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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by L-space

  1. I feel a bit like a show-off with the third consequetive post by myself but I want to finish the story: The Conlusion The Empirial Army and the rebels have been defeated. The King gets the Princess and for some strange reason they decide to get married on Cloud City. After the ceremony everybody lives happily ever after... well maybe not everybody... Thanks for following my somewhat twisted fantasies. One reply to this story would make my week month year.. please, pretty please
  2. Thank you for the compliment. And let me take the opportunity to advertise for the next episode. The final episode will come sunday or monday. Stay tuned...
  3. The Battle Continues The Wizard has encountred Dart Vader. Will the Dark Side prevale or is it magic that will have the upper hand.... What will happen next? Who will know? Well I do! Find out more in the final episode......
  4. L-space replied to Oky's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Ok, so they are "borrowed". Still looks cool though. Were would we be without a conspiracy theory in every topic. People might start to think we were normal.
  5. L-space replied to LuxorV's post in a topic in Community
    Happy Birthday! Can we expect a review soon?
  6. I think Oky was talking about the bold red rule.
  7. And if it is not a hoax. You never know
  8. L-space replied to Oky's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    The winners icon looks cool. However given my eye-sight I have trouble reading the fine print. Is there a bigger pic anywhere? I checked the gallery but nothing. thanks.
  9. L-space replied to Rick's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    enjoy your stay.
  10. your creations are a great addition to the community.
  11. L-space replied to Tyleraf's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    never mind these pirates; Star Wars has its own
  12. and please do return to posting, we want to see the MOC!
  13. Happy Birthday to all of you. may you recieve what you wish for and happy building.
  14. Really nice design It shows the brute force and power very well. And a cool interior as well.
  15. And the battle starts: the AT-ST is engaging the snowtroopers as a S.T.O.R.M. troll prepares for his assault. the AT-AT is at the base. The Troll is bashing in the gates while the the others are having a go at the defence. The S.C.O.U.T. knights are trying to out-flank them. How will it end?
  16. L-space replied to Emperor Claudius Rome's post in a topic in Community
    A pirate and his parrot walk into the "Shark's Head" "I'll have a rum" says the pirate, "and a coke" screams the parrot. They both drink it and again: "I'll have a rum" "and a coke" from the parrot. Next round: "One more rum" "and a coke" the parrot screams again. So the bartender says "If that parrot of yours keeps screaming I'll hammer him to the wall next to the shark's head!" Five minutes later: "One more rum", "and a coke". So the bartender takes a nail and hammer and puts the parrot up the wall next to the shark's head. The parrot looks aside and says: "did you order a coke too?"
  17. Spot on. My aim is to keep them "pure". And sometimes you just get the face from Lego you are looking for And that is why I like his books.
  18. L-space replied to Smithy's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    and enjoy your stay!
  19. enjoy your stay and happy collecting.
  20. L-space replied to kaka's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    and enjoy your stay!
  21. And your AT-RT looks great
  22. L-space replied to Ryjek's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
  23. Thanks. I updated my signature with links to the background story posts for the Invasion Contest.
  24. And then when you post it you see that someone else has had an even better idea. You keep thinking "that's amazing why didn't I think of that?" At least that happened to me. With so many great entries I'm lucky to get "best background story" and that's not even a category. But it was a lot of fun making it up and that is what it is all about.
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