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Eurobricks Vassals
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About mrchris

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  1. S3 I have (UK only please) Mummy (sealed) race car driver (unsealed, not touched) sumo wrestler (x2 sealed) Pilot (unsealed not touched) I am after (both S3) Indian Cheif (would like 2) Elf Chris :)
  2. Hello :) I currently have the following all sealed and in the UK. Series 1: cheerleader, cowboy, skater, robot, astranaut, diver. Series 2: ringmaster, life guard, surfer I am afer Series1: nurse, wrestler Series 2: Explorer, Pharoe, skier, cop Chris
  3. I'm looking for a nurse or 2 to complete my set. i wouldnt mind another wrestler too but want a nurse first. I can offer cheerleader, cowboy, skater, robot, astranaut, diver. all are sealed maybe a few more as i'll probably buy another few over the weekend I'm in the UK so looking for someone also from UK.
  4. the only one i am missing now is the nurse. in the UK everywhere has them behind the counter so its not easy to pick them.
  5. i cannot seem to find it, any hints?!
  6. thanks for the calendar scan, very useful!!!
  7. from 3 medium sized (£25-£40) orders 1st (before increase): 2 items wrong, replaced quickly. 2nd (before increase): none wrong. 3rd (after increase then decrease): 1 missing (1x1 tile which i just ignored )
  8. make the plastic bags that the bricks are packed in out of corn starch instead of oil. and smaller boxes.
  9. im jealous of your pab selection i've found that the lids are out in blue water in UK, in MK they gave me one while i was filling it, so im sure you could ask for one while picking. and they usually put a sticker to reuse the tub and get a discount so you would have the lid then.
  10. big grey slopes to make rocks that arent BURPS is my biggest wish. more rare colours
  11. thanks usernameinvalid, do you know if the £10 voucher has a minimum spend on it?
  12. blue water has a larger selection than milton keynes. i visited both within the same month and there was very little overlap between the two as well. the holes in the wall in blue water are smaller as well, so MK is wasting lots of space that they could use for a better selection.
  13. seems strange that they let it miss the easter weekend which would of been good sales for it.
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