Favourite Imperial Faction!
It's got to be the British Redcoats. Then again, it is really only because I'm British. Then again the Redcoats were an amazing army.
About the "new" pirate map...
They're good maps, but don't need to be used here. TLG should have created new maps OR fell back on the good old ones. BUT in the hands of someone who has a big imagination it doesn't matter, does it?
Would you open a MISB SYSTEM Pirate set?
I would open it. Lego was made to be enjoyed not left to rot on some dusty shelf 6 feet off the carpet. I'm not some insane collector,in fact I detest that type . If I wanted to sell on I'd just say I cared for it. I say: Open it, just look after it.
PICTORIAL REVIEW: 6243 Brickbeard's Bounty
Wow... I'm gonna get this set as soon as it is released in the UK! I like the year of the shirtless minifigs thing
Which 2009 Lego Pirate sets do you have?
Like jamtf, I haven't any sets yet as I live in Europe (well the UK), however, I will definitely buy: Cannon Battle Pirate Survival Soldier's Arsenal Loot Island If, after that I still have enough money, I will buy the other sets.
Cannons at the Ready!
Wow... Nice Cannons! Those things look like they'd pack a deadly punch! That 12 pounder looks ace!
- The Eurobricks Reviewers Academy
- The Eurobricks Reviewers Academy
PICTORIAL REVIEW: 6241 Loot Island
I'm one of those poor souls who lives in the UK, so I won't get the models until next year (I think they will be released then). Anyway great review, with a great set. The minifigures look great, especially with the accessories! I will be getting that set A.S.A.P.
PICTORIAL REVIEW: 6242 Soldiers Fort
Lego Pirates are back, Yay!!! I hope that TLG release the Pirates range into UK stores before Christmas, because I really want some of those sets! I never got a chance to see the Pirates sets of the 80s and 90s because the range was axed when I was very young, so I can't wait to get my hands on the new range.
Is it OK to mix dark skinned mini-figures with yellow mini-figures?
I agree with all those who said yes , because like Sir Dano said the Simpsons have mixed yellow and darker coloured skin tones, so why cant Lego? However, I think you would need a lot of dark skin heads if you were to say, put some on a Pirate model so I say only do so if you have plenty of choice and lots of dark skin minifigs to put those heads on.
Your favorite outpost
Arrr... I agree with that 36(ish)% who say the Lagoon Lockup. Why I hear you ask... Because it is great, as it has good old Captain Redbeard , an interesting jail cell for the Pirate and a gold gun! Yayyy!
Arrrr... Let me see me hearties... It were if you ask me, that cocky Castle Knight! He should be thrown into the sea with the sharks NB: I'm not entirely sure though. It could have even been suicide.
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