Everything posted by L-space
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Look at the bottom right corner of the boxes. On 66308 you see the box of the battlepack and inthe video you see 3 minifigs.
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Edit by Hinckley: Pics removed by request
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Some screen shots to show the 3 in 1 packs are not the same. See the difference?
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Yes I did and it doesn't look the same as in the video. Take a look at 6:38 and further on. You definitly see another box. I know everbody is focusing on thebattlepacks but this looks like news to me. So what is it?
part 2 in my attempt to recreate the Unseen University. A small but important part of the university. the Riverwall We have Mustrum Ridcully showing us the inside. And Rincewind on the outside. And the three separate sections. The Wall of Names is now under construction. more on Brickshelf and MOCpages
Greetings Fellow Brick Heads!
That is a nice set to (re)start with! Enjoy your city planning.
Call me Bill
Happy sailing and a "Bon voyage" here on EB.
I'm sologuy369
- Hello to you, one and all!
- Howdy!
Great stuff you've got there. I really like the MSG-50, that should be worth it to see in real life.- Hey there I am new! (UK)
so, is it better to sort or to build?- Greetings Lego Fans
the more the merrier...- New Member: Name Fixed :)
The bird is a TLC original, straight from the instruction booklet. Normal minifigs just fit in the groundfloor. But they feel cramped.- MASH Helicopter
It looks great. My suggestions on an unlimited budget: maybe change the fuselage to dark green replace the windschields for the patients by bubbles But still very recognizable and that's what counts- MOD: MMV
After seeing the Medieval Marketplace I figured it would fit perfectly in Ankh-Morpork after some modding. Well even without it would have worked. However I wanted to create some landmarks. In this case a dwarf blacksmith since the set supplied the smithy and dwarfs are the metalworkers, so that was an easy pick. Next to that a bakery. Dwarf bakers are famous for their bread. You can't eat it but it is perfect material for a weaponry. The main modding has been achieved by lowering the ceiling on the groound floor. Dwarfs don't need headspace. the Bakery Showing the dwarf baker with a Battle Boomerang Croissant. The upstairs has been rented out to the Seamstresses Guild. Some other major modding to the windows. It looks way better then the original I think. the Smithy Below the Dwarf Smith hard at work. The first/second floor (depending on your continent) has been turned into a pension for dwarf workers. Featuring bunk-beds, room for your pickaxe and of course a fireplace for some home-made rat-on-a-stick. Enjoy More details on Brickshelf- Sandy's Castle Project of Doom
Too bad it is abandonded now. It look very promissing. But I will take some inspiration for my own buildings, thanks. Never give up your dreams, some day....- What is your EB Signature all about?
Let me tell you what will happen: A spy will tell the Redcoats where the Bluecoats are. A spy (maybe the same spy) will tell the Bluecoats where the Redcoats are. Someone will sell arms to Redcoats with great profit. Someone (maybe the same someone) will sell arms to the Bluecoats with great profit. The Patrician will see all (2?, 3?, 4?) of them and they decide to (voluntarely) contribute to the re-ellection of the Patrician. Bluecoats and Redcoats are so busy fighting they haven't got a clue who's pulling the strings. And the Patrician keeps rulin'.- Hi
- Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
Hilarious. Keep 'm coming!- The Capstan Inn
Great job on this BIG building Lovely interior, especially on the ground floor.- MOC: Central Station
Absolutely amazing You really outdid yourself with this creation. I like everything about it and hope to see it in real live some day. Again great work- Brickworld SigFig picture 2009
Thanks for the pics! But is there a shot from another angle. Some weird Mecha is blocking me.- What is your EB Signature all about?
I just updated my signature to a new banner: As a countermeasure to the Blue and Redcoats thinking they rule... They don't, there is only one ruler.- Invasion Contest Winner
Congratulations guys. BUt be prepared to take some serious heat next time. - Hello to you, one and all!
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