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Everything posted by Pierre_Cochereau

  1. Pierre_Cochereau replied to Bonaparte's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Finally, the long awaited press release! And the inside looks great! I love the mayor's outfit, his office chair is nice, too. I haev to say, I'm not as upset about the higher price now that I've seen what we get; let's face it, a higher piece count would eventually result in a higher price. I can see why people are upset about the varying exchange rates if you do the math, but I guess that's TLG's way of dealing with a variable factor they can't control (i.e., currency exchange rates). Yes, or get their arms or heads jammed as there is no inside cabin door. Well, I guess that'll put the new 4431 Ambulance to use. Well if you look closely at the beginning of the video, you can see a building standing off to the side ... left side on the table. I'm not sure if that could be a teaser as to the next modular? I wonder if the designer lady is still single ...
  2. Do you know if there will be double VIP points only in the U.S., or everywhere? I haven't seen or heard anything about that here in Germany.
  3. You might be right, but the question is, will the piece count also go up? I mean if we get larger sets, then an increase as regards price would also be justified.
  4. I have no clue as to a specific date, but you better hurry, because it's definitely going to disappear soon. The sales person at the Lego store told me some time after TH is being released. But even though it may technically be available for some time, TLG may run out of copies due to "panic orders"
  5. I could definitely see TLG raise the price for some sets, the modulars included. 8867 (Flexible Track) is now € 49.99 as opposed to € 29.99 when I ordered some back in October. I think with a higher piece count in TH, we can surely expect to see a higher price tag on it. I guess in the end it will be a process of price determination ... TLG wants to see how much people are willing to pay for exclusive sets such as the modulars, and maybe that will also be a determining factor as regards the piece count and details of future modulars.
  6. Yup. You should definitely get it real quick. I just ordered 5 copies today. The sales person told me FB is going to disappear really soon.
  7. It's been mentioned in passing a few pages back, by Jut who already got his hands on a copy of 10224.
  8. Correct, I own several copies of 6394, and there is a small mistake in one of the instruction versions. As long as the small box indictaing the parts you need to build the next step in the instructions lists the right number and kind of pieces, it should be no problem figuring out which piece goes where. That might be a little difficult in those cases in which the sets have already been dispatched and delivered.
  9. I hear you!!! The same here (as regards the Frankfurt store). I've been saying for the past two years or so that I really didn't understand why there was no store in Frankfurt, especially if you consider that you only have the one in Munich (which is south), and then the two in Cologne and Oberhausen which is really, really close to each other, and Hamburg. Nothing inbetween. But finally, there's a store coming to Frankfurt. It's like TLG has bugged my house and overheard me thinking out loud. But I won't complain in this case ...
  10. I bought the 10194 this past Tuesday at the LEGO Store at Tysons Corner (McLean, VA) ... it was the last set left, and they had been holding it on reserve for somebody else who didn't pick it up. His loss, my gain. I also ordered the Emerald Night Collection (the whole package) which arrived today. The battery box was shipped in a separate small package but did arrive together with the rest. I was kind of relieved because everybody else here seemed to have to wait for the remote which was on backorder. Now ... I can't wait until I have time to put it all together ... two more weeks ...
  11. I like them all, but when I compare the 7747 to the Vestas product, I have to say that I like the Vestas product better than the non-limited version, because the Vestas thing had the little green hill, the cottage building and the smaller service van, and as good as the giant red truck looks, I just like the other design better. But I won't complain ... after all, I downloaded the Vestas instructions and thus will be able to build the cottage anyways ...
  12. Pierre_Cochereau replied to Derek's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    A Freudian slip on the subject of marriage, Klaus-Dieter? Just teasing you, of course. If the rumors are indeed true, then could it be that this merry-go-round set is part of the Creator subtheme, just like the 4957 Ferris wheel?
