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Everything posted by TheBrickDaddy

  1. Great review! I'm glad that you like the set, because I think you'll be in the minority on this one To be frank, this set is pretty inexcusable. I guarantee Lego wanted to include an AAT to go along with the MTT but could only fit it in the $25 "impulse purchase-y vehicles" line that Lego introduced with the Episode III sets this past winter. If this had been even a $30 set (just five more dollars!) I guarantee the designers would have been able to use different slopes to get rid of the chubbiness of the hull (with some sort of printing/stickers for the launch tubes), include a more desirable minifig, etc. I don't actually blame the set designer given the parameters they were given. A lot of people have pointed out that the size is more accurate- and I completely agree that the CW version was far too large- but it simply doesn't excuse everything else. One of the most disappointing SW sets Lego has ever released, and here I thought the MTT from this summer had already taken that title. But hey, at least they got the size right Also, why are the spring-loaded missiles orange? They should definitely be red Just the icing on the cake for this set, I guess.
  2. Saw all five new sets at Target today. Picked up the GL set, which is probably the best $20 superheroes set ever released. TRU had a lot of other new 2015 sets like Star Wars and City, but no superheroes surprisingly.
  3. Even if the exact dimensions don't carry over to the films, it's definitely designed to be system-sized. It just carries the new UCS label I can confirm this, I saw it at target today. Also, as a general response to everyone wondering about 2015 set sightings, I saw several 2015 Star Wars sets at TRU and Target today. TRU had three of the battle packs (missing the Geonosis troopers), AAT, AT-DP, Wookiee Gunship, the Rebels Speeder Bikes set, and some new microfighters. Target had about about as many, plus the Geonosis troopers (and the Hailfire droid as previously stated). Neither store had the T-16, which is what I wanted I had to settle for the Senate Commandos battlepack, which is a wonderful little set. The new rapid-fire blasters are a bit tedious, but fun nevertheless. Target also had all the new DC superheroes sets, for those who are interested. I looked it up on Wookieepedia the other night and I believe it's from Rebels, but I couldn't tell for sure. To be honest, I'd prefer if it's from TFA. As you said, only time will tell
  4. In all of the instruction books for sets with new spring-loaded launchers, it specifically says to remove the ammo when not in use. I'd keep them unloaded
  5. Wow. That MTT is... wow. Just awful. Yet another case of Lego trying to cram a large set into a small price range. I was really looking forward to this one, too.
  6. Got one of the last Darth Revan figs at my local Lego store- they were going fast! To get it, I bought the Police Gunship and the new Droid Tri-Fighter. The Police Gunship is nice, although it's a bit befuddling that they didn't include any 'bad guys' to fight. Fun build though. The Droid Tri-Fighter is one of the biggest disappointments I've met in a while. Sure, the Palpatine minifig is fantastic, but he's the only true minifig included, and the $30 pricetag is just too much for the finished product. Aside from tacking on a new spring-loaded missile on the bottom, there's absolutely no significant improvements over the older model and nothing to make me recommend this set to anyone.
  7. Smaug was absolutely incredible. Hands down the best dragon ever put to film. Cumberbatch as Smaug and the Erebor set pieces are worth the ticket price alone. I happened to love the rest of the film- Bard and Thranduil were highlights for me- despite that it sometimes strayed into cartoony antics and, of course, away from the source material. But it was enjoyable and certainly not bad! Well, bad meaning not as slow-moving as the first one Plus, critics are much more friendly toward this one than the first, if that helps sway anyone. As far as that relates to the sets, I think it's an absolute shame that there were no Smaug or Erebor-inclusive sets in this wave, because that was by far the best part of the film. Does anyone else think it's strange that there were only four sets in this wave? Not sure if this has been addressed before, but I suspect that it's missing the smallest and largest sets in the wave, and I have a feeling that the largest set would have been the battle with Smaug. Perhaps Lego didn't do the design exactly right and pulled it? Or since Smaug will still be in the second film, perhaps they moved it to the next line-up?
  8. That smallest set exists solely for the electro minifig, and I'm ok with that Cap and Spidey-Copter are definitely the best of the bunch. Nice to see a new Doc Ock, but otherwise that set is very meh- might be the second reincarnation of Loki's Cosmic Cube Escape. The Hulk Lab Smash set (which is a serious contender for the coveted 'Most Ridiculous Set Name' award) is pretty awful. The minifigs are great- although I don't know how I feel about Modok yet- but the build... Wow I could have made that out of my spare parts! It just seems so uninspired...
  9. That IMDB page needs an update (this has happened in the past). No Iron Fist movie has been announced (although Feige has hinted at Doctor Strange and Black Panther) and DC has definitely confirmed Batman Vs. Superman in 2015, The Flash in 2016, and JL in 2017. No WW or Aquaman until they appear in JL, which is a shame since we'll have to wait that long to get new minifigs...
  10. I distinctly remember in 2008-ish when the first wave of the Clone Wars sets came out that we had pictures of the new winter sets (Republic Attack Shuttle, blue AAT, Darth Vader's TIE, that wave) in early August. Granted, that was five years ago, and it's the only time pictures have ever appeared that early (plus they were very rough catalog prelims) but it does show how far Lego has come in terms of keeping new sets under wraps.
