Everything posted by Diamondback
- LEGO Dimensions Discussion
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Dimensions Discussion
Sigh... too bad that, much like with the distro and preorder on LEGO Jurassic World, they dropped the ball for us PC-gamers. (US LEGO JW sounds like Steam Exclusive, which means "No Preorder Goodies For You!" :( ) May still pick up the two BTTF packs anyway, along with if they happen to do any "Classic JP" (not JW, not any of the other craptastic sequels, the original Jurassic Park).
LEGO Ideas Discussion
Re Bricksauria and JP license conflict: Might still work if it was rebranded as "JP UCS T-rex"... but past experience with LEGO tone-deafness makes me cynical.
2015 LEGO Pirates Rumors and Discussion
I wouldn't count on it, with Lego's Institutional ADD--pretty much the future of LEGO Pirates looks to be "rehash the same basic group of sets every 6-7 years, with no expansion beyond that". Pity, as there's a whole bigger world out there, but even the smallest ship capable of crossing an ocean on her own would still be impractically big for LEGO to produce; even 10210 is more the size of a cutter or a very small gun-brig. (Which actually makes her over-sailed for her size; it was rare for anything under 90' Length on Gun Deck/Main Deck to carry more than two masts. (Three = Ship-rig; Two = Brig or Ketch rig, depending if the layout is Foremast-Mainmast or Mainmast-Mizzenmast.)
LEGO CREATOR 2015 Rumours & Discussion
Am I the only one who saw 31039's color scheme and immediately thought "Thundercracker, is that you?" LOL 4953's closer to an F-14 Tomcat but still not quite right, and the plane from the Indy 4 line is closer still to a DC-3. And oh by the way, with a little wing-modding the bird in Fighter Plane Attack is closer to a real WWII German fighter (gut guess is Fw190A "short nose" model, not the "Langenase Dora") than the planes in the film were. Lots of Sikorsky influence in the City and Dino lines's choppers, too--one of the bigger police choppers a couple years back was a pretty close likenes of a Pave Low other than the drop tanks.
LEGO Ideas Discussion
I don't know what happens Behind the Scenes, but I'd HOPE they'd at least have the courtesy to tell the designer "here's what went wrong, maybe if you can work on these better luck next time." Sadly, I think Ideas is really more of a charade than anything now... one or two tokens every so often to give an illusion of responsiveness while the design team slavishly adheres to their seven-year clockwork plans whether their "feature of the year" has potential to hang on and last or not. Man, I miss the days when themes could be counted on to have more than a 1-2 year life...
LEGO Ideas Discussion
I'm gonna be blunt about this... any set that I like and support, even if I'm willing to go into the three-figure price point... well, it's a safe bet that if I like it it ain't gonna happen.
2015 LEGO Pirates Rumors and Discussion
I *hope* that 16 Dec report is accurate, and in US too--I have $125 in VIP Rewards that goes up in smoke at the end of the month unless I find something to use 'em on. Too bad they couldn't make it the 14th for Double VIP Rewards Day... :(
LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
So far, not much exciting for me--then again, with Clone Wars Overload killing SW for me about all I buy in SW anymore is Microfighters, the Advent Calendars and whatever Star Destroyers they release. (I collect miniature and model ISD's.) Oh well, it was enough to get me by for Bricktober at Toys R Us... and next year Pirates is back, which will really give me something to sink my teeth into.
2015 LEGO Pirates Rumors and Discussion
Well said, David--your typical pirate ship was more like a Renegade Runner, a small 1- or 2-masted sloop. What made these little ships so dangerous was that they'd overpack them with weapons and crew beyond design capacity, which meant big risks getting in close but if they could get alongside you had a veritable swarm of men storming your decks. Most of the larger pirate ships were taken merchantmen, so a roughly BB-clone with less aggressive markings might work very well as a merchie.