  13. All I'm saying, Klaus-Dieter, is that I think it would be going too far making the assertion that because a lot of people might vote for option 2, TLG would interpret this as a decline in the interest in "civilian" buildings. I don't think that this statement is justified. That would be like saying that because a lot of people might buy the Emerald Night set, this could be interpreted as a lack of interest in civilian buildings. Also, maybe the point I was trying to make got somehow lost in translation, for which I apologize. When I said that a public transportation set such as option 2 might already be in some way or the other part of TLG's concept, what I meant was that even though both trains and civilian subthemes all belong to the major category "City," nevertheless one needs to differentiate between train sets and building sets. And I don't think that the success or failure of a train set would affect the success or failure of a building set, and I also believe that TLG is far too experienced than making such a conclusion. That's all I was trying to say. I agree with you, Klaus-Dieter, that a newly to be released "monorail" (let's call it that for now, for lack of a better word) would include PF stuff, and that might easily make it more expensive. I think it is safe to assume that the old 9V battery box which we got in 6399 and other monorails will never see the light of day again (at least officially speaking). But – on to more speculation: I know that this is all "conceptual" for now. But when you look closely at the rendering, one could speculate about the tracks to be used in such a set. Rather than the classic monorail tracks, I could see the new tracks – if produced and released – as being some sort of smooth elements with "indentions" or recesses in them; the car wheels would sit in these indentions. That would also allow for building such tracks into a street (think the conventional tram concept with rails inserted into the road) in order to allow for cars to run over, or along, the tracks smoothly. Of course, street elements would need to be designed as the normal road plates would not work in such a way. But again, that's all speculation ... I guess we'll have to wait for the final results of the poll.
  14. That's an "argumentum ex silentio" at best. I don't follow you in jumping to this conclusion. I mean think about it: There hasn't been a train or train-like set (e.g. tram or monorail) since the latest train series in 2006. So if TLG now releases a public transportation set (whatever form that might be, monorail or not – though I sure hope it's going to be some sort of a monorail) as part of the long-since announced new train series, that's already in some way or the other part of their concept. So why would they deduce anything from a train set being wished for as having any bearing on other civilian sets, such as farm, shops, restaurants etc.? I'd say apples and oranges. Exactly, Grevious. Nobody is talking at this point about an exact replica of 6399 – that would have had its proper place a couple of years ago when classic success sets were re-released as "Legends" – but rather a new monorail concept. Now, of course it would be lovely if that could somehow be combined with the old system but expecting this would, I think, be expecting a little too much, at least at this point. – You also make a very true point: I think it can be unanimously agreed upon that a new monorail system – whatever form it might take – would be a huge hit resulting in lots of profit. I mean just look at the insane prices some eBay sellers are asking for their almost 20-year old 6399 sets, no matter in what shape they are. I already mentioned a few times that one time, there was a MISB 6399 that was sold for – and I kid you not – over $ 1,000.00 (that was a couple of years ago). Lego isn't meant to be a collector's item in the sense that some sets never leave their boxes, but that is exactly what some sets have come to be. So, yes, I'd agree that a new monorail would become a huge success. True, but let's be realistic: I think it can be safely said that this is not going to happen, although quite a few people would appreciate such a move on the part of TLG.
  15. Hmm ... so many choices Who am I kidding, this was not a tough choice at all. #2, Public Transportation of course. When I first saw the announcement, I couldn't believe it. Even if it's only a concept and the actual set won't be a re-release of 6399 but most likely is going to be a completely different set, the idea is the same: A public transportation system that is not a classic train set, rather something inbetween a bus and a train. I love it! It was a double surprise because after all, not too long ago, I posted something in the "City '09?" topic that was about 6399 and a re-release of this set or, at least, something along the lines of the same concept – with some speculation on my part. So, yeah, #2 was the only possible choice for me. Let's hope this is going to be the winner. (But WHY Toys'R'Us exclusive?? )
  16. Pierre_Cochereau replied to Bonaparte's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    While I don't know what is under the black blanket, I definitely know that before GG was released, I read about an interview with Jamie, and in the actual text itself he said that he originally designed three modular buildings. Café Corner, despite being released first, was actually not the first one to be designed, but because it had no interior, it was decided to release it first, probably in order to not disappoint customers by releasing a fully equipped building like GG first and then "downgrading" the whole concept by releasing a second modular building with no interior at all. The point is: According to Jamie, as stated in this interview (unfortunately I can't remember where it was posted), there are three modular buildings: CC, GG, and the third one, not known as of yet. Market Street is not part of this original tripartite modular building concept as it was mainly designed by Eric Brok + RIP. So while I don't know what it will look like (a fire station is entirely possible), I am 100% positive that it is the third modular building designed by Jamie.
  17. Sooo ... do we have any news about what was going on at these "unveiling events" which were supposed to take place on March 27 & 28?
