Mustrum Ridcully by @Pate-keetongu The Dean by @Pate-keetongu The Librarian by @Pate-keetongu Susan Sto Helit by @Pate-keetongu Rincewind and the Luggage by @Pate-keetongu Commander Vimes by @Pate-keetongu Cohen the Barbarian by @Pate-keetongu
- [MOC] Cohen the Barbarian
[MOC] Troll Bridge revisited
Especially for the CCCXIII I finished the Troll Bridge. It is now 216 studs long, 32 wide en 90 bricks high, measuring 68 inch long, 34 inch tall. There are 7 separate modules so it is possible to make a shorter bridge. Troll Bridge-2_02 by L-space, on Flickr Troll Bridge-2_29 by L-space, on Flickr Troll Bridge-2_34 by L-space, on Flickr Troll Bridge-2_23 by L-space, on Flickr Troll Bridge-2_22 by L-space, on Flickr Troll Bridge-2_07 by L-space, on Flickr Troll Bridge-2_36 by L-space, on Flickr More on flickr
- The Librarian
September 2015 LEGO Store Calendar!
Could you fix the link please.
[Software] Blueprint, a building instruction generator for LDD
First thanks for the programm. I think it's great after a five minute try. Then a bugreport: I tried updating a design and the outcome was that all the parts were in the first step and all other steps were just the final model. It created as many steps as was in the first design so I now have 24 steps all of the finished model.
WIP - Old Town Center
Truly amazing. Love all the details and architecture. I got a lot of inspiration from your work,thanks.
- Star Wars LEGO Photography
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