Everything posted by Bricks
What's your favorite food?
I think I'm one of the only few people, who know that food->and yes, it's very delicious! Here is my ranking (without 'Spätzle'): 1.Chinese food (tasty chicken) 2. Italian food (pizza) 3. IKEA food (Kotbullar) 'Bricks'
Roman Tribune
Very nice work! I've thought about a WIP roman-creation. And this figure inspired me about a 'Roman Tribun' The best is the cloak with the two gold ''buttons''. So thanks for sharing 'Bricks'
What was the last movie you watched?
I watched one of the best pirate films ever[for teenagers]... ...Pirates of the Caribbean 2! *I love it* 'Bricks'
Hey, greetings mate! So sadly I'm not very active in these other boards. But I wish you a nice time here on eurobricks with a lot of fun, bricks and new friends 'Bricks'
That would be an amazing set, but sadly not from TLC! I always love creations with 'Lifelits', and this is one of the attractives ever. So thanks for that find 'Bricks'
Welcome on eurobricks... ...and welcome back in the colourful side of live. I hope you'll enjoy your time here and that you don't miss your dark-age 'Bricks'
This is simply perfect The size must be impressive, if you look at the figure and at the UCS-Falcon in the background! I really love the interior of this creation, which is very comfortable. So great work and keep your nice mocs up 'bricks'
LEGO and Social Media
I agree an official 'LEGO-Blog' would be really awesome. But we have already seen some insider videos... ...check them out here: -The secret vault [all sets from the last 50 years...] -The birthplace of minifigures [how did they get produced] -The Factory [some impressions from the 'interior'] -How a Stormtrooper gets eyes [the imprinting of minifigures] 'Bricks'
The Spoils of War
*I want to be the pirate* So nice entry! I love all the gold and treasures in front of the ''little king''. Ohh and your walls are amazing... Thanks for sharing and good luck! 'Bricks'
Green Eggs and Ham - Dr. Seuss MOC
Very nice and always detailled work I love especially the scene, where all the cars and trains are on the ship. That was very impressive So thanks for sharing a real new sort of moc (based of a book)! 'Bricks'
Davy Jones' Locker
That's awesome! These is really one of the best entries so far. I really love these piano keys... Oh and nice way how you made the 'Davy Jones'! So good luck in the contest. 'Bricks'
Norman style church for Medieval Marketplace
You've done a really good job, brickzone The church looks awesome. I really love these colourful windows... So all in all this work is just perfect and thanks for sharing! 'Bricks'
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
As I said before, I don't know what faces have the Senate Commandos, because my friend didn't opened the set till now... And I think the 'Mid-Scale: Millenium Falcon' haven't got a interior. Because there is no use for it... 'Bricks'
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Yes, the two sets are exklusives. And thought someone said (or was it me...) an official release date for Germany. I think it was August/September... 'Bricks'
Seeteufel's guests
You've done a really good job I really love the ''modern''/''imperial'' design of the upper cabin! The ''sinking-idea'' is great, too. So thanks for sharing! 'Bricks'
Castle sets 2008/2009
Well, I don't think that this youtube-user showed us in his video the upcooming sets... If you look at youtube you will find so many other videos with an akin content. So altough thanks for this little video and yes an upcooming ''re-make'' of the set '6090' would be very nice... 'Bricks'
Lego Star Wars Weekend 2009!
Here from 2005: 'Bricks'
New BrickArms Prototypes - Including a Minigun!
Thanks for sharing! I really love them.. . favourites are the first and the third one, they are awesome. I will buy these weapons soon! 'Bricks'
Port Gaverne!
That's really awesome, mate I like the stepped assembly of this creation with little stairs and nice pattern! The other beautiful things are the ''Medieval Market''-designed houses. Holy...the church is perfect 'Bricks'
Minifig necks
I think this explination is right! Possible...or the colour-production have already success so that they don't need this little test pressure. 'Bricks'
7198 Fighter Plane Attack - REVIEW in progress..
Agree. I was suprised, too. But I think such symbols are acceptable, if they would be swastikas...than such a set would be inacceptable. And these symbol isn't a relly racist symbol. Old kings from the Middle-Ages used them, too! By the way the ''Luftwaffe'' spelling is right 'Bricks'
Review: 2008 San Diego Comic Conn
Thanks for the review! I checked the ''Review-Index'' and saw that we haven't got one till now As a rare-item-collector I also have one of these 1200 beauties. And I must say they are awesome, especially the Comic. So thanks for sharing. 'Bricks'
What's under the "?"
Well the mystery black box rag and a mystery white ''?''... I think it will be a new street-house, similar to ''Green Grocer'' and ''Market Street'' and ''Café Corner''. So I hope TLC made a good jub and will give us something like a restaurant with garden... 'Bricks'
Aye, sea turtles!
Great work! A really nice creation. I love the fusion of SNOT and normal building technologies. But the best is the little sea turtle... 'Bricks'
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
He don't opened it, so I can't know about that. But I think TLC gave them the same faces as the Clone Troopers... 'Bricks'
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