  18. Does anybody know if only one remote works with one receiver? After all, the down side of the 2006 train sets is that you can't have more than 3 trains running on one layout at the same time because there are only three channels, and if you have a fourth train, you have to use one of the channels that is used by one other of the three trains, so they will run simultaneously ... unless one of them is switched off, of course. So does anybody know if these new PF remotes use all different infrared signals, possibly different wave lenghts or something? I guess my underlying question is: How many of these can you use simultaneously without interfering each other?
  19. Yes, I mean the switch points and not the stop/reverse switches. Also, I must add that while having to push the monorail segments instead of using the switch control may not seem all too bad, it becomes a real problem if you have a monorail train coming from the other end; usually, there is a mechanism which will slide the correct monorail track segment in place semi-automatically if the train pushes the little stub. With this jammed switch point, this will no longer work, and if a train arrives from the other end while the correct track segment is not yet in place, it will either derail, or the motor will just keep going and thus damage the teeth on the monorail b/c the metal cogwheel on the bottom of the motor will keep spinning ... and metal beats plastic anytime, sadly I have tried to open up one of the switch points; however, I am afraid that I'll break something, and as you know, they're quite hard to come by these days ... so again, any helpful advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, CP5670, for the link to Lugnet; I see confirmed what I thought before, i.e. that the points are somehow glued together and that it's not possible to open them up without at least some minor damage.
  20. Hi, I'm not sure exactly where to post this topic, but since it's related to Trains & Town I thought this would be an appropriate place. I apologize if there's another place where I should have posted it. Anyways, I have a slight problem with the LEGO Monorail system. I own a couple of monorail sets, as well as lots of monorail track and switches. However, some of the switches tend to jam in the "straight" position. In other words, it's not possible to actually switch tracks by sliding the switch control at the side of the points. Somehow the mechanism inside the switch seems to be jammed. The only way that the switch will move to the sidetrack position is if one pushes the middle section of the moveable monorail section (i.e. one has to push the "teethed" section of the track). Here's my question: Has anybody else experienced the same problem? Do you have any solutions as to how to make it work properly again? Or has anyone opened a monorail switch, or knows if one can fix the whole thing by opening it without destroying it completely? I hope that someone can help me out here. Thanks in advance.
  21. Not to get back into the whole discussion on whether or not this amazing set will contain a motor – I believe it has been established by now that it won't. However, I am convinced that provisions have been made for a train motor (which presumably is to be bought separately) to be built into the engine. I ground my thesis on the following observation: If you click on the zoom tool on S@H, go to the highest possible resolution, and then zoom in on the large wheels with the red rubber strings, you will see that the first and the third wheel are connected to the main body of the engine by a conventional black TECHNIC axle, while the middle wheel is connected to the main body of the engine by a tan connector peg/cross axle. Connecting the drive wheels (the ones that get the train moving) to an RC motor by way of such a TECHNIC axle is exactly the way it was done in the recent RC train sets 7897 and 7898. This leads me to believe that while a motor will not come with the set, nevertheless it will be possible to buy one of the new PF train motors and equip this amazing engine with one. In other words, I believe that provisions have been made on the part of TLG to make this an actual working engine, rather than a model intended to be put on display, or a push-along train only. So much for the bright side. The downside , of course, is that TLG seems to expect us to spend additional money on buying one (or multiple copies) of the yet to be released PF train motors in order to get this beauty rolling.
  22. Pierre_Cochereau replied to Derek's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    *Only* two, Darth_Legois? No, but seriously, I will buy two at the very, very least, but most likely more than that, seeing as I have bought multiple copies of such awesome city sets as they have been released in the past few years. Thanks to an in-store sale on 10184 Town Plan and 10185 Green Grocer (they had a whole shelf of these sets in damaged boxes), I was able to save significantly on these amazing sets, thanks to which I can now greatly expand my neighborhood.
  23. But keep in mind, Captain Zuloo, that at this point, RC crossings, points and signals are nothing but wishful thinking. I don't want to be responsible for your getting your hopes up and then, in case there won't be any, there will be nothing but disappointment ... I guess we will know more about the new train system after the unveiling events ...
  24. It's probably speculation on my part, and I don't mean to drag this discussion off-topic ... but when I read "more," I couldn't help but thinking that March 27 & 28 could also be the time when the "new" PF tracks will be presented to the public. Now, when they say "more," could that mean that with the all-new PF system, we get features that were part of the amazing 12V series in the 1980s , such as RC points, RC signals, RC level crossings ... wouldn't that be exciting? Or am I just dreaming?
