Everything posted by L-space
Community Castle Build Contest Winners!
To all the winners: congratulations To everybody that almost won, great job anyway and better luck next time.
The Old Horse
This a great idea The stairs have been mentioned enough I think really nice job there. The only thing I would add is a small piece of pavement or road just outside the door. That way you would have something to step in from. Are you planning on building the rest of Tar Valon btw?
Glass Truck
This is a very usefull piece of macheniray to any town. Now some kids playing football or soccer in the streets and he is open for business. You would be amazed what kids will do for 5 bucks with the combination ball/ window I have to agree on the front; make it brickbuild. then the "bumper"will fit more nicely. For the rest: a big
Castle Diorama WIP
wow your taking it out there. A very promissing start you have there. Keep up the work.
The BrickRuler
I'm still up for it.
I'm new here, let's show some wips
Well welcome to eurobricks. And it look likes you made a jump start here.
Sir Terry Pratchett
It has been too long since posting my latest Discworld minifigs. Last time I announced "the Beggars" unfortunately I spotted even better heads for them which haven't arrived yet. What did arrive was a black fedora giving me the opportunity to create the creator: sir Terry Pratchett full credits to yellost for coming up with the idea. At the time he didn't have a black fedora, but wanted to get one and it does look better. Thanks again mate. sir Terry Pratchett has written over 30 novels about the Discworld and has been knighted this February for his achievements to literature. The series celebrated its 25th anniversary last year. This vignette is inspired by a photo I found using google when bored, unfortunately I can't find it any more. sir Terry Enjoy.
- Master eBay Auctions thread - post noteworthy auctions here
Some ideas I had for my port.
I would defenitly go for gloves, not red ones because that would look odd. Black or even brown should do the trick. Off course making them look like murdering bastards only works with black.
The BrickRuler
I would like one. I might not use but still have the pleasure of owning one forgot: size doesn't matter
The mess with yellow, flesh and pupils
I started out with both and didn't really care about the colour. But now I am slowly, very slowy changing them into fleshies. Somehow it just looks better. Now when I put them together the yellow heads look funny. For my non-SW stuff its yellow all the way! So no mixing there.
Tar Valon
Well I have read the entire series and awaiting the final book, which is suppost to be finished from his notes. (anyone know a release date?) So back to the MOC, I think the spirit of the books is captured very well, especially with the walls and of course the attached little story about them. For the river: I haven't made up my mind yet. I haven't seen it done before like this and I need to get used to trying not recognizing the individual parts. However if we didn't try we where still living in caves, without fire So 10 out of 10 for this creation.
Steeple Brink Cove & 'Cruel Coppinger'
WOW amazing MOC you made here. I like the design of the house and the rock. And I'm glad someone isn't afraid to show his studs. great job
The Spoils of War
a pirate's live is the good live. nice entry
Welcome back then. And may you enter many contests. Keep building
Green Eggs and Ham - Dr. Seuss MOC
Great show you've put up for us. I am not familiar with the book but your ceations certainly capture the whole atmosphere of the pages. Great job
Lord Vetinari, the Patrician
It looks like it but, not quit near enough. A skull cap looks like a hair piece but smooth. And to find out more on the Discworld, just visit wikipedia. Enjoy
Impossible love
HA HA, this a quit a little inginious MOC. Too bad about the final kiss, "happily ever after" would be more rewarding for the two lovers.
Ship's Kitchen
So that's what they mean by "dead drunk"
Welcome to the community and enjoy your building
Dragon Masters' Jousting Tournament
Great little setup you have here. And a nice overview of the possibilities of combining the different minifigs. They all really blend in.
Key chain texts
Well my kidsw have keys to their bicycles to prevent them being stolen. So yes kids have keys. And they are usefull for other things as well.
Hi my name is Bazziman
This a very recognizable story. I think many of us here had the same restart of our hobby. So a big welcome to you.
[MOC] Dino-Pod Racer
Well for a "not a great fan" you did a great job on the overall design. At first the engines seem a bit bulky but later you realise it works relly well. And the tail is even better. Very clever thinking on that one.
Lord Vetinari, the Patrician
Next in the line-up of Discworld characters: Lord Vetinari, Patrician of Ankh-Morpork For a despote and tyrant he is doing rather a good job. Ankh-Morpork is becoming the centre of attention on the Discworld. Ankh-Morpork tried monarchy and democracy but they both failed, with some help of a little mob, a lot of swords and a few wannabees, who don't want anything anymore. Well alive maybee. So this is my vision of the Patrician, complete with two palace guards and ornaments. sideview other side close-up As a trained assasin he dresses in black of course, too bad Lego doesn't produce a skullcap. So I gave him a cool hairdo. Next the beggars guild....
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