2015 LEGO Pirates Rumors and Discussion
The sad thing is, even the biggest ship LEGO ever released, 10210, only rates as an eight-gunner--she's rigged like a ship-sloop, but only of a size to be a cutter or yawl, your typical sloop-of-war being anywhere from 14 to 18 guns on a single deck. UMMMM, let me rephrase slightly. The 1750's version of a Cruizer-class brig-sloop (not to be confused with their much-bigger Napoleonic 18-gun namesakes) was 75'6" long on the gundeck, 20' 7.5" wide and carried a combination of eight 3-pound main guns (the only ones counted for ratings) and ten little 1/2-pounder swivels for anti-personnel work. Basically, even the IFS is a very SMALL representation of a typical ship of the period, though it does capture the "feel" of it nicely--small, cramped, packed with running gear and weapons even on a merchant, not exactly a lot of fun to be aboard. Try to imagine living with a hundred other people in a space the size of a basketball court, and that's life at sea back then even on a relatively spacious ship like USS Constitution. The problem is, LEGO CAN'T go much bigger than IFS... there are a lot of people, myself included, who have a psychological barrier about the US$200 price point, and for some the barrier is even lower like around $150. They have a VERY delicate balancing act to do, and I don't envy the design team that part of the job one bit...
Ambassador Project - Definition of Design Constraints
One thing I would suggest would be to try to keep the "unique" minifigs to the bigger sets and more "generic" sorts for the lower points so it's easier to mix-and-match figure parts to build a bigger force. (For example, I bought a number of extra Soldier's Arsenal packs to do some custom fitting on my IFS, and a number of the small set with the cannon to up-gun both IFS and Brickbeard's Bounty.) Also, I'd suggest if possible ADM Blockbeard's #1 and #2 listings should ideally be designed either to have secondary parts-pack use or to integrate with larger sets, like how there's that small spot on the soldiers' base that seems almost purpose-designed to have a Soldier's Arsenal set drop right into it.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Sorry if I missed this, but... anyone have a US street date on Buildable Galaxy Series 4, and who all's getting what SW polybags when? I know Target got the Umbaran MHC for Halloween...
10241 Maersk Line Triple-E
Sorry, those props are NOT counter-rotating. CR means one clockwise, the other counter-clockwise... look at the stacked rotors of any helicopter built by Kamov, the two props one behind the other on a Westland Wyvern or the opposed "handed" props on a WWII P-38 Lightning. Beautiful model, though... just wish they'd include parts to fill in the "window" for those who are so inclined. Woulda been REALLY nice if it'd been to-scale with the previous Maersk container ship, but I can understand why it's not... (Cost, price, sheer SIZE.)
Thoughts re the future of the Planets Collection, and SW Polybags
Tariq, a Mini Buildings line could be cool too... To be honest, I quit on Star Wars when all the Clone Wars stuff got to being too much to keep up with, and these sets were what drew me back in--small, easy to get a complete set of, and all the parts fit neatly into a ball that only needs to be rubber-banded shut for storage. "One man's trash is anothter's treasure," right? LOL Similarly, a Buildings Series I'd say should have a similarly solid outer shell, with room to keep loose parts, display stand, figure and vehicle inside for storage and when necessary transport.
