Everything posted by L-space
EB Advent Calendar Raffle 2009
You don't have to put them together. That's halve the fun.
Battle Star Galactica Cylon Update
great job again Legostein. These parts seem to be made for it. Now I defenitely have to watch "The Plan" tonight.
What did you buy today?
Actually it was yesterday but I got the 8092 Luke's Landspeeder. It is now outside my Mos Eisley Cantina and it looks great that way.
Lego in Aquariums
Yes, as said before it can be done. However you must be willing to clean it every week/ two weeks to stop the algae from taking over. A chlorine bath is best suited for that; don't forget to rinse extensively after a chlorine bath. Or you have to spend hundreds of dollars/ euro's / other currency for professional pumps and filters. And even then you have to clean on a regular base.
Are you addicted to Eurobricks?
Eurobricks is the first site I visit eating my breakfast, then at the office again several times a day. Just after lunch and before I go home, then at home again and even before I go to bed. So, waaaay to many times. I find myself shifting in forums though. I started out in Star Wars but because I stopped MOC'ing and MOD'ing (some of my stuff isn't even unpacked after my move in aug 09) and started MOC'ing the Discworld I find myself ckecking out the History and Pirates forums more often. I still have to get rid of the "most active" in "hello my name is". I boosted my postcount to get at 500 in the Christmass holliday for a MOC; shame on me.
MOC: Mensland Menswear Store
Looking good lightningtiger! I espaccialy like the way you the hangers, excellent idea. Keep it up.
Fantasy Space vs Real Deal Space
My vote just pulled it towards exploration. I think that the exploration was really nice. And I have fond memories of that period. It probably shifted when they started out making everything balanced with good and bad guys. Because I am into Star Wars aswell that wasn't necessary for me because I get my rivalry from that. So I would definately like to see them go back the the discovery of Space. There can still be a lot of imagination using in that.
Happy Birthday Quarryman!
Happy Birthday Quarryman. Have a good one, and may you receive what you wish for.
Why haven't they build an armoured escape vehicle out of that pile of junk yet?
Flash Gordon
Great stuff. Really brings me back to the early comics and ofcourse the movie. Outstanding job, keep 'm coming.
Noodles Lounge
Great job on the interior. The monkey grinder is worth copying. I do have to agree on the roof. Good luck!
The Golden Touch Trading Company
It looks like Jack took the pictures, it has the same style as his organizing skills. Still looking good. You might add a brown 2x12 plate over the middel of the roof covering the clips. That might make it a noch better. I think there is one in the barge.
WIP Snowtrooper Imperial Base
Still looking good sigpro. The control tower really stands out (up). Now just to find enough troopers for the huge meeting room. Good luck.
Student research survey
Done. Good luck with the research and please share the results.
MOC: Beware of Dead Aliens
NIcely executed. haha pun intended. Tory stelling MOC's are a breed apart.
The Bayhorse Tavern
Looking good Captain. Very detail filled and nicely done as well. Maybe you could add a cellar. There is plenty of room by the looks of it. And that would make a nice addition for more action.
Does TLG listen to us?
In my humble opinion LEGO is listening to us, the community. Not in the way some people like to think that if we say we want a new set or line continued they will apply in the next year. I think it is more like a mammoth tanker; TLC sets the course based on historical data and market research and we, the community, can tweek it to a certain extend. Maybe a degree to starboard or port, but not more. However I think that LEGO has in a slow manor, like a tanker, discovered the AFOL community as an existing target group. Meaning we get stuff made and designed for us. CC, MMV and so on. Lets hope they won't forget us in the future. Remember TLC: "todays kid is tomorrows AFOL".
Happy Birthday Svelte!
Happy Birthday! Enjoy it with the rest of the family and make it a blast.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
Those are the side hatches in the open position. So you see the inside of the hatch on both sides.
Avatar: The Last Airbender
This should be absolutely marvelous. I can't wait. The movie trailer is very promissing. Now bring him back in LEGO as well!
Little vignette: Pulp Fiction!
Very nice vignette. You really made photoshop work for you. To make it more realistic you may want to use this torso.
Great work. I really like the way you keep the color scheme consistant and both faces in the floor and wall.
The Brick Broadcast Episode #1
Thanks very much. I really like the website, please keep this up. I don't have Itunes nor will I ever have and I'd hate to mis out on this.
Happy Birthday ImperialScouts
Happy Birthday Don't let your age pull you out of LEGO!
Castle Sets 2010
These sets offer better design then anything I have seen in recent years. Allthough with the red roof it makes it look like playmobil. If you squint you won't see the difference. And I'm still so going to get them.
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