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Blackheart Brit

Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Blackheart Brit

  1. The Caribbean clipper version is great but the rear seems to black. Could.oyu make that rail yellow or brown to tone down the black. Maybe more blue and white could do it too.
  2. It was returned.
  3. I have a second copy of the set 21322 in hand that will get returned to the store in day or two if no one here wants it first. My wife bought one when it hit Lego.com and I ran to the store two days later when they arrived for 10 minutes and got one and the online one arrived two days later, faster than we both thought, Anyway, two copies and only will keep one. HERE IS THE RUB, my four year old thought Daddy would want two, and I would but that is another story, and he opened the set and opened all the bags when we were not paying enough attention to him. All the pieces are there, all the mini figures, everything. I have not sold here before and only ever bought stuff on brick link so I have no track record as a seller, so I understand any trepidation. I will sell it for $218, cuz taxes, and you pay shipping, I am in Arizona and will only ship within US, and it includes the 12 in one set the came with it free this month. Let me know if you are interested.
  4. That looks so good!
  5. Thanks, I used to have it, so that helped. It us empty below deck, at some point I want to build rooms and stuff but who knows when.
  6. Did you make the minifigs? The cabin is nicely detailed.
  7. Here is a crew i put together back in '04, yes some are custom torsos, and some of those are from CCC Tutorials
  8. So awesome, can't wait to see this.
  9. Right, BAM Has lots of hair options, Maybe a tan hat with black hair, or brown hat with black hair!
  10. So I excitedly scooped up three Pirate Girls yesterday at Walmart. (Even better, they rung up at $1.22 each, I don't know, maybe Corona Virus Discount or something) I was REAL excited to get the new Hat with hair attached to it so my pirate with Tri-Cornered hats looked less bald. Here it is: It really is a great piece and I am happy to have it. As i tried it around on many of my Pirate Minifigs I found it was not exactly great in a few nitpicky ways. 1. It is primarily made as Woman hair so it sweeps back on the sides with no sideburns, or sideburn nubs, Rey from star Wars oddly had sideburn bumps. ManyPirate minis have sideburns or beard printed and there tends to be some gaps between Hair and printing. Obviously they can't make a piece today and have it match every Minifig Face ever made. 2. The hair color is light brown, not Blonde, It is the same color as Thor from Endgame. There are, as you can see from pics, Pirate who have the right brownish printed beards and stubble to match OK, but it turns out in my collection there are more Black eye brows, or black facial hair. In my own head and not supported by History or anything is how i view my Lego Pirates. I see the tank top dudes and lesser, or poor pirates, The Captains always have real ornate outfits and there are some mid-level priates, I usually try to have tank top pirates in Bandanas and use the TriCorner hats for the more advanced Pirates. Within the Soldiers realms the tricorner hat was a rank above Private like all the shako hat Soldiers. As in the pic, this piece does look good on soldiers. I can't wait to get my Pirates of Barracuda Bay and I get the Brown TriCorn with Blonde hair. It looks like same color hair but variety is always good. Do you have this piece yet? Do you like it? Am I the crazy one?
  11. Here is my current Cobra army Can you find your favorite COBRA!
  12. Parm, Yeah, it probably would be a STOVL aircraft carrier if they made it today. Nom, It does have odd proportions since it is based off a toy version of a somewhat real Aircraft carriers plus LEGO geometry is sometimes not exact. I thought about and might still make but runway sections 16 studs longer, but i don't know, elements I don't have, etc. TheBreeze, thanks
  13. I have been into building GI JOE (Cobra Too) vehicles and Soldiers out of LEGO for more than a year now and built this last spring, but now there is a forum for it, YEH! more pics in my Flickr https://flickr.com/photos/13846883@N02/ Let me know what you think.
  14. https://www.brickwarriors.com/hooligan-hat/ I don't know that they make it, so unless some sells their's you might be out of luck. or PAINT one. I paint third party stuff all the time, but am scared to paint LEGO.
  15. That is the neat thing about Lego, you see some cool build someone made and you can try to build it too, or better, incorporate the cool parts into something similar and new. I have never felt I wanted someone else's instructions, but get inspired all the time on bits and sections. Flicr has a few technique groups, very good stuff there. Ama77what on flicr posts breakdown images of a lot of his builds.
  16. Isn't this likely an issue of the sellers not being aware/careful with parts that are SUPER similar. Those parrots are very different, but If I had not seen the photos I would not have known there was a new mold.
  17. Samuel L Jackson has another Minifig with then news today about new Jurassic Park buildable T Rex with his character from that movie. Also, related, Jeff Goldblum has two now, Game Master from Thor Ragnorak and His Jurassic Ian Malcolm, but been out a while now. Chris Pratt has 2, argueable 3 mini's modeled after him now. The list keeps growing...
  18. My Ursula was missing her head. Anyone else missing parts to Disney minis?
  19. Blackheart Brit replied to azog's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    The El Dorado Fort is a very solid set. A base for the good guys and a cool fort all around. The color scene and details are great and there us plenty play features. By itself if might be a little dull but paired with more soldiers and some pirates to fight it has lots of fun to it.
  20. Either way they are both TERRIBLE Pirates. They both have lost an eye and wear the eye patch, the both have a hook AND a Peg leg. It seems all the Pirate captains have these maladies and none of the regular Pirates seem to have these issues. They should MUTINY and install more capable Pirates in charge.
  21. I recently purchased all the newer pirate sets and like them, or at least I like the new torsos and quickly realized they are all updates of the older pirates. So i took pictures for comparison sakes. Here are the Captains, two Red Beards and they are obviously the same and the design is so similar just better done with better LEGO printing abilities. Brick Beard is pretty similar too simply different colors. Not pictured, but the Collectible Minifigure Captain and Zombie Captain have a very similar design as well, again just another color. Why has he not been named? I find it funny LEGO used Red Beard for so many years, like three or more waves worth, and even brought him back this time around, why couldn't they make a new name and a new head even on the same body. https://www.flickr.c...eposted-public/ The girl Pirate. Her torso gets better and better and changes colors like any girls outfit should https://www.flickr.c...eposted-public/ Striped Shirts. I loved these old ones and like the new ones a lot too, the updates are great especially in that each color combo is slightly different whereas the old ones were just color changes. Does the green Stripe Pirate from a few years ago go in here as a color change or something new??? https://www.flickr.c...eposted-public/ https://www.flickr.c...eposted-public/ https://www.flickr.c...eposted-public/ The red and white striped shirt with Blue jacket or vest on top. https://www.flickr.c...eposted-public/ and similar in color change https://www.flickr.c...eposted-public/ The vested Tattooed Pirate. Starts purple, and changes to a more subtle brown and keeps that tattoo. A piece or rope or some additional patches differentiate the second and third versions. https://www.flickr.c...eposted-public/ The Blue jackets and I do not know if these are meant to be the same but the are very similar. https://www.flickr.c...eposted-public/ Just some thoughts and ideas, comment as you feel inclined. Thanks
  22. I saw this built at my local Lego store and the temple roof is very incredible. It looks very Japanese and a cool build as well. Very good looking set.
  23. Thanks legozebra. Exactly what I needed. Mencot I agree. It looks more unique and more worth while than I initially thought
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