Thoughts re the future of the Planets Collection, and SW Polybags
I've been looking at my mess of polybag sets and planets, and two lines of thought started to develop... First, what's left from the movies to do? (I'm open to CW, but since I don't watch the series, somebody else is gonna have to contribute those to the list.) Second, for things that might otherwise not see release but would make logical pairs to existing sets, what existing polybags or old-time Mini sets would be logical companions? Are we treating the doubletap on Endor as the AT-ST is the Forest Moon that DS-II was built orbiting, and the more bluish world with the B-Wing is the IIRC gas-giant that it in turn orbited? Format: Movie --Matching Planets --Seen Here But Fit Others --Undone Possibilities [suggestion Source] ----Vehicle/Figure Candidates for Future Possibilities Colors: --Series 1 --Series 2 --Series 3 --Series 4 Episode I: The Phantom Menace --9674 Naboo & N-1 Fighter --9675 Tatooine & Sebulba's Podracer --Coruscant --Droid Control Ship (would be logical for a PC package, if you could fit all req pieces to build inside ball) Episode II: Attack of the Clones --75006 Kamino & Delta-7 Jedi Fighter --75007 Coruscant & Acclamator-class Republic Assault Ship --Geonosis ----Dooku's Solar Sailer ----Geonosian Fighter ----LAAT Republic Gunship ----Dooku ----Geonosian Pilot [Clone Wars] Episode III: Revenge of the Sith --Coruscant --Mustafar ----Dark Anakin's Eta-2 Interceptor ----Dark Anakin --Kashyyk ----Wookie Catamaran ----Yoda's Escape Pod ----Wookiee Soldier --Utapau ----Grievous' Fighter [Tariq J] ----Porax-38 "MagnaGuard" Fighter --Mygeeto & ??? --Felucia & ??? --Cato Neimoidia & ARC-170 or Plo Koon's Delta-7 (note: if Plo Koon's D7, reissue Mini ARC-170 might be good companion) --Saleucami & ??? Episode IV: A New Hope --9676 Death Star & TIE Interceptor (canon error, IIRC TIE Int's were only seen in Ep's V/VI; TIE/1n or TIE Adv-x1 would have been better) --9677 Yavin IV & X-Wing Fighter --75011 Alderaan & Tantive IV --Tatooine Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back --9678 Bespin & Cloud Car --75008 Asteroid Field & TIE Bomber --75009 Hoth & T-47 Snowspeeder --Dagobah [Tariq J; how'd I miss this one? LOL] ----damaged X-Wing [Tariq J] ----Yoda Episode VI: Return of the Jedi --9679 Forest Moon of Endor & AT-ST --75010 Planet Endor & B-Wing Fighter --Tatooine --Death Star II ----Imperial Shuttle [Tariq J] ----Palpatine? ----Death Star Trooper? Possible Mini/Polybag pairings... 9674 Naboo & N-1 Fighter --30055 Vulture Droid 9675 Tatooine & Sebulba's Podracer --(not found in Peeron or Lugnet) US Toys R Us Anakin's Podracer polybag 9676 Death Star & TIE Interceptor --4488 Millennium Falcon? 9677 Yavin IV & X-Wing Fighter --3219 TIE Fighter --8028 TIE Fighter 9678 Bespin & Cloud Car --none known 9679 Forest Moon of Endor & AT-ST --none known 75006 Kamino & Delta-7 Jedi Fighter --redeco 20019 Slave I into Jango Fett colors? 75007 Coruscant & Acclamator-class Republic Assault Ship --none known 75008 Asteroid Field & TIE Bomber --4488 Millennium Falcon? 75009 Hoth & T-47 Snowspeeder --4489 AT-AT --20018 AT-AT 75010 Planet Endor & B-Wing Fighter --how many TIEs can ya do? 75011 Alderaan & Tantive IV --4492 Imperial Star Destroyer --(not in Lugnet or Peeron databases) Imperial Star Destroyer polybag --(PREFERRED) redesigned polybag ISD based on mini included with 10021 UCS Executor
A-Team van and steering stuff
Diamondback replied to vmln8r's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingAnyone else find themselves humming the theme? :) BA Pities Da Foo who doesn't like this van. LOL
So is the Planet line going to end after Series 4?
Well, you could do DS-II as printed on clear hemispheres... maybe print both inside and out to create some 'depth' and 'layering' effect for the unfinished battle station.
