Everything posted by L-space
Does anybody else like Motorcycles around here?
Flickr is the easiest sollution I guess. It works for me! Thanks. Took it to work today. The weather is to good to spend it sitting in a train and bus.
Brother Robotius
Excelent work here. love the way you managed to make it look like real bricks.
New Kingdoms sets delivered from TRU!
Lucky you. The Blacksmith is still my favorite, hope to see it in stores soon.
MOC Great Hall part 2
So a bit sooner then expected I finished the second part of the Great Hall. I'm now half way at the main octangle, the largest building of the Unseen University. I kept it in the same style as part 1. So should show being part of it but haviing been made as a separate building. This time presented by the administrator, carrying his dried frog pills. The showy pic: Great Hall 2 - 00 by L-space, on Flickr The attachment to part 1: Great Hall 2 - 07 by L-space, on Flickr More on flickr And the pictures from the WIP set on flickr
Welcome to the forums. More Discworld creations are always welcome. Enjoy your stay here.
MOC: Discworld
Great work on your A'tuin. Never thought of doing it like this. And welcome,, good to see another Pratchett fan.
- Index: Discworld MOC's and Characters
Moist von Lipvig Discworld's most lovable con artist. Since he is been described as having a face no-one ever remembers and being most common I thought I'd go for the classic smiley. Moist - Going Postal by L-space, on Flickr Moist - Making Money by L-space, on Flickr
- Topic title editing requests
Does anybody else like Motorcycles around here?
First official roadside photo of the season: On the road by L-space, on Flickr And another sunny weekend coming up....
Death and his servant and granddaughter
on Albert: I picked this head because of the crows feet and the facial expression which suit him I think. The grey hair should take it up the scale I hope. I did an early impression of Imp 2 years ago for a contest here on Eurobricks. But after rereading the books I changed him to a white outfit and a new head. Maybe time to reread it again and go for Lias this time.
- Index: Discworld MOC's and Characters
Death and his servant and granddaughter
Death by L-space, on Flickr fltr Albert with his famous fried egg, Death and his granddaughter Susan of Sto Hilet. Albert is beleived to be the founder of the Unseen University. Death, of course, needs no introduction. Susan is working as a nanny, "Never underestimate the power of a good poker".
Tournament on castle Burg Stolzenstein
Amazing work. You did a great job!
Big medieval landscape: BIG UPDATE on page 26
This is looking like an awesome project. Keep it up and good luck!
OT Display MOC
This is a really great way of showing your collection. Great idea working with the posters.
The Tower.
A truly massive wall you made there. great rendition of the entire scene.
There are only 10 kind of people: those who understand binairy and those who don't.
Does anybody else like Motorcycles around here?
That's why Im not driving till a good week of rain. This is the only time a actually want rain btw.
- Index: Discworld MOC's and Characters
the Great Hall
Thanks for the kind words everyone. i'm glad some liked the WIP shots. It was fun making them aswell. Expect more on future projects. @Teddy; That was the least I could do I think. I won't be taking any pictures of buildings together untill the entire university is complete. And that might take a while longer since I'm thinking of adding two more structures to the build.
the Great Hall
As you may have seen I have announced in the WIP topic of this build that I am ready. The build took me about 5 months on and of with a peak in the Christmass break. It measures about 85 cm side to side, making it just to big to fit through the doors with ease. Still I am very pleased with it and won't change that in the near future. This is the major part of the Great Hall. The place where the wizards w(h)ine and dine. As usual there is no interior. The place is bigger on the inside then the outside. Some pictures: the official first pic The hubwards view showing the main entrance. You can see my new Archchancellor Ridcully in front. The back wall, facing The Backs. Ridcully and the two engineering consultants Teddy (l) and blueandwhite ®. More on flickr, MOCpages and brickshelf (when moderated, the progress of the entire Unseen University is viewable though).
- Index: Discworld MOC's and Characters
WIP Great Hall, part 1
The final bricklink order came in today. So after months of work the last tiles have been layed. Now to find time and proper weather so I can take some pictures and start editing them. It will be presented in the near future by the, improved (at least I think so), Archchancellor Mustrum Ridcully.
Medieval Fantasy World Collaboration
Beautiful work guys. This is putting medieval fantasy to the map. Huge castle and the cave at the end is my favorite with the grave to top it off.
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