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Clone Commander

Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Clone Commander

  1. yea hello stop motion paradise!
  2. A set with clone flamethrowers, I just watches the Clone Wars Season 2 Trailer. WATCH IT!
  3. Michael Myers, Chuckie, Jason, and all of those guys.
  4. My ultimate Republic ARMY! 1 Gunner Fox 1 Pilot 5 Men That Walker
  5. My new youtube is LegoStudios011
  6. After the Clone Wars a special unit of Kamoian clones were bred for a special reason. To rebel against the Empire, as soon as the Emperor found out about us the Empire launched a full scale invasion on Kamino. Most of the unit was slaughtered, the rest of us escaped through a tunnel that went into the ocean and onto a a stolen Acclamator ship. We had plenty of men left, and a lot of armor, some gunships and ARC troopers, actually we were all ARC's. As soon as they all left we took off. We soon joined up with the Empire fleet over Fondor. We managed to get some intel on a Super Star Destroyer, codenamed the Executor. Our ship received an order to move to Geonosis to eliminate some cloners, our Kaminoans. One of our CO's found a transmission to follow any orders that were given to us. So we were going to Geonosis. Chapter 2 Coming soon...
  7. Get Smart is good. "Personal Best!"
  8. Hmmmm I would like to see a USMC v.s. Aliens theme.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-078CFEjOV0 Subscribe and stay tuned I add stuff four or five times a week. Also subscribers will get the weekly newsleter. So watch and subscribe. My account is on the video but it's LegoStudios011. So thanks!
  10. They do and they would.
  11. Here's my wishlist. CR-20 Republic Attack Boat SPHA-T AT-XT Acclamator Assualt Ship UT-AT Republic Troop Transport ARC Special Gunship Battle Packs: Clone Space Troopers All of the unique units from Battlefront II in Phase 1 All of these sets should have phase I troopers, also a re-release of the Episode III sets for Phase I troops.
  12. I also kinda mean Ancient military kinda like Roman Empire
  13. I don't mean like WWII sets, I mean like Modern Warfare sets, like a helicopter, or maybe like an F-17 Raptor, I also like the idea of the huge Technic tank.
  14. Thanks dude, tell your friends about it.
  15. I can;t get my Brickfilms onto the forum from iMovie, so I just put them onto my YouTube account, which is StopMotionStudios1. If you really like them subscribe to me, or send me a PM and I'll tell you when I put up a new one. So check them out. PLEASE! I'm also in the process of building a website. I kinda need views so I can get my confidence back. Mostly because most of my friends hate LEGOs and whatever I do with them. So watch and enjoy. Also feel free to leave any suggestions here, and I'm beginning to create a series. So keep watching!
  16. I want an Imperial battleship!
  17. My friends and I are trying to build a Lego military, and I was wondering if you guys would like LEGO to produce a military line for collectors and army builders. I wonder what you guys think?
  18. Hey everybody I was just wondering if any of you people that like action LEGO would like a James Bond theme for Lego. Some possible sets could be the boat chase scene from Live and Let Die, and the car chase from the beginning of Quantom of Solace. What are your opnions on this idea?
  19. Hey everyone, I'm an American and I love my country and I was wondering what you guys think about Lego sets that show scenes from America's history. Sets such as the Signing of the Decleration of Independence, or maybe the American troops that raised the flag at Normandy. What do you guys think.
  20. Good review, a good little set if I do say so myself.
  21. Congrats CopMike, you deserve it!
  22. Cool, exellent bod.
  23. Very cool, I just built the Thunder Driller.
  24. Don;t really like it.
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