  25. Hello, all readers near and far. Though I may not know who you all are, I'm going to introduce myself to all of you who use Brickshelf and Eurobricks and other pages: Thus listen, members of all ages, and learn what I would like to share about myself and what I do and who I am and where from, too, and other stuff. But I will spare you more of these annoying rhymes. (I like to use them, though, sometimes.) It's been a while since I joined EB (Nov 28, 2008), and until now I haven't properly introduced myself, mainly due to lack of time. Though lack of time seems to be a chronical condition of mine, I thought nevertheless I'd spare a couple of minutes to post a topic here in this introduction forum. I'm from Germany (for those who are geographically versatile or who may be from the same or a nearby area, the Gelnhausen/Hessen area). Currently, however, I live in Washington, DC and have been doing so for the past six years ; I've been doing graduate studies here, I am working on a Ph.D., and right now, I am ABD as we say – "All But Dissertation." (Okay, the only word that worries me right now is the "but" ... it seems that as the writing pricess evolves, the whole thing gets more difficult and time becomes an even more precious commodity ... which first of all concerns my hobbies, one of them – of course – being LEGO ) And thus we have arrived at the next point: hobbies. Well, like I said, LEGO is of course a big one, going all the way back to when I was a toddler and began playing with my first DUPLO sets (all of which I still have ... you never know, I might need them again in the near future to "hand on the tradition" to my kids ... once they are here, that is, of course ). As a kid, I was really into the Town series ... I remember looking at the LEGO catalogues and dreaming about getting the town sets although *sighs* as a kid, money is an issue and you don't get LEGO sets as presents every day, even if you have lots and lots of relatives ... But I'm not going to complain; over the course of years, I got a fair share of town sets, enough to set up my own LEGO town layout, and I spent countless hours playing with my town and recreating all sorts of scenes I read in books; (for those of you who are from Germany as well, the following might be more understandable than to those who are not German) for example, I was also a huge fan of the junior detective series "TKKG," and as I was reading the books, I actually recreated these stories – as best I could, i.e. with the sets I owned, and with buildings or other stuff that I MOCed ... So as you can see, I was really into LEGO. – Besides the town sets, I also liked the Castle series, and I owned (and still own) a large number of such sets. Then, as some of you probably have experienced as well, came a dark phase. But for me, this was not really a dark phase in the sense that I completely turned my back on LEGO and *gasp* even sold sets or *almost passes out* threw them out (who would do such a terrible thing?!?); rather, it was the fact that the "Golden Age" of LEGO town, as some of you put it, came to an end and the "Dark Ages" began *looming and sinister music playing in the background* ... Nevertheless, I continued to add to my town collection whenever possible, although that wasn't very often (mainly when classic sets were being re-released, such as 6472 in 2001 which was a re-release of the classic 6397 from 1992). In addition to that, I bought some of the older sets from eBay, but as you all may well know, that can be a long, fussy, excruciating, and most of all expensive process Upon the return to a more classic City line on the part of TLG (beginning in 2005), I began to develop a renewed interest in LEGO town and city stuff, and hence I have been spending quite a lot of money buying more or less all the amazing CITY sets that have been released since (and believe you me, I'm not going to make the same "mistake" twice the mistake, that is, of not buying sets when they are readily available and having to pay lots and lots of money on eBay later can you say, "buyer's remorse"? ) So of each set that was/is worth buying, I own at least one copy. At this time, unfortunately the majority of my collection leads a shadowy existence in boxes, carefully stowed away, due to two main reasons: I need to redesign a more or less completely new layout, due to the recent expansion of my collection. There was simply not enough room, so I needed to move everything to a bigger room; there, I will have to construct a complex table system on which to put my town. In order to accomplish (a), I need a lot of time, which at the moment I simply do not have. So whenever I have to opportunity to go back to Germany during academic breaks, I can only do so much, and quite often, that is not a whole lot. I also like MOCing, and I do have a few ideas for MOCs which I would like to incorporate in my yet to be designed LEGO town. Some ideas for MOCs I have designed and/or tried with CAD, and for some MOCs I have already ordered the parts, but again, it all will hopefully come together once I can dedicate more time to working on it. I think I may have written too much already, so I better stop here. If you'd like to know more, please don't hesitate to ask.
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