Next CUUSOO set: 21103 Back to the Future™ Time Machine
Let's see, Disney just bought Lucasfilm = Star Wars and (defunct) Indy are part of the Mouse. conceded oN DC. reason I was hesistant is I know some folks, though not as bad as other sites, go apoplectic when you say "Mega Bloks"... and I'm not an MB koolaid-slurper just like I'm not with Lego (but believe me, seeing virtually nothing to warrant my attention in the 2013 catalog is PAINFUL to admit), but as a longtime StarCraft fan it has long been my position that whoever commercially offered a Battlecruiser at a reasonable price would get business from me, and it just happens that Team Canada beat Team Denmark to the punch getting the license. At the risk of being labeled excessively negative, my money is on Lone Ranger being a fad, just like the 1994 reboot of The Shadow was, and the short-lived recent attempt at a Knight Rider "Next Generation". Too many old farts around that still remember the original, and are gonna pan it for not meauring up... (And though I'm not of an age to have seen it originally, I did see enough reruns while young to put me in that camp.) At the very least, I, and I believe a lot of us, could be mollified if there were reassurance from Lego that "declined this time does not mean barred from future consideration, try again after LR runs its course and if you can get 10K supporters again then you're back in the game." That's not TOO unreasonable, is it?
New York Central: S-2 Electric - Thoughts? Advice?
Also, all NYC locomotives built for the use on the Electric Division (and IIRC for Detroit River Tunnel service too) used under-running third rails, the pantographs on top were secondary contacts where switching forced breaks in the third rail. Both NYC and PRR had the "hot" rail outside of the other two, but at different heights, and PRR had their contact surfaces on top of the rail--NYC covered the top and both sides in wood, pushing the contact "shoes" up into the rail from below; the first locomotives designed to bridge this were the NYNH&H FL-9 hybrid diesel/electrics, which operated into both Grand Central and Penn Station and had to have hydraulically- or pneumatically-adjusted retractable shoes to adapt to whatever trackage they were headed for.
New York Central: S-2 Electric - Thoughts? Advice?
Good luck, ES. For the record, with the exception of the P-motors (the last built, which had slightly more "teardrop" cab faces, almost all NYC System electrics were either full boxcabs or had that "stepped" end as pictured on "Old 100" above.
Plans for LEGO 2013?
Pretty much 10233 x2 and that'll be it for me, it looks like. MAYBE continue with Master Builders Academy, SW Buildable Galaxy and if they do a second Mini Modulars. Other than that, just nothing really exciting me that I've seen so far. Not to be a Debbie Downer or trash TLG, just that there are years of feast, years of midrange and years of famine, and as far as catching my eye 2013 looks like it's gonna be a "Famine" year.
Next CUUSOO set: 21103 Back to the Future™ Time Machine
Yeah, on Modular Western Town which was pitched BEFORE LR and would appeal to fans of REAL Western history as much as Tinseltown Fantasylanders... "Man the lifeboats, Timmy... you're spewing it awful deep in here." Besides, Lone ranger will only last a finite time, MWT could have been just tabled until after LR runs its course. Sorry, LEGO, after that craptastic line of bull, I'm not even buying the DeLorean which I had looked forward to--it may be that all the business you get from me for 2013 is two Horizon Expresses and that's it. Between this and your institutional ADHD about not keeping themes around for a longer term... At this rate, since all their licenses are fast becoming Disney IP, LEGO might as well just sell out to the Mouse and get it over with. "So long, and thanks for all the fish!" That OTHER unnamable building-blocks company that got the StarCraft license thanks you for part of what would have been YOUR slice of my disposable income...
New York Central: S-2 Electric - Thoughts? Advice?
Here's a dimensioned side elevation of the S-1 basis of the Lionel model: There's a diagram of the S-2s in William D. Edson's Steam Locomotives of the New York Central Lines, Vol. 1, available direct from NYC System Historical Society at's a $50-60 book, but for the serious NYC enthusiast it's a must-have. (Frankly, I wish I had stuck to my "two copies" standard practice for frequent-use references, since I have a few things On Hold until I find my copy again.)
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