Everything posted by robuko
[K-A06] The Artifact pt.2
Lots of intense action, the smile face means those mantis guys love the pain?! The vehicle is a nice build with interesting technique.
[O - F04] - Inspiring Young Minds
Nice clean build
- [O-F04] The Big Fish...
- [ O - G02 ] Wonderbox
[M - F04] Upsilon
You've done an amazing job of making that small build feel a lot bigger, thanks to excellent photography and scene directing. The photo editing in the first shot is remarkable too.
[M-G02] Relic From An Old War
What a great scene. This is what Star Wars sets should be like. I like the way you made Gerik, great design.
- [O-H04] Before Too Long
[K-G10] Road to Nowhere
Location: G10 Onix Tags: Exploration, land vehicle, space vehicle The Kawashita gentle persuasion vessel 'Modest Diplomat' has picked up a strange trail on her sensors An alien road, in good condition and apparently well used. But where does it lead to? To be continued....
[O-H03] Minifigures Andromeda Series: Awesomnium Miner
Nice usage, I've not come across that one before
[O - H04] Warped
That was pretty funny, especially the uniform switch. Fantastic photo editing in all the shots, very professional!
- [O-H04] Into the Great Beyond
[M-G02] The Nidling
Jeepers, that is a nightmare beastie. Luckily, you can tell from its side facing eyes that it's a prey species, not a predator - unless it has another sense organ at the front. Very nice build, I especially like the vegetation. Are the ribs made of droid arms? They look great.
[K - C10] ...Something Green and Red
Nice build, I like the commonality you have designed into the 2 mecha. They look so playable. Pew pew
- [O - G10] 'Twas Not But A Dream
[K - A06]A new command squad ready for duty
Nice figures and a great heavy gun. They are kind of an easy target though.....!
- [M - G02] Autofreight
- [K-C09] Secret Land Vehicle
[K-A06] The Artifact pt.1
Great story, is that the Indiana Jones base plate? The directing is very cinematic, I especially like the shot with the mummy head and the one just above it. Good things always come from artefacts!..... The floor looks very linear, if this is a dusty site you could show that with a scatter of 1x1 or 2x1 to break up the shapes a bit.
- [K-C09] - Defense wall happenings
AG - Introduction and Discussion
My 6-year old son has been building with me for Kawashita and wants to join up and post his builds here. Obviously he is underage for EB. Is there a way for him to participate in the game (without substituting for my own builds)?
[K-A04] In da lab
location:A04 Mynderis tags: ground vehicle "My Baby!" Kawashita scientist Dr Sakura surveys her latest creation with pride.
[O - F04] - A Deserved Break
Very nice figure posing. Watch out for those strong shadows
[O-H03] Minifigures Andromeda Series: Awesomnium Miner
Is that a custom drill? Looks 3d printed?
[K - C10] I Spy...
What I like best here is the way the feet echo the shaping of the main canopy, it looks very aggressive and sleek. Good snowy backdrop.
- [O - G02] Orbital Advertising
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