Everything posted by Hrafnblod
Licensed Forum Suggestions
I get that it's annoying when the topic goes off-topic (though with possible retailer-exclusives still unannounced, if unlikely, a TWS set still falls under -possible- 2014 material), there's also the other side of the coin, which is stifling the organic flow of discussion. There's pretty long droughts of information, over the life of that thread, and it's not much fun to just kill every discussion thread that drifts off-topic for a few posts. The show vs. show debates, sure, since that doesn't actually have anything to do with Lego. Discussing the merits or possibilities (or lack thereof) of ASM2, TWS, etc. sets falls within the scope of the topic, if you ask me. People are just looking for something to talk about considering we've gotten very little tangible information from the toy fairs.
Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
Hey, as said before, you could always use Electro as Iceman. Come summer when the X-jet is released you could actually have a serviceable basic X-men team, that way. If 4 is enough to count as "serviceable." ....And just like that, I'm bummed we're only getting two new X-men this year, again.
Licensed Forum Suggestions
It doesn't seem to me that the other licensed themes combined have as much discussion as Trains, though.
- Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
- Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
Licensed Forum Suggestions
But then you have a dead forum left behind. If anything that's a reason -not- to separate the Superheroes forum.
Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
I wasn't even talking purpose though, the architectural design of both looks very consistent with the period of the other modulars. Neither stick out as any more "modern" (in any sense) than the Fire Brigade or Grand Emporium. Maybe the inside of the restaurant, like you said, but even that doesn't really seem it to me.
- Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
I'd be surprised if we got another of the Guardians in that set, tbh. There's two other sets to spread heroes between, I doubt we'd get 3 in what (as far as I know?) is the smallest of the three sets. Like some others here, I think Rocket Raccoon is undoubtedly gonna be in whatever set Groot is in. Also man, I can't decide if I feel better or worse about that Spidey set. Goblin looks better than I thought he would (though still worse than a proper, classic Goblin of course). The chopper looks part-better, part-worse than the box made me think. The main body of it is nice, but the tail looks pretty stupid and under-built, and the lack of trap door in the back cockpit hatch is just pathetic. Needs -something- in there other than a tiny ledge for Spidey to stand on, should've made some kind of mechanism out of it.
Licensed Forum Suggestions
Like I said, you could just as easily roll Simpsons CMF into this forum. I just don't get splitting it in two. In my head it makes more sense to put both in Special Themes (because they don't seem to be a 'full' theme, just some one-off stuff), but the argument can definitely be made for putting it here (since it's licensed). It just seems better to combine, regardless of which forum you combine them in.
- Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Licensed Forum Suggestions
My thought is mostly that CMF goes in Special Themes, and since the theme is essentially the CMF line (with just the one set to accompany), I figured it made more sense over there. It could go here too, I just think it's pointless to spread it across two subforums when there's not enough to the theme to warrant it.
Licensed Forum Suggestions
I would've added it anyway if I even remembered it was a thing! Slipped my mind, but I have noticed what few sets weren't moving have been put on clearance at most of my local stores.
Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
I think Lego is smart to keep pushing that market. It's inexpensive enough that those sets aren't relegated to "birthday and Christmas" for a lot of kids, It's practically an impulse set for AFOLs (at least I would say so, I have a fairly tight budget but can still grab these fairly easily when they come out). The general design seems to be vehicle + possible small vehicle + 3 figs, which comes out to fairly good playability for the kids and good for character dispersion for kids and AFOLs alike since a lot of these sets have at least one "new" figure, like Lois Lane, Nightwing/Man Bat, Red Skull/Hydra troop, Wonder Woman (in fairness, all three of those figs with Lex's Power Armor), Venom/Nick Fury, etc. $20 is a great price point for them to work with, IMO. It certainly seems to be working well!
Licensed Forum Suggestions
I can certainly see the argument for two threads going forward, even with the possibility of repeat discussion (which wouldn't really be such an awful thing, in my mind). As far as I'm aware this is mostly a discussion for "next time" so the imbalance in sets this year doesn't necessarily factor in, though we could be heavily skewed one way or the other as far as DC sets/Marvel sets in coming years too (next year especially with Avengers 2 and nothing from DC again). Two threads may be a good idea. On the other hand, the current one really only fully derailed in the last 10 pages or so, and largely because of a select few individuals who just can't let it go (or couldn't, it's simmered down now). Some one-on-one attention from the mods towards people who just keep going off-topic might do the trick (though that may already happen! Don't know, just a thought). SH being a separate forum would kill Licensed, not much question there. Other than SH what is there that gets a ton of discussion? SW already has its own forum, so that's out. HP and PotC are dead (and one belongs in Pirates). This will probably be the last year of Hobbit/LotR (not even getting any LotR this year are we?) and that belongs (rightfully in my mind) in Historical. I agree with what someone said about not splitting Simpsons up so much. Since it's not as much a "theme" as a single set (at least right now) I'd advocate moving it to the special themes forum entirely. License or not, it's more CMF than anything else, with only one set. Splitting the discussion for such a meager theme feels a bit silly.
- Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
Thanks. That'll probably deter us all more than just saying "not here! Not here!" Treebeard came out pretty good but also used more parts (and stands taller) than Groot is likely to. So I dunno how well that'll translate, hopefully well. That's what I'm hoping, even if the build on the sentinel doesn't look great the smaller ball joints really help cut down the bulk. I think they'll be great for Groot's stickly stature. We don't know for sure (as far as I know) how exactly he's going to look in the film. MCU characters are sort of hit-or-miss on the "true to comic appearance" front. On one hand you've got Cap (at least when he actually wore the cowl bit in the First Avenger), on the other you have Hawkeye and Falcon that look nothing like their comic uniforms. They may've gone with a slightly different look for Ronan since they changed his background somewhat for the film.
- Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
I can agree there, EMH was awesome. But yeah I can't believe they had (from the looks of things fairly finalized) GotG stuff and we didn't even get pictures of that or the blackbird. That Milano ship box doesn't look prelim to me. But let's take pictures of the only sets of the year that are already out, instead.
- Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
- Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
Looks like a hair mold on a printed head, but can't tell if it's a new hair mold. Was hoping the helmet would be molded but it doesn't look like it-- didn't really expect much from Lego in that regard, they hardly do anybody's headgear correctly. Yeah, an interview with his actor from several months ago mentioned no big fin. Promably minor enough they didn't put it on the fig, or it's just back of head printing or something like that if it's there at all. The ship definitely looks neat, the set overall actually looks cool. Ronan looks awesome on the box art. Makes me hopeful for the line even if Star-Lord doesn't look that good in that particular (admittedly less than ideal) picture.
Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
Nothing wrong with sidelining some of the old classics now and then, imo. I think you summed up what was most disappointing with the goblin set this time around. When we first heard we'd get Goblin I immediately thought of the awesome classic one from the video game with his neat little Glider. Then we got that big hulking monstrosity instead. Looking forward to when classic Goblin does show up though, since we'll probably be getting a loooot of Spider-man before it's all said and done.
Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
Brickshow mentioned it, that's about all we know. What's wrong with Killer Moth? Only in certain markets, so a fair percentage of EB (since there -are- a pretty decent number of us in the states) haven't had a chance. Be glad SuperHeroes is as review-laden as it is, a lot of the other sections have sets years old that haven't been reviewed. Town is missing a lot of stuff. Also, January wasn't that long ago, it's only February 10th. Patience!
LEGO parts made of Chinese plastic?
Almost all the ones I've observed come separately bagged, yeah. Since they're able to do things that way, though, it's becoming pretty hard to find "clean" sets that don't have any Chinese parts.
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