Everything posted by L-space
Pointe Tower
Great work. I really like the layout and total feel of it.
Great work! Very close to the original pics and it looks cool too. This is something 'd like in my collection.
Classic Space starfighter
Very good use of the Classic style in your colors! Love the way it all turned out.
HEX; High Energy Magic building
Thanks, the smaller building is the power supply, fed by the two tesla spheres on the roof. I am particullary proud of the way the bricked up door turned out. It took me three tries and then succes. Thanks mate. The roof technic has been used before here on Eurobricks and I thought it was another great way of showing straw roofs. The waal is the "Wall of Names" and has its own topic...somewhere.
Wall of Names, Unseen University
The improvements have been made and I must say I like them: - Changed the roofing to resemble the look of a straw roof by using the minifig hands technic. (learned right here) - Changed the top of the walls by adding cheeseslopes instead of tiles. Here it is attached to the High Energy Matrix building
HEX; High Energy Magic building
HEX; High Energy Magic building On the model: This weekend I finally completed part 7 of my Unseen University project. It took me about 4 months on and off to complete; waiting for bricklink orders and then adding a segment and so on. In the pictures we see Ponder Stibbons, caretaker of HEX, giving us the tour. You can also see the new "Wall of Names", with a roof technic I picked up here on Eurobricks. HEX description: The youngest building in Unseen University, and lately, probably the building with the most academic activities. The more serious student wizards, under the guidance of Ponder Stibbons (Head of Inadvisably Applied Magic), analyze known magical spells and particles of magic themselves. The research students here have worked out, for example, that the Rite of AshkEnte can be performed with only a few essential ingredients, without all the magical rubbish like skulls and dribbly candles. One of the major tasks, however, is the splitting of the Thaum, the matter that makes up magic itself. The High Energy Magic Building is home to Hex, the University's thinking engine. Hex is Ponder Stibbons' main field of work (technically making him the Disc's only I.T. expert), but Stibbons is constantly worried about it. Stibbons never knows what's going to happen next with Hex, and sometimes even catching himself calling Hex "he", which is, of course, ridiculous, as Hex is a machine. And HEX is open to the public on: MOCpages Brickshelf flickr Brickshelf contains all the photo's btw. Enjoy.
The Last Stand - Deux
Beautifull vignette NewRight. It looks great, maybe just add a small rock in the middle of the field to give the soldiers something to trip over. That should fill the field just enough I think.
Morgue/Coffin Works
Excellent work Waterbrick Down. Great facade of the building, love the advertisement and a great display inside. And, as said, a nice way to incorporate fleshies.
Paddles' Inn
Great work. My favorites are the waal and the roofing. Looks like only the monkey has got what it takes in this tavern.
Does anybody else like Motorcycles around here?
Funny thing, I don't use my bike for speed. Just for cruisin' along. Everything else is up for speed. From skates to train I don't mind. If I ever was to buy a fast bike I'd probably kill myself on the nearest tree (or doorway)
Pirates' Town Square
Nice job on the townsquare matey. Lots of detail and lovey-dovey pirates as well.
Volunteer Fire Brigade
Great work jansued. Nearly late is still on time. Great way to make the fire brigade. A big from me. And amazing work on the pump. As far as I can tell it's pretty historical correct.
Does anybody else like Motorcycles around here?
Ha, bikes are better then cars, even F1 cars. Just kiddin, like what you like. And I'm sure you can come up with some amazing minifig-scale bikes. But I'm still proud of that tag. It can only be topped by a MOC-expert tag. And I'm working on that one.
MOC: Grumman Avenger torpedo-bomber
Great work Ralph. Perfect rendition of the aircraft. the colorscheme works well and again amazing what you did with the fold-up wings.
P-40 Warhawk
That will even be a tough model to capture in micrscale, but I have faith in you. Good luck!
P-40 Warhawk
Great work again LuxorV. I like the overall look of the model. The only thing I notice is the transition from the engine into the fuselage. That looks a bit odd. But in general a well deserved A+. Now that would be an epic MOC. Who will step to the challenge?
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
Great work LuxorV. This film has as much haters as lovers, but I really like the style. Looking forward to see more.
House of Ill Repute
I like it Thrash. If you throw a pig in, you've got the pirate version of Porkies.
Random Goodness
kiranc1, may I suggest that you deeplink your pictures instead of just saying "visit my website". And perhaps add a, small, description. It is much more appealing to others this way. If you have trouble deeplinking here is a tutorial. Good luck next time. take the image url and place it between two image tags and you are done.
MOC: Lego tomography
This is taking the LEGO hospital into the 21st century in a heartbeat. Looking good. But where is the tomograph of the minifig patient? That would be fun to see.
Dentists office
Great work Christoph. A pefect scene and love the architecture. The angled window and front with the tiles are master details. Great sign btw.
Removing minifigs arms and legs
I've had no problems with arms or legs. If you point the arm forward and press ouotward they actually pop off without damage. The legs require firm grip or a plate. Attach a plate to either leg and you have more grip to pull them off the hips. Legs can have a different friction when placed on other hips. Especially if you mix old hips with new legs. Good luck and hope this helped.
Knight outpost
Great job. Nice bridge you made there and the combination of a tower with the pallisades looks great. Keep it up.
Lego picture-taking background/backdrop
I use two sheets of light cardboard size A2 (4 times A4 or 1,5x2 feet). For larger models I put one on the table and the other one as the backdrop. Smaller models get 1 sheet half laying on the table and half upright. When taking the pictures I keep a distance and in the photoshopping-proces I trim the sides so you just see white. Then for the signature picture I add an appropiate photo or picture as the background. Hope this helps.
SW Concept File 018 [DIY series]
Great work! Though I can't get near this you have given me some ideas for small add-ons to my displays. Thanks for that and thanks for sharing.
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