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Eurobricks Vassals
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About AKM_76

  • Birthday 02/06/1976

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    Russia, St.-Petersburg
  • Interests
    Piano, Reaktor, Lego (Technic, Bionicle, small vehicles)


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  1. Wonderful, I missed the voting. Why the time for it was so short?! Ok, maybe for people who monitoring the forum 24/7 it's ok, but sure not for everybody.
  2. This is a very noticeable entry, it was sure one of my most favorite one, but after a saw that green rubber thingy in the front part of the actual build I decided that it really spoils everything, making it aesthetically unacceptable, sorry.
  3. Sorry, but I still don't understand where exactly I can actually vote? And how to spread 20 points you mentioned across 'all' entries which are much more then 20? Edited: find almost all answers, except one - when we'll be able to vote?
  4. Don't like yellow for the wheels. It always give a model a toy-look in my opinion. Grey or black seems to be so much better choice.
  5. All this motors talk reminded me the The Counselor (2013) movie, the ending. Some MOC's anybody? Or maybe even official set (education-dacta)?
  6. I'm here from the 2014 discussion redirection, and just wanted to say that I personally have zero interest about pneumatics.
  7. Just saw some videos of upcomnig game HOMEWORLD: Shipbreakers and was amazed by the design style of the vehicles. If they could be partnered with LEGO I'll sure buy everything about it. Check the videos for the inspiration, it fits the LEGO ideally in my opinion: http://blackbirdinteractive.com/media/ p.s. I'm sorry to mention that I've made another similar topic in the Sci-Fi branch of the forum yesterday but I really want more people to see it.
  8. The amazing upcoming game, HOMEWORLD: Shipbreakers. Check the videos, the vehicles are so inspiring and meant to be built in LEGO: http://blackbirdinteractive.com/media/
  9. PV, may I ask which video-camcorder model are you using? Very good picture. Or, I'm pretty sure it is some DSLR camera.
  10. Almost sure there are some hidden engineering mistakes, but overall conception is so good, want it to be released as official set, sure I'll buy it. Miss Racers series so much, this car could fit it perfectly.
  11. Like it very much.
  12. It is just a matter of choice. I'm, personally, not going to modify any parts, since I consider it as a cheat. The real challenge is to design a strong build with what you have. Or, imagine, as the extreme opposite state, one could just clue everything just in any way he wants, making some crazy illegal connections of parts. Anyway he's not going to be put in jail for that.
  13. Love this car very much, ingenious use of the panels, overall appeal is so great.
  14. I'm just also very exited about 42003. What if there will be new RC components introduced or Imagine new parts, such as new wheels/tires :) So strange that there is new Lego catalogs for the second half of 2013 released and nothing about 42003 mentioned.
  15. Where the information about 42003 actually come from? There was some official announcement or what?
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