Everything posted by Hrafnblod
Coffee van
It certainly catches the eye! Despite being a bit garish, I actually like it. It's a cute little design and the interior's done very nicely.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014 Rumors & Discussion
The lair looks pretty cool. Now I kind of regret picking up the previous one, since I only needed it for Leo (and Splinter, I guess). Could've gotten him in the Karai bike and then picked up the better looking lair.
Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
Yeah, it almost gets insulting to start seeing his minifig in other forms like the light but they can't be bothered to put him in a set. I'm with you, hoping we still see him with the blu-ray release or something like that. It's looking increasingly likely we might somehow get him this year, which would finish off the "classic" Justice League lineup (even if MM and some others are in their new-52 forms).
Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
I don't. I said, "for all we know." What I meant was, we don't know that Rocket's ship is actually going to play a big enough part in the film to justify a set made for it. We don't know nearly enough about the movie yet for people to be tossing around claims that Lego "don't care" how good of a job they do simply on the grounds we didn't get a set of Rocket Racoon's Warbird.
2014 CREATOR Houses Sets - Rumours and Discussion
So we've seen the interior. Now can I say I'm completely underwhelmed? Probably won't pick this up at all unless it goes on a really good sale.
- Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
- Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
Yup. I'd have liked to see Rocket's ship in Lego form (and will probably build it!) but for all we know, in the context of the movie he may have it for 30 seconds when we first meet him and then it gets blown up. That would be enough for Hasbro or whoever has the action figure line, since they're pushing out a whole line of dozens of items for the movie. Lego, on the other hand, is only producing 3 sets. We're getting 3 spaceships between them, so that's still pretty awesome!
Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
That's what I mean. I don't expect the product to cost a fixed amount more than cost, or anything. I just think that, if any of those bells and whistles consistently result in markup it's bigfigs. Both Hulk sets and the Green Goblin set have been that way. The Goblin King Battle, too. Moria didn't have the same issue to the same extent, but still. Bigfigs seem to be an automatic +10-15 (as do some other large, specialty pieces) whereas the new hats and stuff have a much less immediately obvious effect for the consumer. Basically, big fig sets seem to really stick out from the "usual" price-per-piece ratio we see. Sets with new smaller parts usually don't- no one seemed to see the Riddler Chase set's price (with Flash's new hat, new minifig prints on every figure, etc) and think "wow, what happened there" like with the X-Jet. It's all about perception.
Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
No, I know. I wasn't refuting all your arguments in general, I was just speaking generally to the fact that a lot of people overplay how much effect licensing has on price, when lines like Superheroes are actually better about price/piece ratios than City generally is. $50 sets are historically kind of hit-or-miss with SH, yeah, but the examples all include bigfigs which Lego seems to think are worth charging a lot for. The bigger pieces probably have more to do with it than the smaller specialty molds like the cowls and such, is all I'm saying. Once you have large pieces or big figs you see the bigger jumps in price, compared to lots of sets that have unique headgear and the like. I wasn't being argumentative, was just giving my take based on what I've seen. At the end of the day it's almost definitely a purely business decision in terms of charging-what-people-will-pay. I've seen several pretty in-depth breakdowns that make good arguments that the molds/materials/etc. are almost irrelevant, at the quantities of product Lego puts out.
Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
Storm looks great. Kind of disappointed new Wolverine doesn't have leg printing like his old fig did. Cyclops looks alright, but not great. I would've preferred his '90s cartoon version but the one they gave us is a pretty good interpretation of the look they were going for. They're certainly not the worst we've gotten in SH.
Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
The description of the smallest GotG set actually sounds pretty good. Despite being able to get a full "team" with the two biggest sets, the smallest one might actually be nice for purchasing multiples of, considering it comes with two (faiirly generic) fighter craft from the sounds of things. Plus two generic mook type characters. I could stand to have several Star-Lords, if I get a pair or trio of Nova Corps ships and Sakaaran ships. I really don't believe the licensing has anything to do with it. The superheroes line, in general, has pretty good pricing despite being licensed- that's why everyone's asking questions about this set breaking that trend. The large pieces might be to blame but I don't buy the wolverine cowl. Magneto's helmet, Flash's helmet, Batgirl's cowl and other such unique (at the time, in the case of Magneto) headpieces didn't severely skew their respective sets' price points.
- Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
I think it's the perfect way to do reversible looks, personally. Way better than Batman's head, at least this way you can use Wolverine's cowl AND his hair. I also like this "extra headgear" thing they're doing with the X-jet and possibly with the GotG sets (from the sounds of Star-Lord's helmet and hair thing). It might be a little less helpful for head-swapping and stuff but I think it's perfect for making the actual character as useful as possible. I saw a sign in one of the TMNT pics saying "No pictures/video." I think pictures are slightly discouraged, probably more strongly with some sets than others.
- Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
- Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
The "original" GoG is pretty clearly a thing of the past in Marvel's mind anyway, from what I can see. I don't mind it, personally, I like the 2008 lineup better. It would've been neat to see Adam Warlock but I think he'll turn up at some point if the MCU keeps pushing towards the whole Infinity Stone plotline, especially with his cocoon showing up in the mid-credit scene at the end of Thor 2. It's looking like the movie plot is going to be a loose adaptation of the comic series, though, if not an original creation. I'm actually shocked at how well the X-jet turned out. The little glimpses we got from the prelims and the piece count didn't inspire confidence but they made a pretty awesome set after all, though I'm still bummed about the repeat figs. Not thrilled about the price either.
2014 CREATOR Houses Sets - Rumours and Discussion
I keep seeing that claim tossed around but, if the outside is a huge disappointment and the inside is (pretty clearly from the size of the set) too small to actually hold that much, I think we can pretty safely judge it at this point- no amount of interior detailing is going to change the fact that there's not enough there to do what I wanna do with it. That said, it's mostly this that's a disappointment for me. Well, this and the pricing on the Arctic sets. Lots of other stuff looks absolutely awesome for the second half of 2014. I'd also agree with this. I can't put my finger on why exactly but there's just something "off" about it.
2014 CREATOR Houses Sets - Rumours and Discussion
While admittedly we still haven't seen the inside, the more pictures I see of this set the more it's in danger of falling off my 2014 buy-list. As has been stated, it doesn't look like a 1000 piece set. Disappointing.
2014 City Sets - Rumours and Discussion
I fully realize that the 10 cents/pc "magic ratio" isn't a real thing but it's still really disheartening to see such a basic line as city go off the rails on pricing, compared to licensed themes and the like. I may be the only one here who's really, really excited about the arctic sets (since I don't have an actual town layout they'd be incongruent with) but the price I've seen listed are a huge downer, so much that I've gone from "definitely picking up the whole line" to "might grab a few, but only after everything else I want this year."
- 2014 City Sets - Rumours and Discussion
The LEGO Movie: 70810 MetalBeard's Sea Cow
I'm not really that enamored with it. It's kind of a bummer actually, that Benny's spaceship is a really awesome classic space styled set, and the pirates throwback is.. this short, stubby, overly tall and overly steampunked monstrosity. I could see getting it for parts, but not for $250.
Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
Interesting to see no Yondu or Collector, after all. But only limited space for figs, I assume, and neither of those may be huge characters. Would've liked to see Korath though-- still exciting stuff! Movie is focusing on what I guess you could call the "core 5," but their lineup (like most of Marvel's teams) is a little nebulous. (Because they're from space, get it? ) As for Groot, he varies. Sometimes great, sometimes small, but one truth always remains. He is Groot. I'm assuming the searchers are some kind of foot soldier type fig since they seem to come in multiple sets? Also, I take back most of my skepticism on the X-men set. They managed to do a lot with the piece count; looks like the sentinel's face is more or less corrected (not way too high up), I actually think his build is pretty decent if a bit minimalistic. Cyclops, Storm and new Wolverine look great. It's back on my "must buy" list, I guess! Hopefully that big fat jet has enough room for all three X-men, at least. I really hope we get at least some look at the other two GotG sets. I know we can see part of one, Groot actually looks great to me, but would like a bit more of a glimpse.
Where to start?
Museum Break-in is still floating around some retailers too, I forgot to mention. It has a pretty respectable little museum build, I really wanna grab one before they're all gone and try and do a modular using the museum facade more or less as-designed-- I really like it.
Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
Yup, just found the Penguin and Steamroller sets at my Wal-mart, finally. Also the Spider-man sets, but not the Avengers Assembles sets just yet. Batman and Spidey are probably starting to be pretty widely available stateside though because my area Wal-marts are pretty horrible about stocking things in a timely manner. If it shows up there it's gotta be everywhere.
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