  11. Really? I thought it was average- the figs are great and it's always nice to have another speeder, but the tree thing is bleagh Managed to nab a Jedi Defender-Class Cruiser from the new summer lineup. This is one of the best Star Wars sets that Lego has rolled out in a long, long time. Good price-per-piece ratio, packed with features, incredibly unique, not to mention the GORGEOUS figures... even if you're not an Old Republic fan, you've got to pick this one up
  12. Close- it's trans-light blue! It's generated a lot of buzz because it's the first true minifig part to be issued in a trans color
  13. It's true it might not catch the eye from the angle on the box, but seeing it in a review or in person is a different story. And of the five minifigs, one is only available in one other set (the largest), and the other four are exclusive. What you may see as a dirty version of another figure, I see as a refreshing deviation from the norm- this is the only set where the Lone Ranger and Tonto aren't the same as they are in every other set. And I don't see how it's a bad price- it has one of the best piece/price ratios in the line. To each is own, but trust me, even if you don't want it as a display piece, it's got the most play functions I've ever seen for a set this size. I spent more time trying to crush Butch with that boulder than I'd like to admit I see I've won someone over
  14. I've seen a lot of posts about this set being overpriced- last time I checked, 927 pieces for a $100 licensed set is a pretty slick package. As for the size, the Sith Fury is similarly small for its price point. Comparatively, the Fury is $10 less, but has 200 less pieces and one less minifig. I don't see how this is a bad deal.
  15. Exactly- a Treebeard set has to be around the corner. It would be insane of Lego not to make Treebeard, so they gave us a generic one with Orthanc to go alongside him in the future. Clever marketing strategy.
  16. Managed to pick up the whole line, and in the end it has its ups and downs. Comanche Camp is definitely lacking, while sets like Colby City Showdown and the Cavalry builder end up somewhere in the middle of the road. Constitution train chase will please train fans but might not win over others due to its price tag. The Stagecoach, however, is an excellent value for money. The standout of the line is undoubtedly Silver Mine Shootout. In fact, it's one of the best sets that Lego has released in years. Not only is it aesthetically pleasing and an remarkably unique build, it's a great parts pack and has an incredible amount of play features. Every square inch of this set is packed with a function- kids played with it for hours. Honestly I can't recommend this set enough, I can't remember the last time I had so much fun building and playing with a set. This is the sleeper hit of 2013.
  17. The Han is really disappointing, not necessarily because the minifig itself is bad, but because... well, why Han? There are so many other characters Lego could have picked. Shoutout to cavegod, however, for coming up with the right rumor mill info yet again!
  18. Has anyone else seen this? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lego-Marvel-Super-Heroes-Iron-Man-Circle-Chest-Magnet-/160994950672?pt=UK_Construction_Toys_Kits&hash=item257c0bfe10 It's been reported over at Brickset. It seems that Lego is now selling single-minifig magnets in individual packaging. Not sure how to feel about this yet- they don't have the magnetic brick base, so does that mean Lego is reverting back to the old style of magnet where the magnet is embedded within the minifig and the legs and torso are glued? I guess only time will tell...
  19. Not true, unfortunately. They've confirmed there will be no Season Six, but there will be 'story arcs that will be released.' This could mean webisodes, a mini-series, a TV movie- no one knows for sure what the format will be, or what the episodes are about. As to your Episode 3 statement, it was never Dave Filoni's intention to make episodes that joined the TV show and Episode 3. He has said that if the series continued long enough while knowing how many seasons he had left, he would consider, with the right timing, to possibly make episodes leading to Episode 3 near the end of the series. Otherwise, he wasn't going to even attempt bridging that gap. I'm seeing posts discussing bringing Luke back- I'd like to point out that the TV show replacing TCW will ALSO be animated- do we really want a Luke minifig with a cartoon face?
  20. It looks like Star Wars: The Clone Wars has officially been canceled... Season 5 will be the last season. Dave Filoni says there will be parts of season 6 released as bonus content to tie up loose ends, but that's about it. I posted this because CW sets have always been an integral part of the Lego SW lineup for the past five years or so... I wonder if they'll still make clone wars sets, or if they'll transition to all live-action film sets again? Plus a few EU sets like TOR? It's got me stumped.
  21. Unfortunately it's fake- but a very good one at that.
  22. That's completely irrelevant, I can still see that he hasn't posted a source whether I'm a member or not. I didn't know who you were (in terms of you being reliable in the past) so please be nice and realize that I had a right to question the post. But now I know Sorry for doubting you! I thought Grogall confirmed the Ewok village a few pages back? Correct me if I'm wrong though. I was talking about this year's May the 4th promo, not the Ewok village, so I'm not sure if we're on the same page here. Again, if he's confirmed both then I apologize. Neither Cavegod or the link on Brickset mentioned anything about the source being the same as last year's. Since I didn't know that his source was reliable and he didn't say that it was the same as last years, I think anyone has a right to question him on it- I'm not the only one who did, if you read the comments. Forgive me, I don't have such a good memory of the members here and what they posted a year ago Regardless, now that I know that EB trusts Cavegod, I trust Cavegod. Han it is! I also found it a bit hard to believe because I wasn't expecting Han at all- they have so many new mould from this year that could be useful, like Pong Krell for Dexter!
  23. My initial shock that there is no Iron Patriot in the sets has passed, so I'm praying for that as well. I'll have lost what little faith I have left in this line if they don't have Iron Patriot as the May 4th Super Heroes promotional minifig. It's almost not that I want it (which I do), I'm just appalled that TLG would pass on the chance to give us that minifig. I'm certain it would be a huge draw for kids and collectors alike!
  24. ...There is absolutely no confirmation about a Han minifig for the May 4th promotion in your link or anywhere in that forum. Next time, please don't post links like that unless you have an actual source, it can muddle up the speculation in this thread. Still crossing my fingers for Dexter as the promotional minifig!
  25. We can indeed confirm that the Chicago Discovery Center is carrying the IM3 sets. Someone over at Brickset grabbed the $20 set and took photos of the box for proof: http://brickset.com/news/article/?ID=5801 That's two reports (and photos) of a purchase there. Anyone up for a road trip?
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