Everything posted by achris
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
The one thing to report is that the DC superheroes range already out is the only range we will be getting this year, any other sets will be retailer or Lego exclusives. Marvel will only have the 8 sets that have already been reported this year, there won't be any second waves for either. The one really cool unoffical bit of news was that one of the Lego reps I was chatting to had seen an early preliminary artwork for one of next years big Superman sets!
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Now the bad news...No Lego The Hobbit sets this year!!! Toy Fair 2012 news
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
Of course i'm right. lol We ordered the DC Superheroes sets a 8 weeks ago and saw the full range, which you can all now see with the image that's been released on Brick Heroes. In a month or two you will also be able to say the same thing about the TDKR sets. lol I can only hint at some things because of the nature of what we do, these forums are actually monitored by Lego and they also know who i am ;-)
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
What do you mean! It's already 110% confirmed by Lego! Why are so many people having problems with this? I do find this all very funny!
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
Here you go:Lego Batman The Dark Knight Returns the image shows the Lego,Mattel and RUBIES logo for you. Also a bit on MEGA Bloks The amazing Spiderman range! I don't know why people are saying that it's not happening, it's 100% offical, infact next month offical Lego orders are being taken for the range, I think are rep is coming on the 12th.
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
Guys you are way out on this. There IS GOING TO BE TDKR sets released by Lego in June. There has already been toy trade advertising for the new Batman film with the Lego logo attached next to next to Mattel and Rubies. Also our Lego rep has not stopped going on about it for months. lol Our orders go in next month.
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
Links for what? The news came direct from our lego rep.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
I have been told that negoitations are underway from someone who was at the Licensing show and that any developments will be made public in Jan.
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
Just to let you all know, the larger DC sets will also contain a fantastic Lego/DC comic book. For the UK market Jan is the release of the DC Line and Mar/April for the Marvel range.
2011 City sets
Does anyone know the offical name for Lego 3368, is it the Space Centre or Rocket Station?
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
Great to see the news finally confirmed, was starting to doubt myself. lol
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
That's correct, it would be more than my job's worth in more ways than one. You should start to hear offical word next month with the next big Licensing event taking place on the 28th Sep I think, although of course someone may leak something before hand. The only 2011 licenses that have been offically confirmed are Cars 2 and Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Part 2.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
I mentioned about the POTC sets earlier this year as it was mentioned at a licensing convention I attended. You will see POTC sets based on early films this Jan followed by POTC 4 Sets in May. I saw a brief glimse of some art work for the Jan sets a few weeks ago and all I can say is that they rock.
Ideas for new Disney licensed sets?
Just to let you know the megablocks licence for POTC ended last year.
Ideas for new Disney licensed sets?
yes, it's Cars 2. Also look out for news of Newt and Lone Ranger for 2012, these 2 are my opinion and my source only, my post before is fact I will know more about these at Octobers Licensing Show
Ideas for new Disney licensed sets?
I just wanted to get this in now - I know that nobody will believe me as nobody can confirm anything but come the summer you will hear that one of the big lego licensed themes for 2011 will be ...... pirates of the carribean. You will see some sets from the first 3 films and then big sets in the summer for 'On stranger Tides' part 4, following the toy story release structure. Again I know there is not one shred of evidence - but just come back to this post later in the year p.s they are starting to put deals in place for a range of licensing.
Harry Potter 2010 discussion thread
I have just got back from the UK Toy Fair and as I stated earlier in this thread Harry Potter sets were on display and look great! I'm afraid I couldn't take photos, offical images will be released in 2 weeks with the US Toy Fair. It's offical for those who didn't believe, Harry Potter is back!!!!
Harry Potter 2010 discussion thread
No I think this years sets will be based on the movies, I recon it's 2011 sets that will expand into the Harry Potter world. This is only my opinion btw, we will know more in a few weeks :-)
Harry Potter 2010 discussion thread
Warner Bros will be announcing at the upcoming Toy Fair their new 2010 partners for Harry Potter and Lego is part of this, part of the licencing will be not just for the Harry Potter films but for what they are calling the World of Harry Potter which will also tie-in with the new theme park in florida. Harry Potter lego sets will be coming in Aug and previews of the sets will be shown at Toy Fair. I have seen an early mock-up of the new logo design which I've been told will be used across the full range of Harry potter toys inc lego for 2010 and it looks good. If I can get hold of the image I will try and post it up somewhere.
Toy Story discussion thread
I'm really looking forward to seeing this new Toy Story set. The 3D toy story movie comes out in Oct and the hype should start
Ben 10 discussion thread
1. Ben 10 2010 Releases Set #: 8409 Set Name: Spidermonkey Pieces: 21 Price: TBC Release: January 2010 S@H: Click here Set #: 8410 Set Name: Swampfire Pieces: 22 Price: TBC Release: January 2010 S@H: Click here Set #: 8411 Set Name: ChromaStone Pieces: 22 Price: TBC Release: January 2010 S@H: Click here Set #: 8517 Set Name: Humungousaur Pieces: 14 Price: TBC Release: January 2010 S@H: Click here Set #: 8518 Set Name: Jet Ray Pieces: 16 Price: TBC Release: January 2010 S@H: Click here Set #: 8519 Set Name: Big Chill Pieces: 20 Price: TBC Release: January 2010 S@H: Click here Could see this on the forum anywhere, but it seems that Lego have the license for Ben 10 in 2010. You can read more about it here: lego ben 10 news I love the new indy lego and the lego ramses pyramid game. Seems like 2010 is going to be a vintage year for lego.
Disney and Lego Join Forces
I'm not sure if this has already been posted but Lego has got the license for Disney in 2010 starting with Toy Story, Cars and prince of persia the new Disney Summer Blockbuster for next year. You can read more about it here: toys and gadgets news Edit: Full article
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
This is why companies like Lego get really funny about having pictures like this leaked online early, people make huge judgements before they have seen the finished product and it can create alot of negative buzz, although of course it is also very exciting to see something so early so I understand why all the fans want to see. In 2 weeks time you will get to see pictures of almost the rest of what Lego has instore for 2009 Only last week I had to sign a Confidentiality agreement from Hasbro to see some of the new star wars, transformers 2 and GI Joe toys and these agreements are very frightening looking, i'm probably being watched as I type this. lol
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Hi everyone, First post, but i've been observing this forum for a while. Anyway I know a newbie doesn't hold much weight, but what the Penguin said is correct, the new Clone Wars Packaging for 2009 will be red, this will be for the Star Wars Hasbro toys also. I work in the UK toy retail industry and have seen the images for a few of the 2009 lego and star wars toys. I have a few images I will post, but I will have to wait nearer to Toy Fair at the end of the month as I could get into real trouble with my Reps. Talk soon.
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