Everything posted by mandziarat
Captain's Cabin Contest Voting!
Dr. Steve 3 points Erdbeereis 2 points I Scream Clone 2 points
Getting spam...
Maybe we should ban you instead, then everyones happy!!!! On topic, Its a good idea.
Am I the only one...
I thought Agent Trace is pretty hot
Ladies of LEGO
This is probaly the most in depth thing I have seen on the forums so far. Great job Sandy
Disney Minifig Collection 11
I thought you got the head just right. I like it.
MOC: Mobile Command Unit
Its a futuristic design with a modern mix. I LOVE the doors. Excellent MOC
MOC: Gong Farmer
Nice Hinc, what's up with the dynamite? The detail is just eye-catching
LEGO Cake!
New tagline: Build your own UCS Imperial Star Destroyer out of cake!!!!!!! (3,000 layers)
Top 3 Best\Worst Themes
Bestest 1. Good Old Pirates!!!!! 2. Indy. 3. Star Wars Runner up: All Space Police Worstest 1. Avatar 2. Spongebob 3. Rock Raiders Runner up: Bionicle
MOC: DHL Smart 2 car
Where in the name of hello did you get the DHL decals?
Lego12 beat me I new it was Narnia.
Summer Agents 2009!
I love the use of just normal citizens in Dr. Inferno's (Or Dr. Slime ) big robot thingy. I'm sold too.
Chuck Norris' Blue Truck
One word, Cool.
Upsetting LEGO death
Dying of a heart attack at that age is sad, I wonder what is is dad will do with the lego. I still can't imagine he died at only 12 years young.
City '09?
About the Indy pics, the top 4 look affordable!!!!!! Hopefully.
MOC: Office Troll
I love the pens, never thought about using the levers that way.
Lara Croft!
I would like to see it happen. Nice idea.
Watch your back!
Great MOC, I love Power Miners and MOC's about them. I wish I could be like you, Edbeereis
Space Police 2009!
I love these so much, I think i'll camp out my local Toys R Us in 20 degree weather till summer.
MOC: Blender
So easy a caveman could do it
REVIEW: 8707 Boulder Blaster
Need! Need! Need! I'm trying to collect all the Power Miners.
MOC: Big Headed
He's gonna need to fix that one soon.
Power Miners Product Movies
Tim "He's gonna make the jump of death, Lets eat him if he misses" I like when he makes a rock band with the monsters " Keep it down, I have to be in the mines tomorrow" and in the Thunder Driller, "It can be a carnival ride, da da dud da da dud da da dud"
Power Miners Quiz
Sorry computer bug I didn't mean to call you a liar
Backstroke Down The Bloodstream
Body Wars, don't remind me, I loved it, you made me sad. Good MOC
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