Everything posted by L-space
Castle sets 2008/2009
This is great news. My Lego Thud! game is getting closer. Thanks for the find guys.
Happy Birthday computerbug!
Happy Birthday and happy building!
Wyrd Sisters
Check these posts: City Watch Death Rincewind And Brickshelf and MOCpages
Invasion Contest Discussion and Rules topic
Since the deadline is approaching: GOOD LUCK everbody!
Castle; Alternative To - Assault Tower
IT BEGINS: How will it end? Come back later for the thrilling next episode...
Suggestions & Membership
This is the one exception to my rule: "If you don't think it's worth a reply: don't"
What is your EB Signature all about?
My signature is parted in three first "The Turtle moves..." From the Discworld novels; it's about the fight between beliefs about what the great A'tuin is up to and/or what the shape of the world is. Flat offcourse! second My banner advertising for the my Invasion contest entry, it is a linky too In time it will be replaced, after the results of the contest\, for a new banner probably about Discworld as well. Specially designed as a reaction to the multiple pirate banners around third Pic-links to my website, Brickshelf, MOCpages and Brickset
'Behind The Helm'
No we don't. Great interview. Allthough i don't build pirate stuff I really enjoy following the build of the 'Prins Willim'.
Happy Birthday Stauder!
Happy Birthday Stauder and may you recieve what you wish for.
Wyrd Sisters
the Witches from Terry Pratchett's Discworld They are not a covenant, much to Margrat's dismay, they just happen to meet for tea on a regular bases. Granny Wheaterwax is the ulitmate witch and would witches have a leader which they don't she would be it. But they haven't so she isn't! Nanny Ogg is everybodies favourite grandmother, for the obvious reason that she is alot of peoples (great)grandma in Lancre. She just can't seem to reminder her dauhter-in-law's names. And third we have Margrat Garlic who so despirately wants to be a witch that she comes out the other end. As a bonus there is Greebo, the cat. Or You-bastard-you-$@#& as he's called by most of Lancre. Has single handed quadroupled the cat population. All of them round the cauldron. Margrat with her pointy hat.. ...and without. She never has a bad hairday. That would mean she has good ones as well. Granny Wheaterwax Nanny Ogg and Greebo Nanny Ogg and the man Greebo more on Brickshelf and MOCpages
Collecting Dilemma
Good luck then
[Review] 7753 Pirate Tank
First of all: Great review. Then the set: Finally something different then droids or clones and a welcome addition to the Lego CW Universe. Some great new minifigs that can be used elsewhere in the Lego Universe. And a great vessel in itself. However even on this set the piece to price ratio is going to stop me from getting this. So of to bricklink/e-bay/other to find the minifigs.
Creation first posts: pic or linky?
A rule is maybe too much, but a heavy suggested guideline would do it And you are wright it should be in "Website and Forums" Section, my mistake. Could a mod move it please?
Creation first posts: pic or linky?
During my time here on Eurobricks I have seen a lot of great MOCs and MOD come by. However I fear that I have missed some other great ones because some people just post a link in their first post instead of a pic. When reading a first post I almost never click the linky immediately. Maybe if I see the topic come by a couple of more times I am tempted to click. I for one take great pride in the first pic of my creations be it MOC or MOD. Almost all of my first pics have a custom background and title. First for me personnaly to sort of set the creation in its natural habitat and second to persuade others to view the other pics. An added bonus is that I am getting better at photoshop very new creation. So what great creations did I miss and what do you think about it?
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
I did and mine is fine doesn't have the pic either. But does show links to both versions of the book. And i am glad they put in Luke in this. Leia might be made from another torso and Han isn't that diffrent. So bring on the MOC's. Somewhere in October that is.
[MOC] V-Wing 6205 MOD
Great MOD. It doesn't look like you used a lot of extra pieces to create this. For me that makes it even better. Thanks for sharing.
MOC: The Edge
Nice job already. I think if you add a row of two studs just to the city and built the rock more downward it would even be better. And when you add the mire and the twilightwoods it would look great.
Any Formula 1 racing fans out there?
I have to disagree. it is not just the car. Garanteed when you drive that that car you won't win. It is all in the combination of car and driver, backed by their mecanics and of course getting into the flow. Button thanked the team just over the finish line for the car they built him but you still need someone to drive it in the right way and that combination is what counts. And it doesn't always have to be the best driver in the best car.
Invasion Contest Discussion and Rules topic
And that is how you get the best results (sometimes).
Greetings from Paanjang16
Enjoy your stay!
Castle; Alternative To - Assault Tower
Thank you. thanks, it took some figuring out but I'm pleased with how they "fit the theme". Thanks. Thanks for the compliment, it just sprung to mind when you announced the contest. EDIT: this a shameless attempt to show of my sig-banner.
Long time Lurker, first time Poster.
Great vintage collection you have there. Don't worry most of us enjoy just looking at the sets as well as building them.
Hanseatic Town
Amazing MOC. I really like the way the left building has been build. I think I get the technic but am not sure. Then the brick-built sail. The first one I see and the best thing is that it doesn't look too thick. Again my compliments.
Modo's garden shed
The chimney is made out of red and grey brick. So I didn't know how to potray it in another way. But I'm open for suggestions. Thanks, but that will be a whole project in itself I'm affraid.
Wizard’s tower
Great work on the seven plus one sides of the tower. keep it up.
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