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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Geopolis replied to ACPin's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Dear ACPin, Things haven't changed: you're still the best at the MOCS you do!
  2. A medium playset like Cantina, Jabba's Palace or Jedi Council Chamber with 10 new alien figs/heads. Not that we can't build the structures but we'd still miss some alien figs to fit in.
  3. ... I'm going to translate "to rant" in my dictionary... ... Am I ranting here? It's just a natural French way of speaking. (The feeling must come from the "!!!" and the bold letters.)
  4. 1. Death Star: now that £ costs 1.05 €, the Death Star costs less than 300€ in UK. When will the prices be lowered in Euroland (400€ for a Death Star!!!)? 2. Clone Wars sets: they are beautiful and clearly aimed to AFOLs, then too much expensive for the real cartoon public, children. Lego should design most <insert that tiresome argument> and far less expensive CW sets. For example, the V-Torrent, P-38 or TX-130S needn't be that complexe nor that big. Of course, we can still reduce their size by redesigning them, but the economic result is that even if Lego wins smart amount of money for fewer sold sets, they could earn as much money while satisfying more people by selling more less-expensive sets. CW sets needn't to be as big and complex as they're are now.
  5. PLUS: - fine exclusive figs (special B2s, new Yoda) - 7 figs - fine small vehicle attached to AAT LESS: - infantry B1 rather than pilot (can still be painted anyway ) - I would have bought 2 sets if it has been smaller, I guess most children can't afford it and lot of AFOLs won't buy it because they don't want to know TCW TV series and the blue-colored AAT.
  6. I still wonder who are "elite assassin droids". Are they meant to be like the IG lancer droids?
  7. Geonosis red sand battle droids would be really smart too. Older collectors could get tired of Gungans and kaadus. This kind of set could be a little bigger with a faamba (same head mold than the dewback!) and shielding device too. +1 but 501st clones could be mixed with Cody's 212th clones. +1 I wish we will get at least TWO IMPERIAL NAVY TROOPERS and 1 black uniform Imperial officer in these very expected BPs. Maybe an alien or Tatooine or Cantina or Jabba's guards BP... The Jawa would be a must have in such a set. A Nikto like Weequay (=> also CW pirates) would also rock. Gamorrean, Rodian or Tusken could still be included. Cloud City BP (1 cloud car, 1 pilot, 2 guards) and EU Imperial BP (sea troopers, storm commandos!) would please AFOLs and old RPGamers. Apart Gungan and Naboo BP, the other sets could sell well.
  8. Geopolis replied to DarthPineapple's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Really fine! I get vertigo for the poor clone trooper.
  9. Geopolis replied to hopeso009's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I love the head. This B2 super battle droid won't get leg-broken as soon as you touch legs and body together... Great, great MOC!
  10. Geopolis replied to hopeso009's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Really good and clever MOC!
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